I'm not losing any weight



  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    MissT02 wrote: »
    I wear a fit bit for my exercise, however it doesn't have the heart rate monitor, so I manually enter my exercise on MyFitnessPal. I do use a food scale to weigh my Foods, and when I enter in my foods on MyFitnessPal, I do make sure that they match what the label says. As far as if I eat my calories back, I think it would be safe to say that I have good days and bad days, but mostly good days, LOL.

    I found I had better results when I entered work outs directly into fitbit instead of MFP. The MFP estimates were much higher and I maintained eating them back. The fitbit burn estimates were about half as many calories and MFP was giving me for the same workouts. I have a flex with no heart rate either.
  • boppety
    boppety Posts: 19 Member
    I've been at it for nearly 3 years to lose 57 pounds. Other success stories at times make me feel like this is taking too long for the amount of weight though I know how many times I got of track throughout time is what sabotaged my progress. Despite it-I've done better and better through this journey. I couldnt imagine getting off track again I was on such a good roll. I was gaining muscle so I knew thats why my scale wasnt moving-I lost another inch-my clothes were fitting better-but I think due to fumbling a bit..not remembering why but I got tired of trying to lose fat while toning so I stopped my better efforts of alternating cardio/weight lifting to just walk. I stopped focusing on sticking to calories and started focusing on eating true portion sizes at each meal/snack and striving to get the certain amount of fruits/veg/protein/dairy etc in a day. I brought my brkfst/snacks/lunch to work. I finally lost 6lbs!!..I knew some was muscle but I was ecstatic. Got off track during the Holidays and other events that cramped my walking time. its been hell trying to get back to it. I remembered I always have done better if I get back to MFP and reading the stories are helping me feel tremendously re-inspired and ready to reach my goals. currently 174..i hope-Saturdays are my weigh days and I didn't have time this morning so hopefully I have either maintained or lost. I'd gotten down to 166-im so disappointed in myself! My stomach is pooching over my pants again etc...just 6 lbs feels like 20. I wonder sometimes if I'm ever going to reach my weight loss goals much less my dream of sculpting myself with muscle. I'll be 29 in March-have been big all of my 20's. I don't want this anymore. I'm happy I reached out to the community-all my previous usage of MFP has been strictly using the calorie counting. It's so easy to get off track, to beat yourself up, to feel like you arent making progress even when you truly are. keep at it everyone. I plan to have a post in the "success stories" thread soon. Stay strong!
  • jane1817
    jane1817 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2017
    boppety - It's much better to lose the weight slowly. If there's only one thing I've finally learned after 30 years of being overweight, it's that you need to make your "diet" a way of life. There's no quick fix, unfortunately. You say you weigh yourself once a week - may I suggest that you weigh yourself every day? Weight goes up and down and if you only weigh yourself once a week, and that day is an "up" day, it will become very discouraging. As Jason Fung ("The Obesity Code") said at the LCHF conference, one good bowel movement can be half a pound! When you weigh every day and enter your weight into MFP, you'll see the patterns and will be able to compare your average weekly weight from one week to the next - you'll likely see that you haven't put on as much weight that week as you thought. :)
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    MissT02 wrote: »
    Thanks that's very helpful!

    I was logging the same on mfp, my non step activity was manually being entered. I thought that's what it said to do when I synced my fit bit since it's a non heart rate monitoring one.

    So it sounds like the consensus is to track my activity level as sedentary?

    Just wanted to mention that I think the difference you are noticing between calculators is that MFP uses the NEAT system and doesn't count your exercise towards your general activity level. Others factor your exercise in. According to MFP, you are sedentary, with the understanding you can add back some calories for exercise. But if you aren't losing, obviously you may not want to do that.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    There are lots of good PCOS threads on here. Short version of what works for me:
    1. Set to 1.5 lbs/week.
    2. 150g carbs or fewer.
    3. 45 min of sweaty exercise, 6 days a week. If you can't do 45 minutes all at once, just catch your breath and start again when you're ready, until you’ve reached the time.

    Insulin is an issue, so lowish carb and heavy exercise are key. They also help with satiety, blood glucose levels, and earning enough extra calories to stay sane. It can also drive down testosterone levels, which helps reduce some of the less pleasant symptoms.

    I started at 248 and am now at 209.
  • Aja03c
    Aja03c Posts: 1 Member
    I am getting so frustrated. I am a "skinny pcos" but gained some weight after haviing my daughter. I am about 15lbs from goal weight. Started exercising, keeping to a much cleaner diet (lower carb), doing cardio and weight training 3 to 4 days/wk. It has been over 3 wks now and I have not lost one single, solitary pound. I know that I build muscle kind of fast, and seem to be to toning up a bit more, but I would like to fit in my normal clothes again and see at least SOME sign of weightloss. Any idea when things start leveling out with regards to muscle/fat ratio? I feel like I am just running in place and getting no where.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Aja03c wrote: »
    I am getting so frustrated. I am a "skinny pcos" but gained some weight after haviing my daughter. I am about 15lbs from goal weight. Started exercising, keeping to a much cleaner diet (lower carb), doing cardio and weight training 3 to 4 days/wk. It has been over 3 wks now and I have not lost one single, solitary pound. I know that I build muscle kind of fast, and seem to be to toning up a bit more, but I would like to fit in my normal clothes again and see at least SOME sign of weightloss. Any idea when things start leveling out with regards to muscle/fat ratio? I feel like I am just running in place and getting no where.

    Water retention when you start exercising is common. The time it takes to go away varies by person but a month is not unusual.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Aja03c wrote: »
    I am getting so frustrated. I am a "skinny pcos" but gained some weight after haviing my daughter. I am about 15lbs from goal weight. Started exercising, keeping to a much cleaner diet (lower carb), doing cardio and weight training 3 to 4 days/wk. It has been over 3 wks now and I have not lost one single, solitary pound. I know that I build muscle kind of fast, and seem to be to toning up a bit more, but I would like to fit in my normal clothes again and see at least SOME sign of weightloss. Any idea when things start leveling out with regards to muscle/fat ratio? I feel like I am just running in place and getting no where.

    Calories are king. Are you tracking them?
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Aja03c wrote: »
    I am getting so frustrated. I am a "skinny pcos" but gained some weight after haviing my daughter. I am about 15lbs from goal weight. Started exercising, keeping to a much cleaner diet (lower carb), doing cardio and weight training 3 to 4 days/wk. It has been over 3 wks now and I have not lost one single, solitary pound. I know that I build muscle kind of fast, and seem to be to toning up a bit more, but I would like to fit in my normal clothes again and see at least SOME sign of weightloss. Any idea when things start leveling out with regards to muscle/fat ratio? I feel like I am just running in place and getting no where.

    Since you are close to your goal weight, your 'wins' from this may be mostly in measurements. How are you doing in that area? I just started adding weekly measurements to my tracking