ndaney Member


  • Canadian mom of two from small town on BC's south coast.
  • Love to be your friend and I am also the mother of 2. My youngest is 5 so I should have lost the baby weight a long time ago. LOL!
  • Good luck Connie! You will do great. Sounds like your have an amazing support system!
  • I love this sight as well. Keeping track of what I was putting in my mouth was my big problem. I have two kids so I would always clean their plates off as well.....so bad. I have lost 15 pounds since starting on MFP and I don't feel like it has been hard at all. I grew up with a mom who was always on fad diets so I was…
  • I don't live near you....I am in Canada but if you need a friend please add me. I am a mother of two and know how those extra pounds can stay around forever. Believe in yourself and take things one day at time. You can do this.
  • I don't think it is wrong. It is a pretty natural feeling. I think things like that sometimes. But I also think about how good I will feel about myself and healthy I will feel. So DO this for you!!!! Add me if you want a friend to support you along the way!
  • I'm Canadian....you can add me!
  • Keep going and don't give up. My first two weeks on MFP I didn't make any progress at all. Now I am diligent about my portions. I measured everything at first so I could see what my portions were. And I record EVERYTHING.....even the Halloween candies my kids gave me. Make sure you are drinking your water! You will get…
  • I drink two cups of warm water first thing in the morning with lemon in it. I also do the same thing at night if I am craving something to eat.
    in Water Comment by ndaney November 2011
  • This is one my husband got out of a men's health mag and we have used this recipe forever! 1lb ground turkey 1 onion 2 cans of black beans 2 cans of low sodium stewed tomatoes 1 can of corn 1 package of chili seasoning Brown the turkey and onion together. Add to a big pot. Rinse the beans. Add. Add the rest of the…
    in Chili Comment by ndaney November 2011
  • I am trying to get away from salad dressing and have been making my own as well. My very favorite is made with White Balsamic vinigar. I take one cup of WBV and slow simmer it on the stove until it reduces and thickens. It turns a nice orange color. It loses that tart vinegar taste and is on the sweeter side. 1 tbsp of…
  • I love MFP! I started about a month ago and I am having success. It is a support system that is right at your finger tips whenever you need it. I love reading the message boards. There are lots of great tips!
    in Hello Comment by ndaney October 2011
  • I had a hard time setting mini goals for myself but have now started. I go week by week. My goal is 1 pound a week and if I am over that goal that is great. I have been been losing on average 2 pounds per week for the last month. I am trying not to look to far in the future as I know that has always been my downfall. Pick…
  • I stuff my peppers with brown rice, lentils, garlic, onion and cinnamon. Delicious and it is very filling with the rice and lentils!
  • I am a BIG time stress eater. I have now started throwing on my runners and heading out for a walk instead of opening the fridge. Just get out there and get some fresh air and let that sooth your mind instead of snacking!
    in SAD :...( Comment by ndaney October 2011
  • Hi there! I have exactly the same sort of body shape. I have lost and gained weight over the years with the birth of my two children. I think the happiest weight I was at that was easy to maintain was about 170lbs. Anything below that was hard to keep off. I have 30 lbs to go right now to get to that goal weight. Working…
  • Sounds delicious! I think this will make a nice afternoon treat for me.