

  • JmBrummett, If your considering a form of strength training try P90X. It's muscle confusion at it's best..You will lose body fat and get toned up..Your body will not have a chance to settle into muscle memory because of the mix up in strength training "HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT" If you want to know more about it I would be glad…
  • Keant, Congratulations on your brand new change in life. It's not a diet it's a life change and I am proud of you for making the decision. You can do this!!! I am currently at work running a biggest loser challenge and I have 20% of the employees getting involved, it's so inspiring watching people change!! YOU CAN DO THIS
  • Tinyrah. Yea friend me if you want and we can keep each other accountable3 Bill
  • Erin, That is a success Great Job!!!!! you deserve to Brag way to go!!!
  • You know what helped me was keeping track of my food consumption and exercising...Making myself accountable for everything I consumed, and tracked my workouts..You will see weight loss..Friend me if you want and I can help you stay motivated Bill
  • Hello Tamara, My name is Bill, I find I have to change my nutrition percentages when I start to plateau on my weight...For instance if I was consuming 50% Protein 30%Carbs and 20%Good Fats and my weight loss started to plateau then I would change my calorie percentages to 40% Protein 40% Carbs and 20% Good fats, and…
  • Have you checked Craigs list in your Area?
    in Wii Comment by BillNich January 2012
  • Congratulations on your weight loss. I personally think 122lbs is a great weight to be at even 116lbs..especially when your feeling great..Maybe you want to concentrate on goods fats like Avacadoes, Pecans, Walnuts, Cashews, Natural Peanut Butter..Also you could concentrate on Good Source of Carbs like Oatmeal, Fruit,…