Newbie with Severe RA

I am new to this site. It was recommended by a coworker. It really worked for her so I'm giving it a go. I have always been overweight but I am now morbidly obese. I have to find something that works. I hope that this is it. I was also recently diagnosed with diabetes, of course. I love bread, cheese, potatos, red meat and anything else that is bad for you. I'm not a big cooker. I live alone so cooking just isn't a priority so I make due with quick, fattening meals.
On the plus side I have 2 wonderful nephew that I have to get in shape for. They are 6 and 8. I want to be able to go outside and play baseball and basketball. I want to take them to Disney World and actually ride rides with them instead of having to rent a scooter because my knees hurt too much to walk. This is day 2 of my journey, my final one I hope.


  • laracummings
    Hi Keant,

    I love all those things too. I'm about to go home from work and had no snack today and boy do I miss it. But we can do it! I have two toddlers that need me and your nephews need you! They especially need you to take them to Disney!! :wink:

    Good luck to you! I'm rooting for you. ~lara
  • keant
    keant Posts: 4
    Thanks Lara. I appreciate the support. Believe me, I'm going to need it.
    Good for you skipping the snack. I didn't but I did log it on my diary. Still below my calories so I get to eat dinner.:happy:
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome!! U will love this website!! i have faith in u Keant, u can do this! We are all here to supoort and motivate each other thru ups and downs! This is a good place to be!
    feel free to add me :)
  • BillNich
    Congratulations on your brand new change in life. It's not a diet it's a life change and I am proud of you for making the decision. You can do this!!! I am currently at work running a biggest loser challenge and I have 20% of the employees getting involved, it's so inspiring watching people change!! YOU CAN DO THIS
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome and good luck! This site is fabulous and full of great support!
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  • yodapooper
    I'm on my second week and I really like this site. You can find friends who encourage you all the way and help when you need it.:bigsmile: I try to exercise each day but sometimes I can't but I still track everything that goes in my mouth. I have bad knees and a bad hip but I know that getting off my butt will and walking or riding my bike will help with the pain....You will do it this time!! Good luck in your journey.
  • keant
    keant Posts: 4
    Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement. I am starting this opptimistic. You are right, I can do this. Also thanks for the friend request, I can use all I can get. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!