How much can I afford to lose?

Firstly please don't judge me when I say I'm still losing weight at 5'8 and 122, I have a VERY tiny frame and I want to be healthy.Keep in mind that my goal is cutting out junk food (crisps, cake, candy that used to make up half my daily calories), so I'm not taking in so many processed toxins and stuff that have been making me ill, I'm NOT trying to lose weight. So now my question: is anyone or anyone's goal "underweight" even though they eat healthily, and how far is it okay before I should worry and start forcing myself to eat after I'm full in order to gain? By calculating how much I've lost since I replaced half the junk food I used to eat daily with healthy things, I think I'd probably end up around 116 if I cut all junk food entirely. Note that I'm also getting sick a lot less than I used to so my eating plan is working. I have asked my doctor but she wasn't really helpful "it doesn't matter what you weight you're young and athletic" isn't very specific. Would being 116 be really bad?
Also I'm new to the forums, friend me if you are trying to cut junk food as well :)


  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and 117 right now - my doctor was fairly pissed at me. She's worried and I understand why but I feel like I really do eat a LOT of food. It just happens to be so much healthier than I used to eat that it's very hard to get the calories in.

    It wasn't my goal to be "underweight" like I am now but I'm finding it hard to gain any back. I think only your doctor can really tell you how healthy you are at your current weight. Don't listen to any of us! We don't know you or your body and we (most of us, I assume) aren't doctors and so have no authority or specialized knowledge about how thin is too thin for you.
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    didn't think that was too low a weight until i saw you were 5 ft 8in. not judging, just seems low. not seeing what u look like, i really have no educated perspective.
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    I don't think the number is so important. It's how you feel.

    Personally, I will never set a goal to be "underweight," I look and feel my best at 160.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Firstly please don't judge me when I say I'm still losing weight at 5'8 and 122, I have a VERY tiny frame and I want to be healthy.Keep in mind that my goal is cutting out junk food (crisps, cake, candy that used to make up half my daily calories), so I'm not taking in so many processed toxins and stuff that have been making me ill, I'm NOT trying to lose weight. So now my question: is anyone or anyone's goal "underweight" even though they eat healthily, and how far is it okay before I should worry and start forcing myself to eat after I'm full in order to gain? By calculating how much I've lost since I replaced half the junk food I used to eat daily with healthy things, I think I'd probably end up around 116 if I cut all junk food entirely. Note that I'm also getting sick a lot less than I used to so my eating plan is working. I have asked my doctor but she wasn't really helpful "it doesn't matter what you weight you're young and athletic" isn't very specific. Would being 116 be really bad?
    Also I'm new to the forums, friend me if you are trying to cut junk food as well :)

    If you are not trying to lose, but to improve the quality of your diet, why do you have a weight loss goal? Using BMI, you are "underweight" now; going further into that territory can put you at risk for future ailments (osteoporosis comes to mind).
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Yeah I think my mom would actually be more mad at me than my doctor,but I feel so much better now than I did when I had a bmi of 21, even though it was technically a healthy weight I felt bloated and sick because I ate far too much junk food, often over 2000 calories worth, and I had trouble running and I was getting sick every couple weeks, I'm so much better now and I want to get entirely better and stop eating processed foods. Maybe I'm just naturally thin and it'd be fine? Thanks for all the responses so far, are there actually any medical doctors on here? Once again my goal isn't exactly 116, that's just kind of a visual symbol of cutting out all junk food.

    and I'm not underweight yet, am I? :/ bmi says I'm still healthy...
  • BillNich
    Congratulations on your weight loss. I personally think 122lbs is a great weight to be at even 116lbs..especially when your feeling great..Maybe you want to concentrate on goods fats like Avacadoes, Pecans, Walnuts, Cashews, Natural Peanut Butter..Also you could concentrate on Good Source of Carbs like Oatmeal, Fruit, Vegtables, Brown Rice add these to your daily consumption and maybe your weight will start to plateau..

  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    your energy level and mood are a few good indicators of the health of your body and weight. how are those?
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Well I have twice the energy I used to and I'm upset less often than I used to be.
    And I eat tons of avocados and fruit and oatmeal and rice, those are four of my top twenty favorite foods lol.
    Thanks for all the responses guys everyone on this site is so friendly :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Keep eating healthy and make sure you still incorporate healthy "bulky" foods: nuts, avocados, olive oil....

    I haven't seen you, but that sounds a little too small to me. Definitely check in with your doctor and make sure you don't have any of the symptoms of being underweight (missed periods, hair loss, lots of hair on your arms, cold chills....)

    You can definitely keep eating healthily and incorporate strength training to maintain your size and stay healthy.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Ohh, strength training is an idea! I am athletic in some ways but my arm strength is sort of a running joke...I have trouble picking up large plates of food with my left hand. xD
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    new challenge! lol
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Ohh, strength training is an idea! I am athletic in some ways but my arm strength is sort of a running joke...I have trouble picking up large plates of food with my left hand. xD

    Perfect! Extra strength will help you in daily life. :) You know when you only want to make one trip in from the grocery store and want to carry all 6 bags at once.