Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh how I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is probably the hardest thing to deal with for me but I use shredded cheese and keep the measuring cup in the bag. Makes it easier for me to portion control…
thank you very much!
I have this issue from time to time too. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. This problem is what has always derailed me in the past. I'm going to try the protein thing. Thank you!
Thank you!
I want to ride a bicycle but my balance isn't good at all. I have been trying to find a tricycle but they are expensive so trying to find a used one. My husband likes to bike so it would be something that we can do together.
Welcome to the group! I am also out of excuses and am working on improving my health.
I like this idea too. maybe wearing the same clothes every time.
I like this!
mine too!
I have read several places that its probably best to go by measurements and weigh in once a month. I'm going to try that myself. I think that will give me a more accurate picture of our results.
I found an interesting article that may be of help: It is a great relief to know that the skin can bounce back.
you are doing awesome! Are you following any particular plan?
Hello everyone! I too am from Texas and live not too far from you RaNae. I used to live right by TMS too. I have had a lot of ups and down over the past few years, unfortunately mostly ups in the weight department and downs in the emotional department. I had lost 60 lbs a few years ago and was basically ok with me like…
I can totally relate to all of the posts. I have to lose over 40 lbs or so for someone to notice it on me. However, I am learning to worry about what I think and not what others do. It takes time though. I have been struggling for the past few months just to maintain the weight I have and not go up anymore.
way to go!
I feel the exact same way.
It is hard to stay motivated all of the time but my sister is always encouraging to me. Also, I keep in mind how much I hate not being able to do the normal everyday things that others can do. I am working on keeping in mind that I would rather be able to walk into a clothes store and buy anything I want off the rack more…