

  • I have to have something sweet at the end of the evening so I went for 85% Coca Lindt dark chocolate - only 110cals for two squares and they are large and thin, it hits the spot - I have dinner at 6pm and I am in bed by 9pm as I get up early to exercise. I think you have to remember why you are doing this, I say to myself,…
  • OK - time to reset - start again, forget what you have done and don't beat yourself up - what did you do last time for it to work? - go back to the place you know that works - plan your meals in advance, don't have any junk around so you can't tempt yourself - what are you going to do next time you want junk food, what…
  • Depends on how far you are going, if you are going 8km or less then i would have a banana and then eat the rest of your breakfast when you get home, if you are going further than that, then eat more - ie if a long run in the weekend (1.5 to 2 hours) then eat a good breakfast and then have some protein after your run - keep…
  • Garmin watches are really good as well
  • I'm an E and I am training for a 1/2 marathon. I use a good sports bra (bendon) and then put a tight crop top over the top and they don't move at all. Keep up the good work. It is best to get a bra that crosses over at the back if you have larger boobs :wink:
  • Don't panic - just reset yourself for tomorrow and maybe put in an extra walk/run to make up for it, but if you starve yourself tomorrow you will fall off the wagon and we don't want that - keep up the good work
  • I enter in the Cal's burnt from my watch, but I try not to eat them, unless I am doing a really big day (ie 18km) then I eat some of them. I believe my watch as it know how far I have gone and how hard I have worked - keep up the good work
  • well done on what you have achieved, excellent work. I know it is a bummer when you have to change your goals and it is easy to fall off the wagon, I know I have done this before, but just say to yourself, have you come this far to chuck it all in? Don' you and your body deserve to continue on this fantastic journey? Find…
  • I'm never as hungry straight after a work out but more later in the day, just make sure you eat good foods and if you have one low day, I can't see that as too much of a problem, just don't make a habit out of it