I'm so bummed right now

Back in October I began a contest with a group of friends to loose weight. I have had some great success (lost 32 lbs & lots of inches) and have completed 13 weeks of Turbo Fire. I am so proud of my accomplishments and had planned to start C25K in a month and Chalene Extreme after I complete Turbo Fire.

On Friday I was lifting a heavy box at work and hurt something in my shoulder. I'm afraid that I may have torn my rotator cuff. :( I will be getting it checked out this week, but am in need of some real motivation right now. I still have 25 lbs I'd like to loose but am worried about my inability to do much of anything in the exercise area.

I will continue to track calories in and burned (my body media), but I'm just really stressed and bummed that I won't be able to continue loosing like I have been. Injury's stink & this was my worst fear!


  • gabbytup
    gabbytup Posts: 8 Member
    Make sure you have lots of protein to help those muscles repair! Maybe get some protein bars or shakes?
  • you can always walk around your neighborhood. this is a great way to exercise without putting any strain on your shoulder :)
  • by the way... CONGRATULATIONS on your progress! keep it up I'm sure you'll reach your goal :)
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I lost 75 lbs in a year and a half, and I didn't exercise at all...

    Ok a little but it wasn't for losing weight, it was for getting healthier, and it wasn't usually more then a couple hundred calories 3 or 4 times a week, and then I messed up my knee and kinda stopped doing that (it was a stupid weight lifting error, my knee was telling me to stop, but I wanted to keep going, and paid for it).

    Walking is your friend, you can always walk, or if you like run (Standard Disclaimer: never start a exercise regiment without consulting a doctor first). I walk for health, or am trying to stat to do it more daily. If you exercise or don't eat 500 calories less then what you burn at your resting rate you still lose a pound a week. So it really doesn't matter if you exercise, but it does make it easier to have fuller meals.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    All you can do if focus on what you can do. Focus on cleaning up your diet and probably walking would be ok. You could just focus on lower body stuff - squats, lunges, etc. You can still be successful. It just won't be what you planned or what you've been used to doing. I'm dealing with that right now. I'm limited to walking but I sure am walking my butt off. :wink:
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    There are tonnes of ecercises you can still do with a bum shoulder. Don't panic until you see someone and confirm your fears! Could just be a strain!
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Rest the shoulder, and walk walk walk!!!! You can get your exercise in. I am a kidney patient. I get side tracked by medical stuff all the time. Every day is a new day. As long as you are doing everything right, the pounds will continue to come off. You have done so well!!!!
  • Run...fast walk...walk....RUN! Stair climber, elliptical. Keep the cardio going... be careful with your shoulder of course.

    Just do something. Counting calories is part of the equation!

    Hope it isn't torn!
  • I'm 11 months out from a nasty arm fracture - radius + ulna + displaced hand. While I spent three weeks mostly sitting in a recliner popping pain pills and doing nothing (and in a bulky cast past my elbow that I not-so-affectionately nicknamed "the club"), as soon as my doctor switched me to a smaller, lighter cast, I began exercising. I did one-armed zumba and walked, and worked my way up to more intense workouts. Now I'm on week 5 of Chalene Extreme, doing pushups, lifting weights, etc.

    Give yourself time to heal, do what you can, and build up as you're able. And - be grateful for good health that allows you to exercise. Your injury is a bump in the road - but you'll get past it.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    you could see a doctor about it, but doing some light compound exercises on your upper body like rows, lat pulldowns, chest press etc (light weight, higher reps, not going to complete failure) should be fine then focus on heavier lower body. walking is good. a litte bit of jogging should be okay but not excessive.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    HONOR YOUR BODY!!! You may have to exercise less and eat more (switch to maintenance) when you are healing. I know that it's frustrating to think you have to slow down when you are so close to your goal.... but it won't take you long to heal if you do it right. Don't focus on being in "loss mode" just pay attention to getting better! Lots of walks and clean food will get you through it.

    Hang in there and don't forget that you will get through this!! Just be present in the process and you'll do great!!
  • well done on what you have achieved, excellent work. I know it is a bummer when you have to change your goals and it is easy to fall off the wagon, I know I have done this before, but just say to yourself, have you come this far to chuck it all in? Don' you and your body deserve to continue on this fantastic journey? Find a new routine, I have a bung shoulder (cuff is stuffed) so I do more running, walking and yoga. I could have an op but as I do not compete at a high level, I just changed what I did; I gave up kayaking and now to other things. I joined a running group (Christchurch NZ) and the people there are inspirational.
    Keep up the great work and think, this is a great opportunity to change things up a bit. Well Done
  • mrspinky85
    mrspinky85 Posts: 79 Member
    I am sorry to hear your bad news. For me , I have a busy schedule and I just have many aches and pains. I put on so much weight after getting out of the military that I start and then keep stopping, Maybe you can add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other. It seems at times things come in our way to keep us from loosing weight when we have to push past our limits. I know I need help and I am here for all those who try because I know all too well how hard it is. Good luck and hopefully we all reach our goals.
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    That sucks! However I agree with everyone else about walking walking walking. I lost 75 lbs after I had Marissa just from walking on my treadmill. You can start toning once you get an ok from the doctor. Keep plugging away you've come too far to let something like this get you down.
  • kisercrew6
    kisercrew6 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone! i just need to suck it up after my little pity party. I have just fallen in love turbo fire & already miss it. Walking is just so boring to me. I'll do it cause Im not about to give up. any exercise suggestions or positive recovery stories are greatly appreciated
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Thanks everyone! i just need to suck it up after my little pity party. I have just fallen in love turbo fire & already miss it. Walking is just so boring to me. I'll do it cause Im not about to give up. any exercise suggestions or positive recovery stories are greatly appreciated

    You are entitled. I would love to be doing my precious Brazil Butt Lift (see my profile pic) but I can't right now. I agree that walking is boring but a month ago I couldn't even do that so I'll take it! If your injury isn't bothered by it you could do plyos and get amazing results. They're tough and great for HIIT.