I can't do it



  • kmpublishing2
    kmpublishing2 Posts: 55 Member
    After looking at your food diary I will say two things-- I notice that some days you do really well, and they tend to be followed by a day with a binge. I'd suggest that you aren't eating enough to begin with, and that is why you end up binging-- you're hungry!

    Also, I realize that it may not be in the budget (although you'll find you save a LOT more money than you thought not buying all that junk food!), but you should really try to get together with a nutritionist. I think learning about your body, the foods you are eating, and what your body needs from the foods you give it may help you to make better decisions on not only how much you eat, but WHAT you eat. Perhaps if the nutritionist can make you an eating plan, it will be easier to stick to than to try to create your own.

    We're all here to help-- and just because we may have knowledge of diet and fitness now, doesn't mean we always did! We are all still learning through this process. As my mom likes to tell me: "Just because I know what I'm talking about doesn't mean I'm smarter than you...it means I've screwed up more times already!"
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I used to stress over eating, eating too much, etc. I realized I had an issue when I was worried about eating a Healthy Choice frozen meal because it was over 200 calories, and I'd already ate 400 calories that day. What?! Seesh. I was driving myself to crazy town, one way ticket.

    Don't stress over your bad days, it makes you more anxious, and then possibly more likely to binge eat more because you are feeling bad about it. Guilt over eating poorly, fears that you'll gain wait can equal binge eating. Let the guilt and anxiety go. Eat healthy, good portions with plenty of vegetables and protein so that you're eating well, not starving yourself, and but still not necessarily overdoing it. If you have an off meal every now and again, so what? Don't beat yourself up over it, just keep on keeping on. No one is perfect 100% of the time, don't get on to yourself because you're not.
    The suggestion about writing everything down and ripping it up is good (I find ripping to be therapuetic :D ), or finding some outlet, boxing, a boot camp, going to the gun range (if that floats your boat) other than eating poorly for your anxiety.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Rule #1: do not give up.

    Success is falling on your face 1000 times, getting up 1001 times.

    I'm struggling too. Results have been slow: 18-22 pounds lost in 4 years of trying/failing/trying again. 8-12 of those pounds have been lost since last September, so the process going a little better.

    We CAN do this but it will take as long as it takes. Do your best to change those bad habits.
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    I'd be visiting the doctor and along about therapy to get to the root cause and deal with it
    Slim fast would probably make you feel more deprived and disheartened! Set yourself some reasonable numbers, even if that's maintenance and slowly easeback in few hundred calories lower per week maybe?


    This is your best bet!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Hi - sounds like it's triggered by work anxiety - what do you think? you've done it once - of course you can do it again.

    AGREED !!!
  • misspersimmon
    I would predict it is because you have been dieting, which for many becomes obsessive, limiting, and can feel like a constant state of deprivation. Thinking that we can't have certain foods or that we won't have access to food when we are truly hungry can easily trigger binge eating.
  • leiann2003
    leiann2003 Posts: 16 Member
    If you believe it, you can achieve it!
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    For starters, try planning ahead. Set out exactly what you will eat each day. It helps you stay on track, and also gives you something to concentrate on (I find that having something to focus on lessens the stress). The anxiety eating is part of a spiral, and if you can get it under control, you'll be amazed how much of that control washes back into the rest of day to day life :)

    ^^^ This.

    I had a similar problem. I started PLANNING my meals. I would seriously take a weekend- day to plan the next weeks meals - ALL of them. I would portion everything out and put it in labeled containers for the week. Anything that I didn't think would last all week would be portioned out and put in the freezer - labeled. The fresh fruits and veggies I prepped the night before, but they were already in my fridge waiting for me.

    I also started a journal. Wrote EVERYTHING down - even if it seemed silly. It got it out of my mind and I could analyze it later. If I couldn't sleep, I wrote down whatever I was thinking about that was keeping me up.

    If job stress is the only culprit, I'd think on my job. I know new jobs aren't around every corner, but it isn't good for your health if you can't get a handle on all the stress and anxiety...
  • angelnectar69
    I agree, we've all been there!! I lost 40lbs last year, hurt my knee and just reverted to old ways...I gained almost of it back and am now fighting again. I understand the sugar thing to. I crave sugar like an addiction. I used to smoke years ago and compair it to that type of craving. You came back and that was the most important step! MFP has the most awesome people! :happy:
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    One day at a time friend.
    You can walk an extra ten minutes today.
    You can eat a salad.
    You can record your food in a diary.

    One step, you can do it.
  • libster1
    libster1 Posts: 10
    OK - time to reset - start again, forget what you have done and don't beat yourself up - what did you do last time for it to work? - go back to the place you know that works - plan your meals in advance, don't have any junk around so you can't tempt yourself - what are you going to do next time you want junk food, what system are you going to put in place so you don't do it - have a diet buddie, for example, text your friend for support but walk away from the junk - you know how hard it has been to lose weight, do you really want to start that all again? - Good luck - you can do it, just believe in yourself
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    Yes you can do it! I can relate with you. I joined WW a few years ago and lost almost 40 pounds. My mother was diagnosed with cancer in July 2011 and she died three weeks later. We had no time to process her illness or what was happening because it was happening at such a fast pace.

    After she died I simply gave up and grief was killing me. Well long story short, I gained at least 30 pounds back. After realizing that I was heading for a sure crash and burn I sought help. I joined a gym. Let me tell you, the THRILL I get from seeing myself lifting weights!!! OMG!! No I'm not power lifting or anything like that, it's the simple fact that I decided to stop the runaway train and my course of life has changed FOR THE BETTER! I've been at this for 4 weeks now, can i see great physical results? No, not quite yet but do I feel better mentally? LORD GOD IN HEAVEN YES!!! YEEEEEEESSSS!!!

    I'm looking down the road, I see myself looking better, I see myself smiling and laughing. This is NOT the end for me. As much as I felt it was I had to ask, Is this all I get? I wanted better. Now I LOOK FORWARD to packing my gym bag because I know I'm getting ready to do something good for ME! Ok I'm starting to work myself up into some tears (of JOY) so I'm going to stop and say, I hope you are encouraged. As long as you wake up to another day, you have ANOTHER CHANCE! Take it! Take it and RUN!

    I love this post!!! I feel your excitement! You make me want to hit the gym :)
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
    Yes you can do it! I can relate with you. I joined WW a few years ago and lost almost 40 pounds. My mother was diagnosed with cancer in July 2011 and she died three weeks later. We had no time to process her illness or what was happening because it was happening at such a fast pace.

    After she died I simply gave up and grief was killing me. Well long story short, I gained at least 30 pounds back. After realizing that I was heading for a sure crash and burn I sought help. I joined a gym. Let me tell you, the THRILL I get from seeing myself lifting weights!!! OMG!! No I'm not power lifting or anything like that, it's the simple fact that I decided to stop the runaway train and my course of life has changed FOR THE BETTER! I've been at this for 4 weeks now, can i see great physical results? No, not quite yet but do I feel better mentally? LORD GOD IN HEAVEN YES!!! YEEEEEEESSSS!!!

    I'm looking down the road, I see myself looking better, I see myself smiling and laughing. This is NOT the end for me. As much as I felt it was I had to ask, Is this all I get? I wanted better. Now I LOOK FORWARD to packing my gym bag because I know I'm getting ready to do something good for ME! Ok I'm starting to work myself up into some tears (of JOY) so I'm going to stop and say, I hope you are encouraged. As long as you wake up to another day, you have ANOTHER CHANCE! Take it! Take it and RUN!

    I love this post!!! I feel your excitement! You make me want to hit the gym :)

    I'm grateful for another chance!! :happy: