Samantha1941 Member


  • Jbjessie-9 (I'm jealous of your rack) lol sorry don't mean to sound vulgar. Omg, please be kind to me people! :o
  • 10 minutes on the stairstepper burns about 100 calories :) plus is great for your legs!!
  • Ok thanks for the suggestions guys. (I am a vegetarian)
  • I have tried doing the protein drinks/shakes but they taste so gross. I hope I can find a good one, I have tried Gensoy and Vegn which is a brand they sell at whole foods.
  • Chelso, uh oh...I think I would probly agree with you. I'm a pretty picky eater :(
  • You can definitely add me. I can help support and motivate you, and would love to be able to swap out work out ideas and meal ideas, and we can both hold eachother accountable that way we succeed together!!
  • do you buy those or bake those? I have never had kale, are they good? :o
  • Everything, cals, carbs, fiber, protein, sugar, sodium, etc. I am pretty much always over on sugar because of my sweet tooth and love of meal bars which tend to have a lot of sugar in them, I go over on carbs every so often too. I get my fill of fiber and protein fine (from apples and peanut butter, almonds, Boca chikn…
  • I haven't read it but I have definitely heard about it. I wouldn't be suprised about the arsenic thing though since I have heard that tests carried out on apple juice have proved that arsenic has been present in apple juice, I don't recall how much though of course the amount was small but still. I am a vegetarian but I…
  • I just downloaded the app on my phone earlier today. I am starting tomorrow :) I want to be a runner so bad!
  • Very cool, I love the UK. Will definitely visit there one day. Austin, Texas (aka The Live Music Capital of The World) It's a very cool/neat place to be.
  • Feel free to message me or add me if you have questions! Went veg*n 5 years ago :) wish you well!!
  • If there is a Whole Foods near you, go there. Its Heaven!! They have tons of vegan stuff. I definitely need my sweet things every now and then and they have vegan cookies, donuts, pizza, icecream, and Mac and cheese!! Its so good!!! Plus they are a bit more healthy then the normal non vegan kinds.
  • An ounce of almonds or a cliff or mojo bar or veggies or pita/pita chips with hummus or salsa. Sometimes when I am still hungry but am too close to my calories I drink coffee with a bit of almond milk, it keeps me busy and helps me feel full.
  • I'm looking for good on the go snack ideas to. For my snacks I like an ounce of almonds, a mojo bar or cucumbers and bellpeppers with hummus or an apple with peanut butter.
  • I have issues with snacking as well. I like to sip on something over time to help curb my snacking such as coffee or hot chocolate soymilk or diet coke every now and then. The best thing for me is to just go shopping or do.something that involves me leaving my house and that takes my mind off snacking. But sometimes you…
  • Hey guys thanks for all the ideas. I don't eat morningstar since they have eggs in them. But light life makes yummy veggie bacon soI'll try their sausage. I don't like oatmeal but I am definitely going to give the monster smoothie a try and I never have waffles, so I am going to pick some up. Lipglossjunkie-I eat the…
  • I have to sleep with my hair or blanket over my ear because I am afraid a bug will crawl in it.....I'm so weird. I also am terrified that I am going to one day fall down the stairs and that will be the end of me. I have already fallen going up the stairs (concrete stairs) hurt so bad! I am also crazy scared of cops,even…
  • Personally it actually helped me lose weight because I went from eating meat, candy, and fast foods, etc and once I became a vegetarian I started becoming more aware of nutrition in my food and started eating veggies which I never ate before but it is a 2 way street. You can eat meat and be very healthy or unhealthy and…
  • I just go back to eating my normal calories and make sure I work out the next day. Congrats on your College acceptance!!! How exciting!
  • Oh, I've done this more times than I can count. Afterwards I feel incredibly guilty and then eventually sometimes its the next day, sometimes its a week later, but slowly but surely I get back in track. What helps me is just having a drink to slowly sip on, to satisfy me such as hot chocolate soymilk, coffee, or even a…
  • Feel free to add me, we can be a source of support and motivation for eachother.
  • I'm always up for recieving a little motivation and giving some support as well! Feel free to add me.
  • Veggie sandwich. I like mine on a pita sandwich or flat pita with romaine lettuce, red and green bellpeppers, cucumbers, and hummus. Yum! If you have access to a microwave you can have.some vegetarian chili with a salad. I also love Amy's baked ziti, its so good.
  • French fries!!! <3 I am not lying when I say I could live off fries. I used to pretty much do just that. I love potatoes. I used to eat up to 3 large fries in one sitting, and the fast food restaurant had huge portion sizes, they were like 700 calories a piece. I had a binge a week or 2 ago and had one, I will allow it…
  • Oh gosh yes thats so annoying. I used to have skinny, skinny friends who would complain that they are fat or a picture they took was bad, when it was so untrue. Thats them wanting you to say "Oh my gosh no! You are so skinny!" Or "No way! You are so pretty in that picture!" It justs gives them a boost to their already huge…
  • Yoga with Denise Austin dvd is very good. You can get it online and at Target and Wal-Mart.
  • Personally what I think would be best is eat meals and snacks that you prepare and eat out once in a while as a treat and plan ahead of time and be aware of how many calories is in what you want to have that way you can eat sensibly. With me, when I go out to eat and try and get something healthy and low cal its hard…
  • Hmm, what do you eat now? And what types of things do you not like?
  • I get like that every once and a while. I binged like 8 days out of the past 2 weeks which I hadn't really binged in a long time until lately- from stress, anxiety, and things like that. Personally what I had to do is just let it happen and let myself get to the point where I am so sick of feeling badly and making bad…