

  • But most of our BMRs are around the 1100-1400 mark, so calculate that first. I use my BMR as my lower limit because that provides me with the cals my body needs to just sleep, so logic would say that if I'm up and about burning more than I would be sleeping, but only consuming my BMR cals, then I'm at a deficit that's…
  • Log a few days of what you eat normally, without thinking about cutting back and then you'll be able to see patterns - like if you're snacking loads on pointless stuff or racking up hundreds of calories on coffee, then you can cut them out without even touching your meals. If that's not enough, then look at what you're…
  • I think it must have been a blip telling you that you could lose 20kg by 19th Oct - short of cutting off a leg. I started out at around your starting weight and my goal is 65kg. I think it took me about 9 months to achieve it - not gunning it, but just learning good habits so that once the weight was off, it stayed off…
  • Thanks - it's much appreciated! :-D The weight loss has definitely calmed down, but 10 days in, I've lost 2kg, which is the best part of 4lb, so still great as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I was simply retaining water... either way, feeling good! My goal is only to lose another 1.5kg, so if that happens over the next month,…
  • Bit harsh, imo. Nothing's ever that black and white. So the fact that I don't happen to ignore my children to slavishly adhere to a 30 minute block of "me time" each day (during the day) means that I must be a shadow of my former self, surrounded by spoilt children? Gosh. [cough] Right. Sorry, I've got stuff to do.
  • I always eat for pleasure, but that isn't the same as eating excessively (although that happens too, why i'm here!). Life's too short not to. Food is there to enjoy (in moderation) because that is also a heathy and sustainable diet..
  • Think of it as a different kind of exercise - lift them, dance with them, run around with them, push them on the swings, climb with them... Even get a bike with a toddler seat or trailer and pull them along! You can also jog while pushing the buggy (larger-wheeled ones are better). I've got 2 with 21 months between them.…
  • I'm 5'6 and got down to 136lbs after I was very ill - I hated how gaunt my body looked and my friends said I looked terrible (in the nicest possible way!) - I'd lost all my gentle curves and my hands and face looked bony. I know there's not much in it, but my happy weight (or rather the weight that corresponds to me…
  • My brother did this for a while and got great results, but he was already quite fit and worked out 3 times a week plus cycled miles to work and back every day. I think he would do 2 days eating (absolutely whatever he wanted) and 1 day off where he would only drink water. We had talked about what happens forever more, for…
  • We'll see if it keeps on going/stays off! Don't feel (or look) like a shrivelled old prune yet, so fingers crossed!
  • It's possible - if the disorder is already there then you'll be able to find answers that fit in with it on the forum. I think you have to be quite a strong character to block out all the posts where people are saying it's so great to be eating less than 1200 cals/day. It's not a magic number to strive to be under - it's…
  • Losing the weight isnt about counting cals though - you've surely come to learn what is high cal and what isnt, so just make the right choices... Have the cake but have a salad too. It's about teaching yourself balance whilst still enjoying life. You'll be fine. Wedding cake is a meal in itself!
  • Ok.. Just the way i did it, but it worked. Do a week of warts-and-all logging, so eat as you do normally and log absolutely everything. This will show you exactly what your current habits are and hopefully some things will jump out at you straight away. For me, it was there on the screen that i was drinking 200 calories in…
  • Also, you have a baby... who will be starting to crawl/walk/run around and will already certainly be leading you towards more of an active lifestyle that you used to, so basically, don't starve yourself. You really do need the energy as a parent to help keep you happy, patient and alert 24/7... well, I certainly found so!
  • I lost my weight on 1350-1450/ day (my BMR is about 1330) . I find it really difficult to only eat 1200 - in fact nearly impossible because hunger drives me to distraction - and that range still gave me a 500 deficit which was true to form and aside from a rather long plateau ( overcome by upping the caloris to the…
  • In short... Yes... but over a longer period. A diet isn't just about losing the weight, but also retraining your body and your mind to eat more healthily. Eating 500 a day is just as unhealthy as eating 6000 and sooner or later, your body will rebel either by refusing to work properly or doing what you don't want it to.…
  • I guess I'm lucky in that I find it easy not to snack madly. Snacks are health and necessary to keep your energy levels up, but as always, it's just what you choose. I'm more of a savoury person that one to go for sweets or biscuits, but do love a pork pie! If my body tells me it wants to eat, I don't try and cheat it and…
  • As a rule of thumb, if you're exclusively breastfeeding and your baby is under 6 months old, count an extra 500 calories per day on to your allowed. If you're not exclusively breastfeeding and/or your baby is older than 6 months, then count an extra 300 calories. That means you should be eating at least 1600-1800 a day.…
  • If you know you're going for one, the have lighter meals / snacks and ENJOY yourself. Life's too short not to. Make good choices and stop when you feel that you just about have room for one more trip (becaUse you don't). Assuming it's a nice buffet and not a deep-fried carb-fest (in which case there'll be a problem!) then…
  • It's called "getting older"... at some point in your 20s you'll also find that you get hangovers like you never used to and can't sleep so long in the morning. A slippery slope, I'm afraid!
  • Yes, absolutely, but MFP already deducts that deficit from whatever it calculates your maintenance calorie goal to be... so my maintenance level is say 1900, but because I want to lose 1lb a week, MFP tells me my daily goal is 1400, which, if I stick to it, will give me my 500calorie deficit without even exercising. Any…
  • as far as I understand it, you should be eating the majority of your exercise calories... hence why MFP adds them to your daily calorie goal. 1200 seems to be the golden Never Go Under number for various reasons that people debate over (starvation mode, etc...) Anyhow, what on earth are you (not) eating to only get to…
  • ... and don't drink tea or milk in the run-up, during or just after your meal as they both apparently inhibit iron absorption.
  • huh? I think the OP is coming at it from a great angle - at the end of the day it's not actually about losing weight, but about being healthier and feeling better... which she's achieving really well. If I were her, I would only weigh myself the day before the wedding, knowing that you have the body you're happy with…
  • Set yourself at 125 mentally and then be happy when you've reached 135! The mental buffer really helps - I work in kg, but my MFP goal is/was to get to 65kg, but I knew that I would be happy with anything under 70kg. I'm now at 67/68kg, so the pressure's off and anything more is a bonus! Oh, and I'm 5'7" too. :-D
  • exercise needn't be a chore at the gym either - go for a walk after dinner, dance around your living room or... rush around all day long after a pair of toddlers (you could borrow mine!)
  • I think this is actually the big telling point that says that you've crossed over to obsession. You're no longer talking about being healthy, you're talking about the hope of changing who you are through weight loss, about gaining control. You're also expressing the fact you feel that "who you are on the inside" is somehow…
  • I couldn't imagine eating less that 1200 cals a day... it doesn't seem physically possible... let alone "not being hungry" at under 1200... I mean, what on earth are you eating, polystyrene?! I come in under my cals possibly 30-40% of the time (goal is 1400) and if I've over it's by 50-250... if I'm under, it's by less…
  • I go on that body fat %... and how my tummy looks when I suck it in! lol Honestly though, I've lost 9kg and have only just dropped a dress size. Don't worry - it's about how you feel inside. hang on in there and you'll feel (and see) results!
  • you should be having 500 extra cals if you're exclusively breastfeeding and 300 if your milk is being supplemented (with solids). The recommendation is therefore to not go under 1800 if your Lo is under 6 months old (assuming you're exclusively bf) or 1600 if you're supplementing... and that isn't your "goal" calories,…