

  • must have some mighty strong bones! : )
  • Logging what I eat before I eat it is the ONLY thing that stops me from eating non-stop! Welcome!
  • I always eat my full calories. That way I don't feel deprived and I have the energy I need to keep moving!
  • I hear you! I always do better with a goal and a deadline. Right now, I'm planning to move August first and so I figure being 50 pounds lighter will make it WAY a goal is born! I would say pick something that you know is going to happen in the next few months and set a reasonable loss goal....then go for it!…
    in :( Comment by tn_hammock October 2011
  • I have the app on my is great because I can log food as I eat it. Best tool I've found in my battle of the bulge! : )
    in Hello Comment by tn_hammock October 2011
  • I think it is the percent of the recommended amount of calcium..... for example, if 1000 mil is the recommended amount of calcium per day and you take in 500 mil, your report should show you at in 50%. That's what I get from it anyway!
  • Hello! I'm new to the site as well. There are some great tools here. Feel free to send me a friend sounds like you would a great motivator! : ) Good luck!
  • I do best when I track everything I eat every day. That being said...nothing is really out of bounds. I just work at finding a happy medium. If I'm desperate for a payday bar...then I get myself a fun size or two instead of a full sized bar or two.....that sort of thing. Sometimes there is something I really really want.…
  • Not every day....but most days! I also record it everytime....but then again I'm a COMPLETE chart geek....line charts....pie charts....if it is trackable, I'll put in in a chart! Ha! I also have a digital scale that tells me even if I only lost 0.2 lbs....any progress at all makes my day!
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