


  • tn_hammock
    I hear you! I always do better with a goal and a deadline.

    Right now, I'm planning to move August first and so I figure being 50 pounds lighter will make it WAY easier....so a goal is born!

    I would say pick something that you know is going to happen in the next few months and set a reasonable loss goal....then go for it! Good luck!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member

    how bad do you want this? it has to be internal but really how bad do you want to change your life?

    Love it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I just glanced at your profile. You are simply having a bad day. You have all the reasons down of why you want to lose weight and having lost 27 pounds is amazing. Please don't let some low life (incest qualifies for low life in my opinion) RUIN this for you. Be your own dog- hold your head high and keep on trucking on you weight loss journey. Be kind to yourself and your child. The two of you deserve better. Put all of his belongings in a box, take it outside, beat the crap out of it with a ball bat and then bury it and say good by forever!!!!! Don't want to bury it - burn it. Well maybe I am a little extreme but you get the point.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    I say set a goal like a 5k or half marathon... pay for it and then you will have something to look forward to. Or a cute little dress, bet someone money...

    I too have an issue with just doing it for myself, I know that doing it for me is for the best... but guess what I am not going to leave myself if I dont lose weight. Right now my goal is to go to Colombia in April of next year and get a tummy tuck, so I have to lose the weight in order to get the surgery!

    I have you find that special thing that sparks your interest again!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Yeah I have good reasons but these last 2 weeks or so I really fell off the wagon. I started back to exercising yesterday but I just don't have the passion for it anymore you know? I'm trying to find something to reignite that spark but man is it difficult right now

    I just glanced at your profile. You are simply having a bad day. You have all the reasons down of why you want to lose weight and having lost 27 pounds is amazing. Please don't let some low life (incest qualifies for low life in my opinion) RUIN this for you. Be your own dog- hold your head high and keep on trucking on you weight loss journey. Be kind to yourself and your child. The two of you deserve better. Put all of his belongings in a box, take it outside, beat the crap out of it with a ball bat and then bury it and say good by forever!!!!! Don't want to bury it - burn it. Well maybe I am a little extreme but you get the point.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    YES!!!! I have a birthday coming up and need to redo my license but it's like I can't get my head out of my rear enough to get motivated and ecstatic about it again. Before I was the one driving everyone and now I'm kind of like a lost puppy
    I hear you! I always do better with a goal and a deadline.

    Right now, I'm planning to move August first and so I figure being 50 pounds lighter will make it WAY easier....so a goal is born!

    I would say pick something that you know is going to happen in the next few months and set a reasonable loss goal....then go for it! Good luck!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    http://nerdfitness.com/blog/ i read this guys website, and i wanted to take on the world!!

  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    Sounds like you are busy. I found a website that helps me because I don't have much time between two jobs and a family. Its called BodyRock.tv and there are 12-30 minute intense workouts posted weekly. Its a very motivating website. The creators encourage working out at home only using your body weight. I have been trying to do 3-4 workouts a week, but I have to schedule them in, and I still try to get some cardio to balance my sometimes out of control eating habits. However, even though I've only lost a few pounds, I've lost inches and I AM STRONGER...and that just feels great no matter what I'm doing. Check it out. I think it might be for you.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I sure am busy! I often say if it isn't in my book it doesn't exist! I will check it out. I have checked out everything people have sent me thusfar
    Sounds like you are busy. I found a website that helps me because I don't have much time between two jobs and a family. Its called BodyRock.tv and there are 12-30 minute intense workouts posted weekly. Its a very motivating website. The creators encourage working out at home only using your body weight. I have been trying to do 3-4 workouts a week, but I have to schedule them in, and I still try to get some cardio to balance my sometimes out of control eating habits. However, even though I've only lost a few pounds, I've lost inches and I AM STRONGER...and that just feels great no matter what I'm doing. Check it out. I think it might be for you.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Answer these questions: Why do you want this weight off? Who are you doing this for? What will happen if you quit? Then tell yourself to suck it up and get off your butt and do something, ANYTHING that gets your heart pumping. I always feel in a better mood when the sweat is starting to bead on my forehead and I can feel air rushing in and out of my lungs. You need to lift weights or ride a bike or run or something. Beat the ^&*( out of the pavement if your a runner or squash the guys face in with every downward rotation on the bike. Just get the frustration out in your work out. It really does work and you'll be happier. I can always tell when my wife and I have had a fight because my legs and arms are so sore from going to the gym. Not only that when you've finally lost the weight and the guy sees you and his jaw drops, you can tell him to go back to the slob of a niece.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    LOL I'm already back down to where I was when we started dating. I told him before that I hope it is worth it because he lost his cake for the crumbs :)
    Answer these questions: Why do you want this weight off? Who are you doing this for? What will happen if you quit? Then tell yourself to suck it up and get off your butt and do something, ANYTHING that gets your heart pumping. I always feel in a better mood when the sweat is starting to bead on my forehead and I can feel air rushing in and out of my lungs. You need to lift weights or ride a bike or run or something. Beat the ^&*( out of the pavement if your a runner or squash the guys face in with every downward rotation on the bike. Just get the frustration out in your work out. It really does work and you'll be happier. I can always tell when my wife and I have had a fight because my legs and arms are so sore from going to the gym. Not only that when you've finally lost the weight and the guy sees you and his jaw drops, you can tell him to go back to the slob of a niece.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    im sorry yr going thr this now but guess what, thats life hun, im sorry you hurt, have a good cry, thank god he is gone bec if he can touch his niece you dont need him around your daughter consider it a blessing you even found out.

    when you done crying refocus your energy on your child, do it for her, children have a way of picking up negative energy and you dont want to pass that on to her.

    then get back in the game, one day at a time one step at a time and you will begin to get your mojo back and please take the time look at the video brittg7 mentioned it is uplifting and true.

    thank you brittg7......this was awsome if this does not get you back in he game i dont know what will.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I did watch it I've actually heard that guy speak before. He is a really great speaker. Oh believe me I had a lot to say about that when I found out and he would've been dead. He's 28 and she's 18 but it's still nasty! I did cry at first now I'm kind of in the numb stage. Plus I'm sick so I can't push as hard as I was. ( Asthma time of year) It's not like anything really changes for me if I don't lose the weight but I'm sure that anything would change if I did!
    im sorry yr going thr this now but guess what, thats life hun, im sorry you hurt, have a good cry, thank god he is gone bec if he can touch his niece you dont need him around your daughter consider it a blessing you even found out.

    when you done crying refocus your energy on your child, do it for her, children have a way of picking up negative energy and you dont want to pass that on to her.

    then get back in the game, one day at a time one step at a time and you will begin to get your mojo back and please take the time look at the video brittg7 mentioned it is uplifting and true.

    thank you brittg7......this was awsome if this does not get you back in he game i dont know what will.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member

    ^^^I love that!
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    It might help to break everything down to mini-goals, taking it day by day, week by week, month by month. So, for example, you can set a goal to carefully track all your food and exercise for one week. Or to do a new workout video every day for a week, or something like that. Changing it up from week to week can keep it interesting, so you don't get bored, and it won't feel so overwhelming.

    Another strategy is to write down all the reasons you have for wanting to lose weight and get healthy. Then when you feel your motivation flagging, pull out that list and see if something lights your motivational spark again.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    just breath and refocus do you keep a journal? do you have "me time"? if not then MAKE THE TIME , i know this is hard right now but its going to pass your going to find someone better and your going to succeed everyone here will support you, friend me if you like im here every day just dont dwell on the negative, do it for you baby you will be the best mom ever :)
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I used to journal but I ran out of time for it. I guess that answers the me time question too. LOL I've been nixing my mfp friends for inactivity here recently it seems like the blahs are going around! I'm hoping that whatever is setting the athma off is going to even itself out soon. You can't run a marathon if you're breathing like you just finished one :) I'm honestly not even remotely intested in finding a guy right now. I went out with my girlfriends last week for the first time in years and a guy tried talking to me and I was repulsed! I also wanted to slap him but didn't some people are just entirely ignorant. I really don't think about it now I just know it was what set off this downward spiral. I really just think the illness is kicking my butt since I'm overly tired for no good reason

    just breath and refocus do you keep a journal? do you have "me time"? if not then MAKE THE TIME , i know this is hard right now but its going to pass your going to find someone better and your going to succeed everyone here will support you, friend me if you like im here every day just dont dwell on the negative, do it for you baby you will be the best mom ever :)
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    If you think that's good try this one on for size... his mom said I needed to get over it because she's family?!?!?! WOW

    That's terrible. Sounds like he needed better role models growing up as well.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    If you think that's good try this one on for size... his mom said I needed to get over it because she's family?!?!?! WOW

    That's terrible. Sounds like he needed better role models growing up as well.

    If I didn't respect my elders I'd have punched her for that one but instead I bit my tongue and walked away... I'm pretty proud of myself for how I've handled the whole situation