

  • Great post. I know for me, I have only lost maybe 5 lbs (I quit weighing myself), but jeans that were like spandex a month ago are now loose. Even though the scale doesn't reflect a significant change, my clothes definately do. It was hard not to see the scale match up with what my body is doing. I guess some day my body…
  • I bought the regular fiber one. I don't eat it with milk, but I pour one serving in a bowl, put Activia vanilla yogurt and drizzle with honey. It is similar to a yogurt granola mixture. It has less than 200 calories (170) for the yogurt and cereal.. It tastes pretty good, I get 1/2 of my fiber, and it fills me up!
  • I don't know if this will help Amy but I found a gym buddy. She makes me accountable to a regular workout schedule. So far, it has worked. She is nice, and we have even become decent friends. For me, it helps to have someone to go with, it makes the time pass, and it makes it more fun! glorybee
  • When I first started around Christmas time, I was bloated, and was not loosing weight although I was working out and following my plan except for Christmas and New Years. The scale stayed the same, I was bloated for like 2 weeks. Finally the bloat left, and only now 1 month into the program, I have lost pounds. Long story…
  • Congrats on your weight loss!! Way to go, keep it up! glorybee
  • I am half Korean so rice is huge for me. What I have done is switch to sweet brown rice. It is a little sticky, and short grained. I cook it in a rice cooker, then I put a small drizzle of sesame seed oil and sprinkle salt and mix it up. Yummy.. glorybee
  • How much do you exercise. I met with a trainer and she said for me to loose weight, I should do 30-60 min of cardio 5-6 days a week, and do 2 days of upper body, and 2 days of lower body 12 reps, 3 sets. That seems like alot to me, I have only been doing about 4-5 days. thanks, glorybee
  • Thanks for the feedback. I am glad its not just me. Maybe the body is saying is so used to where it is, when it notices a change, it fights to keep us where we are weight wise via cravings... I think the awareness thing is the best we can do in addition to managing the cravings. Thanks, that helps glorybee
  • Hello- I have noticed that I eat clean for about 1 week, then I get weak and start craving not so clean foods (lol). This seems to be a pattern. It happened last night, and I addressed it by eating something that I love, but wasn't bad. (grilled mahi tacos:). Now today, I am back to eating clean, and have no issues with…
  • Thanks Bambi, I will check it out! Can you see where it is helping you get toned? Thanks, glorybee
  • Hi there- I was wondering if anyone has tried Body Pump classes. If so, approximately how many calories are burned in the class (generally speaking). I was also wondering if the classes helped in getting you toned. A trainer at my gym said that Body Pump classes would whip you in shape fast. I was just wondering if anyone…
  • Hello- I signed up to MFP a few days before Christmas, and I love it! I read some great articles posted here about getting started. Does anyone know where I can find those getting started articles? Thanks!
  • Hi and welcome. I am new to the board too! What I did to help with my exercise motivation was I advertised for a workout buddy on Craigslist and had a few people reply. I started working out with my exercise buddy, and I can't believe how much that helps keep me accountable. When I tell someone I am going to be there- I…
    in new Comment by glorybee December 2008
  • Hi I am new to the board but not new to the yo yo. I recently lost 30 lbs about 2 years ago, went from a size 14 to a size 6, now up to a size 10. I have started working out again and am dedicated and focused on keeping exercise and healthy eating a part of my life. That being said, I do have a question that maybe someone…
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