

  • mine is my 3rd sons first name and which turned into his nick name mattymoomoo and the number stands for how many of us they are in my little family :)
  • am doing the 30 ds too, my weight fluctuates as normal, seeing inches lost but am trying to take rest days once or twice a week cos really feel the pain! good luck everyone on your journeys.
  • i am day 7 of the 30DS day 4 was my breakthrough point where the pains went!! stick at it, its well worth it, i am already seeing changes in my body after a week. can't wait to start on level 2 with different exercises and see what happens in that time! good luck with it.
  • Do it, i just finished day 2 of my first go at it, it hurts every muscle in your body, u find muscles where you didn't realise you had them! you will manage, they excersises i think are effective but simple, no complicated routines like in some of the work out dvds you can get, i have tried many of these and given up…
  • mine goes up about 2-3lbs, due to weigh in on thursday but going to wait until the weekend as i know it won,t be a correct weight.
  • what inspiring words!!! i need to get back on the wagon and stay on, i know i can do it i have done it before, i need to be wise with my choices. thanks :)
  • sounds like endometriosis to me too, very painful cramps, the lining of your womb grows on the outside which makes for extreme pain!! gud luck hope you get to the bottom of it x
  • hiya i have got about 60lbs to lose too, its hard, i have seemed to have come to a halt where my weight is coming off but am still excerising and losing inches, maybe we can help support each other everyday to make the best choices? good luck on your journey. x