Ok so I was really hoping maybe some of the women here have gone through what I am about to discribe. Ok since I was 13yrs. old I have had severe no extremely severe Menstral Cramps. I didn't even start my period til I was 15yrs. old. Yeah Freaky right. And these aren't just any kind of cramps they are so bad I would literally rather have a baby than my period. Seriously!! It starts as soon as the bleeding and from the time it starts literally until the 3rd. or 4th. day of my period it is like someone put my uterus in a Vice-grip and slowly tightening it. There is no stop go stop go it is constant debilitating deadly pain. Until the last couple of years it was just the first day maybe 2 now omg. I am seeing a natural pathic doc andreally hope he can fix it but I am seriously considering a Hysterectomy. Has anyone else had this problem and maybe found a fix? I have a blood disorder so BIRTH CONTROL is NOT a option :sad:


  • willloseorelse
    I don't really have cramps but my ovary (singular because one was removed last year after dying) is really tender almost constantly. I've found that staying hydrated and using a heating pad helps. You can make a good microwaveable heating pad really easily with just some white rice and an old sock. Works like a charm for me. Does advil not work either?

    I'm sorry you're experiencing this, sometimes it's hard to be a woman!
  • MsFat2Fit
    Endometriosis? I have terrible menstrual pains; especially every other month – this month was a better one; I ‘only’ had 3000mg ibuprofen when the period started.
  • Lady_who_Lunches
    Hi, I have really bad periods as I have endometrosis but I have had the Mirena (Coil releasing hormones) and it's stopped my periods almost altogether. I know you said you can't use Birth Control but are you sure as I can't take the pill or standard coil but I am ok with this and a fab alternative to a Hysterectomy.
  • Mattymoomoo5
    sounds like endometriosis to me too, very painful cramps, the lining of your womb grows on the outside which makes for extreme pain!! gud luck hope you get to the bottom of it x
  • Dianekent2
  • KariePerez
    I had one of those IUD's put in it was the absolute only birth control i could use and a couple of months later it was out it caused me so much extra pain that it had to go. I also have some liver damage I used to just go to the hospital when they would get like this and get me the"good stuff" but i am so afraid to with the liver problem and the same for the NSAIDS too scared :( but you would think something would have to give eventually...... When I was pregnant with one of my kids lol had four cant remember which one it was but I had Precancerous Dysplasia and they had to do LEEP to get rid of it. At this point I am considering all options I cry myself to sleep. And have had this problem for 20yrs.
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    Talk to your doctor.. There's only one sure way to find out what's causing your pain, and that's by getting checked out by a physician. My sister just recently found out she has endometriosis, but wouldn't have known for sure if she didn't get checked out.
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    I'm one of those types. I've had severe cramps since I got my period, when I was 11. To the point where I would spend a day in fetal position because my legs would not hold me up. Now that I'm 40, I've begun experiencing the delights of a wonky schedule. Where I was spotting everyday and cramping all the time. Ohhhh fun! I did a little research because, like you, I CANNOT use birth control. Every single time I've tried it's made me sick. I started taking Vitex, which is a natural herb also known as Chaste Berry. Now being herbal it does not work for everyone, but what it's done for me is get my estrogen and progesterone back to the levels it should be, resulting in NO breakthrough bleeding and a proper luteal phase, meaning my period is back to it's normal cycle of 26 days. It's also had the unexpected benefit of lightening my period, and shortening it by a day. My cramps are less severe and I'm less moody. Even my fiance noticed that one.

    Don't just rush out and get it. Google it, read up on it. See if it seems to fit what you are experiencing. It's a safe product and inexpensive. No side effects at all that I've experienced. A lot of ob's recommend it as a way to lessen pms or lengthen luteal phases for ladies having trouble getting preggo. But in the end, you need to find a doctor that is willing to look beyond the quick fix of birth control and actually see what the issue is, and correct it.

    Other than that, heating pads and ibuprofen can help. Light exercise does help as well. Especially for the back pain. OH and of course, chocolate. I get my fix with Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate so I don't go overboard. :wink: