Motivators needed....

I'm trying to lose almost 80 lbs and would love extra motivation.


  • Mattymoomoo5
    hiya i have got about 60lbs to lose too, its hard, i have seemed to have come to a halt where my weight is coming off but am still excerising and losing inches, maybe we can help support each other everyday to make the best choices? good luck on your journey. x
  • saudade87
    ditto hun- i feel its great to have someone to be accountable to, but also someone who would understand when you mess up, had a TOM week, or just a generally bad day.

    i need that too. feel free to friend me!
  • mom2boy33
    You need to find someone in your area that will workout with you or at least be your food buddie. It is so important to have one and I even have someone who emails me. I have about 50lbs to go and it is really difficult. I have been through the rollcoaster before and what makes it different this time is I have a workout buddy and I found exercise that I really enjoy. I know you can do it!! One of my biggest issues was I was looking at pounds not iches. Look at inches, you will see it there first. Good luck!
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I have a few lbs shy of 50lbs to lose (maybe more if im not satisfied with the results) feel free to add me :))
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I have about 60 lbs left to go - Feel free to add me. I am on every day and appreciate giving and receiving support!