30 day shred

Hi all,

Im new to this site so HELLO!!!

Im on day 3 of the 30 day shred, and my legs are killing me, i feel like im walking around like ozzy osbourne!!! I will still do the workout this evening, just wondered if anyone else had pain like this i understand its because im so unfit, but how long as i going to be expected to feel like this?
I havent worked out in years even though i have completed a half marathon and race for lifes 5k run, (i never did any training for them) but its nothing like the pain in my legs now?
Is anyone else currently doing the 30 day shred whos experienced this?

I want to lose about 3 st as piled on the weight after birth of my daughter, also chaging the way im eating too!!!
Any advice or help would be grateful!!!

Thanks X


  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    i went to boot camp and couldnt even sit on the loo the next day ha ,just do the best you can and hot baths will help well done x
  • Mattymoomoo5
    i am day 7 of the 30DS day 4 was my breakthrough point where the pains went!! stick at it, its well worth it, i am already seeing changes in my body after a week. can't wait to start on level 2 with different exercises and see what happens in that time! good luck with it.
  • Nicolao2762
    Nicolao2762 Posts: 27 Member
    I felt the exact same way and I had been working out previously. I thought I was reasonably fit but after Day 1 of the Shred every muscle hurt. Even sitting down and standing up became an effort! It got alot better about Day 4 for me so I'd say to stick with it, it does get less sore on the muscles and the workout becomes easier quite quickly. I recommend drinking milk after the workout, I've heard the protein helps your muscles repair quicker and as has already been recommended, hot baths afterwards helps alot.Good luck!
  • tinkabells84
    So hopefully next few days the pain should ease up

    I will try a hot bath after tonights session

    When do i go onto next level? I was thinking had to change every 10 days, am i wrong in thinking this?

    Need support im going away next week for a week but im taking my dvd with me and will carry on the work out and diet, thanks so much for all your replies!!! X
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm on day 8 of Level 1 and yes, it pain does ease.

    There is a group set up for people doing the 30 day shred. Members are various stages of the shred and are helping to motivate each other through it all.

  • tinkabells84
    Thank you, i have joined that group X
  • misstash123
    I started 30DS last week and I completed 3 days and still felt very achey. Becuase I knew I was going to be doing other exercise the following day, I missed a day to give myself a rest from it. After the day rest, it felt easier (still not easy :tongue: ) and I didnt feel my muscles as painful the next day. Some people find it easier to have a days rest a week, it depnends what suits you best because everyone is different
  • tinkabells84
    If i had a days rest i probably wouldnt go back to it, so wanna do the 30 days straight and get better results cos if i dont seem them i soon give up and i dont want to this time, ive got my game face on lol X
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I am on Day 6 today, and for the first 4 days I almost felt more sore every day, but starting yesterday it started to get better and today I'm even better than yesterday. I thought I was in OK shape, but after Day 2 of the Shred, I hadn't been that sore since running a half marathon!

    Keep with it though, it gets better! Already feeling stronger!
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I am on day 5 tonight. The first day was killer for me. I couldn't climb stairs or go down them. We thought we were in shape having done 45 minutes of exercise almost every night. We took a break about 4 days and did Zumba tone and Zumba cardio with weights. Day 2 was still bad but not quite as bad. By day 3 I was a little sore but still functional. I am hoping that day 5 tonight I can get into the more difficult lunges. Good luck with your journey.
  • tinkabells84
    I just did day 3 and i must admit some of it did feel alittle easier, had a hot bath straight after so hoping my legs dont feel too bad, but i am looking forward to tomorrow as alot have said day 4 onwards is alot easier, so im hoping it'll keep me motivated!! X