

  • my kit is in the mail, I should be starting about the same time as you! I'm pretty excited about it!
  • you could use cans from your pantry, or waterbottles filled with water or sand, depending on how much you want them to weigh. im interested in if the 30 day shred is working for you? i bought the vidio months ago and havent had the motivation to really stick with it yet.
  • stay stong. its been 8 years since ive acted on my ED, and recovery is worth it. remember every action is a choice. with practace denying them power over you your triggers will lose their potency.
  • even when pregnant if you are not hungery dont eat, with my two pregnancys i did not have to make any extra effort to try and eat more because i wanted more anyway. durring the first trymester you most likley wont be hungrier, and for me durring the last trimester i could not eat as much as i was used to at one sitting(go…
  • find things on the menu that you would make at home, or things that you know what all the ingrerediants are, and eat only half portions cause they are always high in calories.
  • ive noticed that it only gives me an accurate weight if it is on a hard flat surface. when its on a carpet it tells me im 5-10 lb lighter.