pregnancy and weight

cmak8 Posts: 14 Member
To all you mommies out there,
How much do you truly need to eat while pregnant? Is it true "eating for 2?"
I am on my weight loss journey, working well, but my husband & I are trying for a baby.
I am just curious to know if you truly eat every time you are hungry while pregnant?


  • cmak8
    cmak8 Posts: 14 Member
    You don't realize how strong a person really is until you see them at their weakest moment.~ my inspirational quote
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    My wife is pregnant and according to her doctor you only need an additional 300 or so calories per day at first which would equate to gaining a pound every 12 days or so. then I think more the second trimester and again more in the third.

    A healthy amount to gain if you are already in the normal range is 25-30 pounds in total, if you are overweight it is more like 15-20 and if you are under weight 30-35. Hope this helps.
  • Precious_Nissa
    You are eating for two but not grown folks....i have 3 kids....all you need is an addition 300 to 500 calories, mainly because the baby needs alot of milk, protein dont need to over eat......make sure you are eating real good though because babies need protien, iron, fiber, dairy etc.....
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    The extra amount of calories you need to eat is minimal. There are definitely times during the pregnancy when you have no choice to eat as you are STARVING. I actually had to buy a bigger lunch box to take to work in order to fit all of my food for the day. You should make a list now of healthy snack foods you can eat several times a day in order to keep you going. I ate a lot of yogurt and cottage cheese and craved salty foods. It's really easy to get sucked into bags of chips and french fries. Sometimes that will be the only thing you can stomach, but you have to make an effort to stay on track. I only gained 15 pounds with my second son, but I had extra weight on me and it all canceled out with the exercise I did. I had gestational diabetes with my second son, but was able to control it through diet and exercise. I found I was really motivated to stay healthy because I knew it was best for myself and my kids.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Here's some helpful info from the American Pregnancy Association......

    And it's my understanding that you don't need to eat the "extra" 300 calories during the 1st trimester... it's the 2nd & 3rd trimester where you should increase a bit . But, it's important to not eat at a deficit during the 1st trimester; you shouldn't lose weight when pregnant! (except of course if you have morning sickness and can't help it!)
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    You don't need to worry about eating a lot of extra calories. They say about 300 a day which is really just a glass of milk and a bowl of oatmeal extra. But in all honesty a lot of women (including myself in my third pregnancy) find they cannot eat much at all and not much stays down, and they still have big healthy babies! If you are trying make sure you are taking a prenatal vitamin with plenty of folic acid. You should also eat your veggies and lean protein and make sure you get a good amount of calcium and plenty of water. There also shouldn't be any problem with continuing your weight loss while trying to conceive as you don't need to gain any weight during the first trimester, and a lot of women actually lose weight due to being sick. But once you find you are pregnant you should not worry about trying to lose wieght anymore. And I think it is perfectly fine to eat whenever hungry when you are pregnant as many food cravings are actually signs of deficiency, just make sure you stick to healthy stuff. Good luck!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    If you "eat for two", you will probably be unhappily surprised by the end of your pregnancy and post-partum. I've just now gotten back to my pre-preg weight and my son is 20 months. I only really started working on losing it in the last 4 months or so, though. The hardest part is, even when knowing that you don't need that much extra food, those pregnancy hormones throw you for loopty-loops and cravings show up, and all of the sudden, you have eaten so much more than you planned. That's what got me...and most of the time I really felt hungry. But, just because I was hungry didn't mean I needed to eat a steak and cheese sandwich....which is probably what got me that extra weight. Good luck!

    Also, if you are interested, there is a specific thread for people who are TTC, pregnant, or post-partum. Search for pregnancy--there should be a thread for this month.
  • mwoolfenden
    even when pregnant if you are not hungery dont eat, with my two pregnancys i did not have to make any extra effort to try and eat more because i wanted more anyway. durring the first trymester you most likley wont be hungrier, and for me durring the last trimester i could not eat as much as i was used to at one sitting(go figure you stomack is squished at that point) but i wanted to eat more than usual, so i ate alot of small meals.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Options has a sister site called Its just like this site and tracks everything and has how many calories and fitness tips and stuff. Its great.
  • cmak8
    cmak8 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you to everyone. I am feeling more reassured with all your posts. I appreciate it. I don't have anyone to ask about this stuff as my mom has alzheimers, I am an only child, and I have a mother-in law from hell. It is nice to know complete strangers are out there willing to offer advice. Thank you thank you.