

  • Sarah, I totally understand how hard it is to stick with a diet. My weight has fluctuated like crazy over the last 10 - 12 years. The Food Diary on MFP has been a great help to me. It was quite an eye opener to see how quickly those calories and fat grams add up!! I was putting way too much crap in my body! I've only been…
    in Hello! Comment by tammy4720 May 2010
  • The only goal I have set for myself is my ending weight, but the more I see other people's posts and goals, I think I need to give more thought to my own. I think by setting the goals, you will be more apt to stick with your diet and exercise to reach the goal. I saw someone post several goal weights (after 1 mo. goal,…
  • I think the best thing you can do for yourself is plan, plan, plan! I know that's easier said than done, believe me. But if you make a list of healthy meals and snacks and pick them up at the grocery store, you will be so glad you took the effort to do it. This will also save you some money by not visiting the drive-thru…
  • I would try to avoid taking it if you can. I tried that a few years ago and it made me IRRITABLE! Maybe you can try do a different type of exercise to get you over the hump.
  • I just started making some smoothies with flaxseed in them too. In addition to all of the benefits you mentioned, I've heard that flaxseed can also lower your cholesterol. I'm not very good about getting my antioxidants through eating vegies, so that's another reason I thought I'd better throw some flaxseed in my diet.…
  • Hi Sarah! I live just west of Indy. I've only been on MFP for one week, but have found it to be a fantastic weight loss tool! I love the support and the Food Diary has been quite an eye opener. Never realized just how many calories I was packing into this body until now. I would encourage you to track what you're eating…
  • Kay, You have come to the right place for support! I've only been on this website for one week and have found the tools and the people to be of great help. I've been overweight for years and could never stick with anything. I've been very frustrated over my appearance and lack of energy. So last week I was invited to…
  • Wow, I never would have thought that meal came in under 500 calories! Way to go! I'll have to share this menu with my husband. Thanks for sharing :happy:
  • That truly is a blessing! I'm glad he's home safely. Please thank him for his dedication and service to our country. Good luck on your weight loss goals. God bless you and your family! :smile:
  • I'm not sure who's right, but I know that I'm struggling to keep my proteins down to 45g as MFP suggests. It seems like I'm running closer to 60g ea. day. I know that it's not good for our bodies to consume too much protein, but am hoping I'm still in a healthy range. Good luck to you :happy:
    in protein Comment by tammy4720 May 2010
  • Congrats on being half way there!! You look great! I just started this a few days ago and think that tracking everything I eat is going to make a big difference in my weight loss goals. I can't believe how fast those calories add up!! Guess that's why I've packed on so many pounds in the last few years. In a few months, I…