HKSteph Member


  • I'm trying to be semi gradual(!) - going up to 1,800 on none training days and trying for 2,000+ on training days. I really want to get this reset going straight off if possible. Do you think it's better to be gradual? I figured with Christmas not long behind me I've probably not been on 1,200 the last month or so so it…
  • Thank you fom me too for this Mike. I'm only on day 2 but I'm feeling huge, like tight at the seams huge and am really tempted to go back to lower cals. And I haven't even got anywhere near my TDEE yet! I'm supposed to be on 2,350 but moving off 2 years of 1,200 means its so hard. But just wanted to say thanks again - I…
  • Thanks everyone for the encouragement today! I've managed to stay away from all the. Ad stuff and caved to one clementine all day! As a reward went to Chinatown for some fresh tofu which I love! I think you guys have the right idea with the once a week weigh in from now on though, I'm not sure I can take this hit regularly!
    in Gained :( Comment by HKSteph July 2012
  • Thank you guys! I'll use your words to get me through this all day meeting right now complete with cookies, croissants, grapes and oranges all within arms reach! Give me strength!!!
    in Gained :( Comment by HKSteph July 2012
  • Thanks photorific, just so frustrating. Don't think it's TOTM but will have to check my calendar when I get home(!) could be either o the other two I guess. Argh!
    in Gained :( Comment by HKSteph July 2012
  • Hi Manchester I can so sympathise! I'm on my second week too and starting to have cravings. Could you maybe try cooking a really luxurious it completely Dukan meal so it feels like a treat? That's what I'm doing, I have a slow cooking chicken curry going at the moment ready for my PV day tomorrow. Made only of chicken (no…
    in Help Comment by HKSteph July 2012
  • 3.5lbs is definitely doable! Especially at the rate you're going! I bet it will be more than that by the time you go. Weird but DITTO on the inches! I measured this morning and despite losing 9lbs, many of my measurements are exactly the same. I ave no explanation for it either. I think it may come good in a cople more…
  • Well done! Way to go! Bet you're pleased with that!
  • Way to go Kris (and Kris' partner)!!! What a fantastic start! I'm no expert as I'm pretty new myself but it sounds like you guys have it bang on right. Keep going and do jump on here and let us know how you're doing - I've never meet a friendlier or more supportive bunch on a forum before! Good luck!!! Steph
  • Thank you guys!!! Really appreciate the tips, I managed to satisfy the sweet craving with some fat free yogurt with a few drops of vanilla essence - not strictl sweet but I think my body was confused as it usually is sweet yogurt I eat so it assumed it was! Ha! No change today on the scales though 9lbs in 6 days is still…
  • @gaspegirl - hey, great news on your loss! Keep going! I was so shocked this morning to find a total loss of 8lbs during my four days of Attack! I couldn't believe it! You sound like you're doing really well, it's so impressive that you can do this with a family to look after too. I'm quite lucky that it's just me for the…
  • Thank you pkw58! I really appreciate it and great tips! I am of course a little apprehensive but shall definitely add in those extra PP days now that you've said that (only if necessary of course). I'm having my first PV day tomorrow and it's amazing how nervous I am of eating veggies already and it's only been 4 days!…
  • Thanks Cath, and good luck to goal! Thanks for the tip photorific, will definitely try that out! I'm rounding off the last day of attack today so can't wait to see how I have done in the morning! I wonder if you can carry on on attack for longer than they say?? I am nervous the loss will drop off as this is all in aid of…
  • SW: 177lbs CW: 173lbs TW: 151lbs Have lost 4lbs in the first 2 days of Attack! Really pleased about that and have another 2 days before cruise. I am feeling cautiously optimistic about the diet - I really hope it works! Thanks for sharing all your numbers, it's really motivational!
  • Hi Cath, Thanks so much for your reply! Really helpful. I've weighed this morning and 2lbs down already so it's a good start! How is your coming along? I think I'm going to keep to home prepared food for the attack phase for fear of getting it wrong for now, I'm hoping to lose two stone in total so I'll try more variety…
  • Hi Zara, I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago via keyhole surgery and it was fine. I was in hospital for two-three days afterwards but the pain level was not bad at all and I was thinking why are you keeping me in hospital for so long?? For the first few days it was very hard to sit up on my own as I basically…