

  • I start (again) today. I'm 5'7 and I'm 210lb
  • Hiya I'm a veggie from England. I'm in the same boat.... I eat a LOT of fruit and veg, make my meals from scratch but rely on a lot of much so that I've gained 4stone over the last 7 years. I really need to lose at least 3 stone, but i'd like to lose 2 stone by the end of April Feel free to add me
  • Hi, I'm a veggie, not a vegan - but I have often thought about going the whole way.... Alicia Silverstone has a nice website and book - think it's called 'the kind life' - may be worth a look and it has lots of recipes. Good Luck! M
  • Hiya, I'm from foggy England! I've been on here just over a month - I've been playing with the site a bit and starting to log (some) meals and excercise - I need to knuckle down and commit to tracking EVERYTHING and sticking to my calorie limit though! M
  • Hiya I'm from Kent.... I've *tried* to add you (sorry, don't really know how to do it! Miranda
  • Hi, I'm Miranda - I'm 26 and from England I've also been on here about 2 months, but have just been flirting with it- now I really want to get on it properly! I've go about 50lb to loose :( M x
  • :smile: Hiya, I personally put it down under 'dancing - General' - to be fair, zumba is pretty fast paced, so you probably burn more calories than under this category, but I thought it's best to be on the safe side!
    in zumba Comment by Mski02 November 2011
  • Hiya, I tend to get a couple of squares of mint carob (or you could use chocolate) melt it, then once it's cooled a bit, dip some stawberries in it..... much much lower in calories than a whole bar, counts toward your 5 a day and cheats you in to thinking you've eaten loads of chocolate! yum yum! x
  • hmmmmm.... I would say a tentative no. But...... only if you really really can't possible manage without it - couldn't you go to the supermarket and get a nice bread roll, salad etc and make a nicer sandwich yourself? or better yet, make your own burger at home? then you'll know exactely what goes in it and it'll be much…
  • hmmmm..... Yes it is, but it's really hard to stay motivated - especially when it's getting colder! you?
  • Nope.... I'm Kent
  • To give you an idea of what is sold to us as 'mexican' food, have a look at the menu on this web-site: It's not sold as exclusively mexican, but this is the sort of thing we have!:smile:
  • Hi There, Yes, we do have exposure to mexican food. We have a few national mexican food restaurant chains (Chiquito and Chimichanga) and mexican food kits (Fajita, Enchilada etc) are sold in all supermarkets. A lot of British love spicy food (me in particular) so that shouldn't be a problem. The only thing I would say is…
  • I would love to be happy and healthy. In 5 years time, i'll be 31 years old and by then I would like to be married and have at least 1 child. I would like to have paid off my debts (mortgage excluded) and be a good wife, mother and friend
  • What about a Vegetable Chilli? Chuck in whichever vegetables you like..... I personally have: onion, courgette, potato (cut into small chunks) carrot, celery, sweetcorn and a small amount of red kidney beans. For the sauce, I use Passata (seived tomatoes), cumin, cinammon, red chilli, garlic and they key ingredient is…
  • you need a certain amount of nuts and seeds - they are fatty, but good fats! :) Quinoa is a great alternative instead of rice and cous cous etc
    in vegan. Comment by Mski02 October 2011
  • Hi, I'm a veggie - I have been for about 8 years and have never looked back! Although I love animals etc that was not my main reason..... I just don't like tha taste and texture of meat, and now I just could not eat meat again. What ever your reasons for deciding on it, there are so many health benefits for doing it....…
  • wow, you look lovely!
  • wow! you really do look brilliant! such an amazing transformation..... congrats!:happy:
  • wow! You look Amazing!
  • Wow! We don't have this House- Association thing in England. If you live in a 'council house' then there is a *certain* amount of power the council has to make you keep the property looking somewhat acceptable, but if you own your property, there is very little anyone can do about it.... Very occasionally you hear of…
  • WOW - that really if amazing. I've got half of what you have to loose and I'm wondering how the heck I'll do it. I tip my imaginary hat to you!
  • Hi, feel free to add me.... I am new!
  • I'm Kent - add me!:smile:
  • I've never liked the taste or texture of meat.... My family forced me to 'at least' eat chicken until I was 16. I studied Biology at college and my lecturer was some kind of vegan warrior who *along with friends* broke into an intensive chicken farm and decided to show us the video one day..... I've never touched meat…
  • I joined up the other day - I need to loose weight, and a bit of motivation wouldn't go-a-miss, so count me in!
  • Hi Holly, I'm Miranda, also 25 and from Kent, ohh and I'm a Veggie. I don't each Cheese, but do have eggs and a little bit of milk, so I'm not far off being a Vegan! :) I've only joined up a couple of days ago and struggling a bit to stick within calories! M