Are you a Raw Food (ist), Vegan or Vegetarian?

Hi All,

I've been doing some extensive research into the raw food, vegan and vegetarian world and I really, really want to get started ASAP. Raw food is my primary interest and ultimate goal, but I realize it's a drastic step to make, so I'm looking to start vegetarian, then move towards the more restrictive diets over time. It would be great to get some ideas from you on different approaches and meal plans. If you follow any of these diets, I would love to get your input on how you got started, any advice you can give and what you typically eat throughout the day.

P.S. Also, PLEASE feel free to add me! I would love to peak at food diaries for ideas and have fellow MFP members that are following a similar eating regimen...:)



  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I'm a pescatarian, meaning I'll eat milk, eggs, fish or shellfish but no poultry, beef, pork, mutton! :-) Friend me if you like, but know that in January, I may be going back to a omnivore diet again.
  • Mski02
    Mski02 Posts: 28
    I'm a veggie - I have been for about 8 years and have never looked back!
    Although I love animals etc that was not my main reason..... I just don't like tha taste and texture of meat, and now I just could not eat meat again.
    What ever your reasons for deciding on it, there are so many health benefits for doing it.... good luck and feel free to add me :-)
  • pristinebutterfly
    Thanks for the response! I've never heard the term pescatarian before. Cool stuff...:)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and have been my whole life. When I went vegan for a few months it forced me to cook everything from scratch. Really, eating vegetarian is not hard at all!! Random but if you go vegan try "daiya" products (fake cheese) omg!!!! Delicious!
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    I am a vegan, and have been going strong for about 2.5 months now. Before that, I was a vegetarian for a year. I consider myself a lifelong vegetarian, but veganism is only temporary for me. It makes me feel good and has been good for my body so far, so I'm continuing. Also, it prevents me from eating a lot of dessert foods, which is my ultimate weakness.

    I would be careful going RAW, just because you have to be SO SO vigilant about what you put in your mouth--unless you're spending a lot of time preparing all your meals, it might be hard to get adequate nutrition. Also, your only protein option, basically, is raw nuts, because who eats raw beans?? It also means pretty much no breads, rice, pasta, and other whole grains like quinoa, bulgur wheat, lentils, etc. Those are all very nutritious, and I personally would not cut them out.

    It's a personal choice, however. Just be careful about how you do it! You may add me if you like. My diary is open to friends, so it might help you get vegan ideas.
  • MrsODriscoll
    MrsODriscoll Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! I've been veggie for over 20 years and mostly eat vegan apart from if I'm stuck when eating out. Baby steps is a great idea - just cut things out until you find a level you're happy with. Be sure to read up on your nutritional needs - I eat loads of pulses like chick peas, lentils and butter beans. I eat loads and loads of veg and a bit of fruit too. There are some great websites like and I'd also recommend the book Appetite for Reduction. Good luck!
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    If you are raw you can eat sprouted grains!
  • pristinebutterfly
    Oh wow! Great website! Thanks for that...:)
  • busterrocks
    busterrocks Posts: 35 Member
    Another good website (blog) is