Just wanted to say hi...

...and introduce myself - this makes about week 2(ish) that I've been on MFP & I love it so far, it kinda makes it a big game. I love that it connects into my phone - makes tracking so much easier. I've got about 50 pounds that I want to loose and would really like to loose at least 15 of those by Christmas. The one thing I've noticed since beginning is that while I do fine during the day, come evening I struggle...a lot. Does anyone have any tips to curb appetite during the evening hours? :smile:

Thanks & best of luck to everyone!! :happy:


  • Cmdlopez
    Cmdlopez Posts: 2 Member
    Drink lots of water. That helps me some. :wink:
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    Agreed water is key to tricking your stomach into believing its fuller than it really is. If that isn't enough for you trying moving some calories from meals earlier in the day to later in the day to help fight the hunger. It's definitely a trial and error process but so long as you're hitting your caloric goals the time of day you take in your food is irrelevant. So maybe just save an extra 75-100 calories to eat around those times of the evening you begin feeling hungry and see if that helps.
  • Hi Stephanie,

    I find that if I move away from the food the easier it is not to think about it. Our kitcken and master bedroom are on the same floor but I have a TV room downstairs in the basement. I go down there in the evenings so I'm not close to the kitchen and watch TV. I make sure to bring a huge glass of water with me so if I do think about food I just drink the water. That's what helps me out. Good luck with reaching your goal, I'm sure you can do it.


  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome.. good luck on your lifestyle journey! My advice would be to bring snacks with you to work - have a mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon snack and you should not be so famished by supper time.. plan ahead and log everything! Try not to go under 1200 cal per day especially if you exercise.. I like to try and save calories periodically so I can have a skinny cow ice cream treat at night... works for me! You shouldn't have a problem losing 10-15 lbs by Christmas... good luck!!!
  • Mski02
    Mski02 Posts: 28

    I tend to get a couple of squares of mint carob (or you could use chocolate) melt it, then once it's cooled a bit, dip some stawberries in it..... much much lower in calories than a whole bar, counts toward your 5 a day and cheats you in to thinking you've eaten loads of chocolate! yum yum! x
  • I had the same problem in the beginning. At first I just saved lots of calories for evening snacks (like 400-700, so I wouldn't go over). I focused on eating lots of healthy proteins and fiber during the day, and drinking TONS of water. After a couple weeks the evening cravings started to subside, and now I rarely need a snack after dinner.
  • uniformluvr
    uniformluvr Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome. I often have the same problem at night. Its not an every nice occurance with me but at least a few times a week, especially on weekends. I just fill up my water bottle & keep drinking on that (even if it means I have to fill it up several times). I noticed that if I make my breakfast a smaller meal, my lunch my big meal and my dinner smaller that I am less hungry at night, usually have some calories left & can have a little snack (usually of fruit) before bed. Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    What I do is make sure I have eaten everything by about 7:30 or 8. After that, the kitchen is closed. The last thing your body needs is food in your stomach through the night. I also limit my TV time. Come commercial breaks, I found that's when I was grabbing for something to eat. I switched out TV for reading. There's no commercial breaks. You just keep reading and reading and reading and reading. I try to make sure that if I want to catch up on the news or my favorite shows, I watch while I'm on the treadmill. FYI, TV is also a depressant.
    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Wow - so much great, helpful advice AND such a quick responses!! THANKS EVERYONE - I'm going to start toinght in trying to put some of the advice into practice & I'll post to let ya'll know how it's going. :-D