krissypea79 Member


  • Day 1 - Workout A/Workout #1 Day 2 - Workout B/Workout #1 Day 3 - Workout A/Workout #2 Day 4 - Workout B/Workout #2 Day 5 - Workout A/Workout #3 Day 6 - Workout A/Workout #4 Day 7 - Workout B/Workout #4 ...... and so on until you've done 8 of EACH. 8 of Workout A, 8 of Workout B. So, if you do 3x a week, it'll take you 6…
  • Agreed. #1 is not appropriate, in my opinion. Love #3! Like the ballgown shape of #2, but I don't like the straight-across neckline, I think sweetheart or at least a neckline with a little dip is very flattering.
  • UGH haha....that goes hand in hand with "I have a goofy, sarcastic sense of humor." Honestly...maybe there are some women who like that...but I don't want a 35yr old who considers himself a "goof." I am all for humor, but I prefer wit, and think it is much more attractive. I was texting back and forth with a 35yr old…
  • Bump :heart: pizza!!!
  • OMG this is so annoying!!! I hate "Not Sure" or "I'll tell you later." No, you'll tell me now or we don't proceed. Not sure is just as bad...I don't want to get 2 years in and end up at 34 with a guy who decides that it's a NO. Personally, it's like the statement "We'll see." I HATE it. From my experience, anything but a…
  • Yes, because it's so attractive when a guy is so desperate that they are willing to change everything for a girl...even their age!! hehehe
  • THIS!!!! Read it ASAP! :smile: You can't "tone" - he explains it all in the book, and gives some great advice. I'm 3 days in, and really sore, but I know I am working hard enough to hopefully see results!
  • Agreed. However, in many cases, and in my case, I wouldn't consider it judgment. Judgment is when you view someone negatively, due to something about them or something that they do. Just because I don't PREFER a guy who has been married and has three kids, or if they smoke, does not mean I think he is a bad person, or that…
  • LOL....well I do admit, pictures are important...but I've also encountered MANY instances where the guy uses like the ONE good photo he has of himself, but then it looks nothing like his other photos - at all. In another case, I met a guy for a first date, he had 2 photos. He looked pretty cute. I was looking all over the…
  • Not to mention, the guys I have met who were so big on "trust, honesty, loyalty" were some of the most lying, sneaky SOB's I've encountered!!! I was seeing a guy for about 9 weeks, and in the beginning, randomly out of nowhere says "I've never cheated on anyone." Kind of random...sort of makes me think the opposite is…
  • You're ALL welcome! Hope they are coming in handy - I know they are for me! :smile:
  • Definitely TobyMac!!! Or Newsboys!
  • Saying what they think we want to hear, perhaps?? Typical :laugh:
  • Healthy Sweet Potato Skins
  • Just got home from the gym - Day 2, Stage 1, Workout B. Great workout!!!! I need to watch some videos because I felt like my deadlifts were awkward looking lol. Not totally sure I was doing them correctly. Not really a huge fan of lunges (I should say me knees weren't, lol). Overall though, I feel awesome! I decided to…
  • LOL. I will think about it....can't make any promises :smile: I think there's already enough mounting evidence of the douche-baggery that we encounter in the dating world. :noway: hehe
  •, I know you're right. I have always had this problem where I try to be the good guy even when someone else is being the bad guy. I really need to work on that!! I am going to take your advice (and the advice of several others) and not go out with him.
  • Aww well you're sweet...yeah I am usually pretty good at reading people (don't always listen to those readings, hehe), and this time I don't know, something just seems odd. Not that I expect a guy to chase me, but the amount of communication and level of interest he has shown in meeting me is just not there. I *sort of*…
  • I tend to agree - he isn't in any hurry to meet me or to get to know more about me...and you'd think he'd be concerned that I am going out on dates with other guys...which I haven't in the past two weeks, but I am about to start again!! :tongue:
  • Here is a log sheet that I found online and edited/modified to make it a bit more user doesn't have the calculations for calories to eat, but it's great for logging your workouts!
  • Agreed. I know that spending hours on the phone and texting all day before meeting is not the best approach, but I prefer SOME getting to know each other leading up to the date. He didn't even ask me what type of place I'd like to go for our date. The day he seemed most talkative text-wise, was last Saturday...which was…
  • Mine too!!!! I was happy when I woke up sore this morning though, I knew that meant I did it right! :smile: Looks like Workout B is more upper body stuff, so our glutes & quads will get a break! Looking forward to tomorrow's workout!!
  • Ohhhh boy - if he isn't interested in me before he's even met me, I've got bigger problems than I thought!! hehehe :laugh: He's the one who "winked," AND initiated the date...but hey, it happens I suppose. Although his "Hey" tonight would lead me to believe he still does want to go on the date....but his lack of enthusiasm…
  • The makeup thing needs some different perspective - as someone who went all through high school and my early 20's with bad acne, I found that I felt better about myself to wear makeup EVERYWHERE (including the gym). It isn't always to impress people, it's for our own self confidence a lot of the time. I've since grown out…
  • This!! :glasses: I see women watching me from the machines and I like to tell myself that they envy me for being over there, hehe. As for the guys, most guys (and people in general) are at the gym to focus on themselves. I think as I've grown up, I've learned to not care what others think of me, which helps! Confidence in…
  • "Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that rely on the coordinated actions of several muscle groups to move two or more joints through a range of motion." from
  • "The New Rules of Lifting for Women." You WILL NOT get "bulky" unless by some rare chance you are genetically predispositioned to (unlikely). There is no such thing as "toning" or "sculpting." Read that book, join the group on MFP, go to the website. Lift heavy! You might not see it on the scale right away, but you will…
  • I would get a heart rate monitor, but be very modest when logging the amount it says, or eating all your calories back. Lifting is different in terms of calories burned than cardio is, and your HRM doesn't know the difference. I do log it though, because my heart rate gets up there, and I sweat! Yesterday after starting a…
  • You're welcome!!! I think the confusion comes from they way he lists them in the book "1,2" etc. Not to mention using the word "workout" for multiple things. It confused the heck out of me until I saw this spreadsheet. Also, it confused me because the blank logs that he provides only have Workout 1 - Workout I was…