Daily Chat Thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @Restart4m4 - welcome!! You've got a great start already losing 50 lbs, that's fantastic!

    @Beeps - that totally sucks! I can't believe they weren't up front about that from the beginning. If you're in a position where you can give some "constructive" feedback, I definitely would!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Welcome, restart....I think incorporating weight-lifting RIGHT NOW is an EXCELLENT thing to do!! Changing things up is VERY important for changing your body composition and I think you will REALLY like heavy-lifting!

    jen - I'm not even going to bother....I'll take my rage out at the gym! I just learned (a little more) about the company I work for and, it's pretty disheartening. I used to participate in a little "fitness club" group that we had here, at lunch. We'd walk outside for 30 minutes (in the spring/summer), or do "jump-and-pump" for 30 minutes, or try yoga, sometimes zumba or dance. It was great!

    That little group kind of fell apart when I decided to dedicate my lunch-hours to heavy-lifting at the gym. (They still go walking outside, when they can...) But, the ROOM where this MLM scam takes place is the ROOM where we used to do our fitness piece!! So, it seems PRETTY BACKWARD to me.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Hi MFPs, I just started weightlifting last nite and was wondering how do I account for calories? :smile:

    Under "cardio" section there is a "weight lifting" one. But it's pretty unrealistic... 120 calories burned for 40 minutes of weight lifting?!!

    I hate that! I'm currently not logging anything in terms of calories for the workouts because I'm worried about over estimating my burn. But I agree that it seems like it should be more. Especially for the circuit type work like NROLFW. I'm saving for a HRM. :happy:

    @Restart4m4 - Glad to have you!

    @Beeps - That would piss me off too. Good for you for walking out! You keep doing what you're doing, and when you get better results than the others you can smile (graciously, lol) and SHOW them what's what.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Beeps: that sounds incredibly frustrating but think you handled it really well. And of course getting cut will be the best revenge.
    Welcome new people and welcome back Restart.
    Logging the workouts: I'm just putting it under circuit training to equal around 200 calories because based on the book that's how much more I need to eat on days I lift.
    In other news, really loving eating at maintenance and not at a deficit. think there might be something to this for me as clothes are feeling looser and scale is holding steady and showed tiny loss today after big meal and sodium load yesterday so think there might secretly be a bigger loss under that. Time will tell. So uh yeah the scale never made it to garage. sorry. But I'm not obsessing about it because all signs are pointing in the right direction. Boy Stage 7 is brutal. This 4 sets of 15 is crazy hard. some I could only do sets of 10 today.
    Anyway, keep us posted everyone on your progress and how you're enjoying the program. I feel like it has really been a great fit for me. Tried to take some pics of my arms and back today but couldn't get any good ones by myself but trust me they look totally different than they used to.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    kcfaber - I cannot believe you are almost DONE! good for you....now, get your husband to take a picture of your FABULOUS physique!! Inquiring minds want to know....

    Like kcfaber, I just log my weight-training at 211 calories per hour (given my weight). And, I'm not eating those exercise calories back, at this point in time. It gives me a *very* small deficit and I'm not sure where I am on the scale.

    (Although, this weekend is END OF MONTH PROGRESS REPORT for my fitness challenges. Photos - YIKES! I will be REALLY glad when I am *welcoming* of these progress reports, rather than *dreading* them....which I think will be about 3 months from now.)
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Quick question, need opinions. I started Monday and my plan is to lift M-W-F and run T-Th. So I did the first workout Monday and I ran 7 miles today (normal run for me). My quads and glutes are screaming mad at me. Should I rest up tomorrow and do workout 2 on Friday or go ahead with workout 2 tomorrow cause it's a different muscle group. Ty!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I have all my high school aquiantances trying to get me on Body by Vi lol. They know i was a huge Beachbody person so they been trying to convert me. I'm guessing one of the execs wife peddles VI. In my opinion what ever works for people. I do my research and I do what I feel is best for me.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I started monday as well. My legs and butt hurt like crazy too! I think I am still going to get after it again tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    tunes, if it has been 48-hours since your last heavy-lift, then, yes, I'd give it a go. If your muscles are still too sore, one more day of rest is also a good solution - you'll know when you hit the gym tomorrow.

    I had a LOT more DOMS in the beginning than I do, now....although at the beginning of each successive Stage, I seem to suffer DOMS (a LOT) again.
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    I started monday as well. My legs and butt hurt like crazy too! I think I am still going to get after it again tomorrow.

    Mine too!!!! I was happy when I woke up sore this morning though, I knew that meant I did it right! :smile: Looks like Workout B is more upper body stuff, so our glutes & quads will get a break! Looking forward to tomorrow's workout!!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member

    Feel free to add me, especial those that started Monday!!
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    Beeps - I give you credit for staying through the whole presentation! I probably would have just walked out...

    I'm actually still feeling quite sore in my hamstrings & glutes from Monday's damn body matrix in Stage 3 ... Probably didnt help that my boxing class yesterday involved a LOT more squats than normal... I love it though! Havent felt sore in awhile so it feels good to know I'm making some progress. I will definitely be lifting today though - if my muscles are too sore or I feel too uncomfortable doing some of the lifts I may just make some modifications as I go.

    I just want to add... Welcome to all the new members! :flowerforyou:
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I'm still sore but i'm gonna go lift today. Just still debating if i'm going to clean the house or lift first lol
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member

    I had a LOT more DOMS in the beginning than I do, now....although at the beginning of each successive Stage, I seem to suffer DOMS (a LOT) again.

    I second this!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    once I got the hang of the prone jack-knifes, I liked them too - too bad they don't appear, again, in the NROL4W series!

    Not so! You can choose them, or go for the full pikes on the ball, as one of your hip flexion choices in Stage 5. I did 'em Monday night!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    once I got the hang of the prone jack-knifes, I liked them too - too bad they don't appear, again, in the NROL4W series!

    Not so! You can choose them, or go for the full pikes on the ball, as one of your hip flexion choices in Stage 5. I did 'em Monday night!

    Or... I do them in stage 2 instead of swiss ball crunches. I just find them a far better ab workout!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hmmmm, jarrett, I didn't realize that the prone jacknife could be swapped back in. (I should have realized this.) For my Stage 3 work-out B, I had my personal trainer design some abs for me to do, because I find the ones in that work-out B-O-R-I-N-G (really?? 90 seconds of "prone cobra"?? unnecessary imho.)

    I'm doing my second-to-last Stage 3A work-out. So, the body matrix is on tap. I think now that I've convinced myself I have to go MUCH deeper in lunges/squats when I'm doing the "jump" portaion, I won't be able to finish the body matrix. I'll be too sore - too pooped. I am permitting myself to get in 4 on each side (lunge jumps) and 4 squat jumps. And then I'll work my way back up to 12/24.

    Actually, because Good Friday is a holiday, I won't be able to start Stage 4 then (when I am scheduled to start it on my calendar), so I'll probably just do a repeat of Stage 3A on that day....an extra day of the body matrix - woo hoo hoo!!!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Went and did my workout. I think i'm in love with this!! Sore as heck but in love! lol
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Hmmmm, jarrett, I didn't realize that the prone jacknife could be swapped back in. (I should have realized this.) For my Stage 3 work-out B, I had my personal trainer design some abs for me to do, because I find the ones in that work-out B-O-R-I-N-G (really?? 90 seconds of "prone cobra"?? unnecessary imho.)

    Yep...it gives the page numbers for hip flexion exercises, and the ball jacknife is by itself on the backside of the page...easy to overlook. There are only 4 reps on Stage 5, so I did the pikes. Oh, mama!

    I don't like the ball crunches, either. I do v-ups, double reps, passing the swiss ball hands to feet and back. Oh, and the cobras? 120 seconds in Stage 5!
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    Just got home from the gym - Day 2, Stage 1, Workout B. Great workout!!!! I need to watch some videos because I felt like my deadlifts were awkward looking lol. Not totally sure I was doing them correctly. Not really a huge fan of lunges (I should say me knees weren't, lol). Overall though, I feel awesome!

    I decided to just up my calories on lift days, rather than using my HRM to log calories. I still wear it, but only to keep track of my rest periods. We'll see how doing this works out for me. I've been manually changing my daily calories each day, which seems to work out fine for me so far.

    Hope everyone is doing well - I am so glad to be doing this, enjoying it so far!!! :happy: