Daily Chat Thread



  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member

    Out of curiosity, how are you doing jackknives with weight?

    I was wondering this as well! Do tell.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Started second half of Stage 1 today...Wow! 3 sets! I also increased my weights, so I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow.
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member

    Out of curiosity, how are you doing jackknives with weight?

    I was wondering this as well! Do tell.

    Ha! No, I made a mistake, it was swiss ball crunches :)

    Thanks for all the advise ladies. I will try those!

    Today was a recovery day. My muscles feel sore but great so I took a hot yoga class and am feeling on top of the world right now :)))
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!

    thanks for posting this!!!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!

    thanks for posting this!!!
    Really useful info!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!


    I didn't quite understand the 2 terms:
    high intensity ANAEROBIC interval training
    high intensity AEROBIC interval training

    I presume the aerobic one is the one we do on a bike/running etc, intervals, but what is anaerobic HIIT??
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!


    Thanks for posting!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!


    Thanks for posting!!!!! It has me rethinking my start of Stage 4 right now....I am going to begin at Stage 1 over, paying close attention to macros and nutrition. Plus, it will allow for 6 weeks with shorter workouts, enough time to get ready for my 8k in 8 weeks and then truely focus on strength gains.

    Our town has a fun run in early May and it is very important for me to run it!! I want my boys to look back and see that mom made effort to be active when they were young, plus then I can focus on the weights with my all. That puts me on better course for the strength gains I want going into a 3rd pregnancy.

    What do you girls think of it? I feel I have made such a mess of stage 3 and all with the nutrition and breaks.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Here is a great article on fat loss from Alwyn Cosgrove-great read!


    I didn't quite understand the 2 terms:
    high intensity ANAEROBIC interval training
    high intensity AEROBIC interval training

    I presume the aerobic one is the one we do on a bike/running etc, intervals, but what is anaerobic HIIT??

    anaerobic is the kind where you have less time to recover so the entire time your heart rate is elevated. for me here's the difference:

    aerobic hit (treadmill) : 2 minutes on 3.7/1 min run on 6.5 . i can probably do this for 45 minutes before i run out of gas, but it's still more challenging than if i did a straight run on 5.0 for 45 minutes.

    anaerobic HIIIT (treadmill) : 15 seconds sprint 8.5/15 second rest .. during these rests i dont do anything. my feet are on the side of the treadmill. 15 minutes is my max for this, because i'm essentially going all out during those sprint periods. for this kind you want to make sure you choose a speed/resistance where you cant possibly go more than 12-15 minutes. i know for me by the last interval (i also tend to increase the speed even more for the last 2) i have doubts if i can even get through my cool down :laugh: oh yeah, and this is the type of interval where people next to you on the treadmill might express concern since THEY'RE breathing heavy just watching you

    i had to do about 2 months of the aerobic hiit before i could do the anaerobic kind
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    OK, an observation. I was looking at the stronglifts website, out of interest, and it struck me (from the men's testimonials) the big difference between men and women lifters:

    Most of us women measure our success by the reading on the scale, shape, measurements, body fat percentage etc, as well as the numbers we're lifting.
    Men: just how much they can lift! The improvements in appearance/ health/size etc seem an afterthought.

    I guess it's true what they say, if we focus on strength, the rest will follow!

    And that's it for my brain today, it's Friday and I'm off home :drinker:

    That's one of the reasons the "meet Staci" from Nerdfitness link has been so popular, she looks amazing and her only worry any more is how much more can she lift. I know I'm spending too much time overthinking the other details, it's a hard habit to break.

    Wow -- I missed this the first time around, but...... WOW. This observation blows my mind!!!! I never thought about it that way, but you are both so right, if I can lift more, then obviously I am pushing my muscles and I am bound to see results no matter what the scale says! Love it!! Thank you!

    Also, the Cosgrove article is great!!! It has me really thinking about the rests between stages and how to utilize those as fat burning periods.....
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks for the article! It makes so much sense and was a good reinforcement since reading the book!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    high intensity ANAEROBIC interval training
    high intensity AEROBIC interval training

    Thanks for that explanation Meshasesha; I was wondering about it too.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks Meshashesha!!! I think i've been doing the aerobic kind then, on my bike i was doing 30 sec sprint then 1 min ease slower at lower resistance. Now i'm on stage 2 I'm doing the HIIT recommended in the book- 1 min sprint, 2 mins slower. Same thing really. I presume that's the right type? I do go pretty hard, my HR up to about 165, but it gets down to 120 in the rests.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I like just focusing on lifting heavier and heavier....I think I will do that (once my fitness challenges are over....unfortunately I have 3.5 more months of weighing and measuring in the challenges!)

    Thank you for the information on the aerobic and anaeorbic HIIT interval training. I am not sure if this is gonna get me flamed, but many trainers say, unless you are an ELITE athlete, the whole HIIT interval training is NOT really going to add much to your overall fitness goals. It just isn't. I do HIIT because I need some cardio (for cardio health), and I'm satisfied that it is more worthwhile, for 20 minutes, than steady-state cardio. But, beyond that, it likely doesn't apply super-duper benefits to an average jane like myself!
  • jimmychoo2shoes
    Hello, newbie here. Well, newbie to NROL4W. I was doing MFP for a bit, but was off and on in terms of staying at my calorie goal and was just doing boot camp for workouts. But I had been thinking I really wanted to work on increasing strength, and I ran across this book, and here I am now.
    I just finished my third workout, so that would be stage 1, workout A2. I was really nervous going to the free weights side of the gym at first. I was particularly nervous about the squats (since I had no idea what a squat rack even looked like) and the deadlifts, but after getting the first A and B workouts in, I'm feeling much more comfortable. So, I'm pretty pumped about this program.
    I was a little nervous also about the calories. When I was doing just MFP, I was trying for 1200 on non-workout days. Now, I'm doing between 1700 and 2000. (I actually started the meal plan a week or 2 before the workouts) And anyway, I actually dropped a couple pounds right away after being stuck for a bit. Probably getting enough protein is my biggest challenge, but I'm working on it. Snacks are probably the hardest, because they are pretty restrictive on what food items I can bring into work. Anway, I'm working it out.
    And I live in Michigan. And that's me. So, I'm really glad to find this group and can't wait to read through old posts and catch up.

  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member

    I'm a newbie to NROF, starting tomorrow. I've lost 27lbs so far on MFP, but I definitely need to boost up my strength exercises. I read through the book and some of the exercises do look really intimidating, so I will definitely be relying on this thread for some how to support!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    . I am not sure if this is gonna get me flamed, but many trainers say, unless you are an ELITE athlete, the whole HIIT interval training is NOT really going to add much to your overall fitness goals.
    i disagree with them. i used to be an athlete but am not one any longer (but working my way back).

    for one thing ive noticed way more fat loss when i incorporated hiit than when i was doing steady state aerobics. i hadn't really worked out for 2 years so at first i needed to work my way up to being able to do 30-45 minutes of straight (easy cardio). i did that for about a month and didnt lose anything. also, it didnt really do much to change my resting heart rate

    once i got my heart healthy enough to start doing aerobic hiit, i started noticing more changes in my body (i also pretty much stopped doing steady state cardio). once i was healthy enough to start doing anaerobic hiit, that's when i really started seeing improvements. my resting heart rate has dropped from 79 to 65. also sprinting for a bus or a train (which i probably have to do once a week) is way easier. now i even get to the stop with a few seconds to spare. used to be i'd sprint and still just miss it :laugh:

    also for january/february i wasnt doing any non HIIT cardio at all. but i recently tried running. the last time i tested myself in january to see how long i could go, i couldnt go for more than 3 minutes on level 5.5. last week i tested myself at the end of a workout and there i was 15 minutes in on 5.5. i could have gone longer too, but the gym was closing.. HIIT was the only cardio i'd been doing (ok and maybe some water aerobics here and there) for 2 months, so that's really the only thing that could have helped.

    honestly i was also a bit surprised about that myself
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Morning, all! I'm in week 3 and I'm finally feeling comfortable in the free weights section of the gym! I was so intimidated, but reading all of your posts gave me courage.

    I'm also getting less nervous about trying out the heavier weights. My first week, I started out with dumbells between 7 and 12 pounds each and barbells at 20 lbs. Now I'm starting with the 12 pounders and 40 pounders! I was nervous because I actually was able to lift less and do FEWER reps my second week, but this week I am lifting better than ever. Progress!!!

    I did pull a muscle in my abdomen the other day and I'm not sure what to do. I've been trying to up my protein intake to help with muscle repair but, GAH, I am having such a hard time! I am supposed to eat between 90-160 grams of protein a day, and I can barely seem to get in 70! Help! Any suggestions?! I can eat lean chicken, fish and seafood, beans and legumes, but no soy or dairy.

    Welcome, jimmychoo2sho and 55toPretty! Can't wait to hear more from you about your progress!

    Oh, a question about HIIT (because it really works for me, too) -- I used to do HIIT exclusively on the treadmill, but I am bored with running now that my race season is over. I decided to try the stationary bike and elliptical. I tried out the "Hill" setting which seemed to be similar to the HIIT -- any experience with this? I worked up quite a sweat, and I tried to focus on bringing my heart rate up and down between hills to get that HIIT experience... Feedback appreciated!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think I have been doing anaerobic hiit on the elliptical. I do 10 minutes alternating between going all out for 15 seconds and recovering for 45 seconds. I am working my way up to being able to do it for 30 and 30. Then I do regular intervals by increasing the resistance for the rest of the time. I do about 35-40 mins altogether. Then sometimes I add a 4 minute tabata round with a kettlebell. I wish I could say that the fat is melting off of me. But I feel that I am working harder and nothing is happening. I am trying hard with my diet but I am not superhuman. I can't eat clean 100% of the time. I need my chocolate and ice cream once in a while. But I am cutting out dairy. I am definitely getting a stomach reaction when I eat it. It never used to bother me but I think I have become lactose intolerant as I got older. So maybe it's bloating me and contributing to my belly pooch, who knows. It sucks because I have already cut out wheat, grains, and beans and I don't know what else to eat at this point if I also exclude dairy.