Daily Chat Thread



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Alright, so I'm a little sad, push-ups on my knees were way more difficult than I thought they would be! The last few I was straining to get up, didn't realize how much I needed my abs to help with that :)

    I had to modify the jack knives and do mountain climbers instead, abs just aren't ready for that one!

    but overall, great workout and I didn't have to modify anything else. Can't wait til Friday!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey all! I'm new :) I plan on starting tomorrow, but it will be very light. I might even have to modify many of the abdominal exercises. I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair 6 weeks ago and just have been cleared to start weights. I was in pretty good shape before going into surgery so I have bounced quickly back into running, hoping it's the same for strength!

    I tried a push-up today and it was uncomfortable in my abs, so I will start on my knees. My problem is, I could probably do 30 on my knees before my arms are tired...should I do 30 instead of 15 because of this?

    Also, it's still spring racing season so I plan on running a bit, actually I won't give up running since I'll start training for a half marathon in late June. Should I run after lifting, or do it on off days? I only plan on running two days a week, one will be intervals, the other will be slow and steady.
    welcome! Have you tried to do push ups with hands on a bench or something? I don't know if that will help. I would run on off days and good luck with training for the half marathon!

    I think that's my plan, lift MWF, intervals Tuesday, long runs Saturday, rest Sunday :)
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think I am having carpal tunnel issues and I am not happy. My wrist kind of burns and my hand is bordering numb and pins and needles. This can't be good. I am going to the store to get a wrist brace to hopefully stop this from progressing. I fear that I will have to stop lifting for a while. I hope not, I am finally about to squat heavier than I have before. Anyone else have issues like this?

    You should see a doc. Hope they clear you out and you can keep rocking your new program!

    Yeah, if it doesn't go away soon I will see a dr. But she will probably only tell me what I already know. Wear a brace.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Okay, got my work-out in. It was a lame one, but it's done. And I feel better.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Jamk...chiropractor definitely an option. Mine fixed chronic headaches for me a few years ago. C2-C3 compression.

    I thought about the rotator impingment...not much to be done for that, tho, except ice and rest, right? And months of it!

    Oh, and the 100# step-ups are on a bar. I couldn't possibly hoist up 50# dumbbells! (YET!) The step brings my thigh to parallel; any higher and my right hip locks up.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I figure I should check-in again and not only eaves-drop. I am lifting 2x' a week and working through level 1. I first wondered if I should lift 3x's a week but sticking to my motto "First do no harm" I just want to keep slowly progressing. Learning a lot from all of your comments! Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    I have stayed mostly away from the scale. A measurement I trust is the smallest part of the waist and the belly button height measurement. Both have decreased just a little. Easy, and I hope an indicator that I am not gaining fat due to my increase in calories.

    I am increasing the barbell/dumbell weights but also wonder if I will have to round up a few more heavy weights! I hope my hubby can rig a squat rack for me. It's a little scary trying to find a safe way to get under the bar. Am I a wuss that I have this fear already at 73lbs'.s? :noway: Any ideas on the best way to maneuver the bar onto one's shoulders?

    Better get some sleep - I hear it's important!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I figure I should check-in again and not only eaves-drop. I am lifting 2x' a week and working through level 1. I first wondered if I should lift 3x's a week but sticking to my motto "First do no harm" I just want to keep slowly progressing. Learning a lot from all of your comments! Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    I have stayed mostly away from the scale. A measurement I trust is the smallest part of the waist and the belly button height measurement. Both have decreased just a little. Easy, and I hope an indicator that I am not gaining fat due to my increase in calories.

    I am increasing the barbell/dumbell weights but also wonder if I will have to round up a few more heavy weights! I hope my hubby can rig a squat rack for me. It's a little scary trying to find a safe way to get under the bar. Am I a wuss that I have this fear already at 73lbs'.s? :noway: Any ideas on the best way to maneuver the bar onto one's shoulders?

    Better get some sleep - I hear it's important!

    I have the same problem - i.e. no squat rack. I've now managed to set up two robust high-backed kitchen chairs, and balance the bar on the backs before loading with weights. It is slightly lower than comofortable, but certainly managable and it worked fine yesterday. I think I will need to put cloths of some kind uder the bar though, to prevent indentations.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    I figure I should check-in again and not only eaves-drop. I am lifting 2x' a week and working through level 1. I first wondered if I should lift 3x's a week but sticking to my motto "First do no harm" I just want to keep slowly progressing. Learning a lot from all of your comments! Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    I have stayed mostly away from the scale. A measurement I trust is the smallest part of the waist and the belly button height measurement. Both have decreased just a little. Easy, and I hope an indicator that I am not gaining fat due to my increase in calories.

    I am increasing the barbell/dumbell weights but also wonder if I will have to round up a few more heavy weights! I hope my hubby can rig a squat rack for me. It's a little scary trying to find a safe way to get under the bar. Am I a wuss that I have this fear already at 73lbs'.s? :noway: Any ideas on the best way to maneuver the bar onto one's shoulders?

    Better get some sleep - I hear it's important!

    You certainly are NOT a wuss!!! I was using the pre-weighted bars (in the gym) for my squats before I was confident enough to use the squat rack... I eventually was forced over to the squat rack because I couldn't press enough weight to get it into position for my squats! I like the chair suggestion by Miss Maggie... I was wondering how "at homers" manage! :smile:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Well, I am pleasantly surprised to be sore this morning, I don't know why I thought I wouldn't be!! Feels good to be back in the weight room!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    katapple, I love being sore!! Tells me that I'm working hard ;-D

    I'm going to get my husband to take me to the gym tonight and show me how to do the squat rack there because I STILL haven't figured it out, LOL!

    The scale and measurements are STILL not moving, but holy cow I can see a difference in the mirror! And my husband is constantly remarking on my arms and legs, so obviously somethin's cookin' in my kitchen even if I can't locate the source of the smell, hahaha! No lie, though, I am hungrier than ever and worried that upping my calorie intake was a mistake. I'm ready to see that scale move, even if it is just a tiny bit more. It has been stalled since I started lifting.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi everyone. Figured I should actually post instead of continuing to lurk. I started stage 1 last week with two workouts and plan on doing three a week from now on. Finished 2B yesterday and this is the first day I actually feel sore from the lat pull downs. Not sore in my legs at all, but hoping as I up the weights they will start to feel it. My weight went up the first week, but this week it's back to where I started so hoping it will continue to go down.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    barefoot, if you are seeing results in the mirror, those are the BEST results. Bar none. (Well, and supportive comments from husbands run a very close second!)

    welcome jenthomas....you'll enjoy the program, I'm sure.

    I did my first B workout in Stage 3, today. I liked it. Although, I'm subbing in the LYTP workouts for YTWL:

  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Hi There, I will unlurk /become more active as well. I am on to Week 3 Day 3 tomorrow. I am doing the C25K program on the days I lift M-W-F. The other 4 days I am not doing much. What are your routines? Are you supplementing NR's with other excercise? I have about 40lbs to lose (maybe). I am thinking about increasing my calories but am unsure.

    Anyway, you all are doing great! It's fun looking at the other stages to see what's coming up.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Welcome out of lurkdom, nhmommy1976 and jenthomas0176! I am on week 3 and supplementing my lifting with running (although it is my off-season for running, next race is in January '13!).
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Thanks Barefoot!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    After deciding to restart the program and eat at maintaince, I felt like I was failing. Not because of the starting over, just the not finishing it for a first time.....but I have decided that if my inner thighs and booty are aching after the workouts, then it will all be good! I am really trying hard with sticking to my cals, yesterday was not my best moment, but for the majority of the week, I have been eating to fuel my body.

    I hope that everyone has a good weekend!! Welcome to Jenthomas and nhmommy!!!!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Monthly visitor arrived today and I feel AWFUL. It hasn't been this bad in years. Weird since, when I was marathon training, it had become almost unnoticeable. I am still doing cardio regularly, but not the long, long runs. And my muscle soreness is compounded by the cramping.

    Anyone else had this while doing NROLFW? Could it be a vitamin deficiency or something? I'm planning on taking today off, we'll see how I feel tomorrow.
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
    barefoot, I have that feeling when I'm ovulating not during my period but holy cow! Yes! It was a lot worse this month since starting NROLFW!
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
    So after teeter tottering on what to do, I ended up taking my regular Friday cross training class. I took the last 2 weeks off but I really think I want to continue it. I used lower weights so that I wasn't straining my muscles since I did NROLFW yesterday but I feel like I got a ton of benefit from all the intervals and all the sweating I did. I think I need to learn from the book, follow the principles, but I also have to be happy or I'm not going to follow this to it's natural conclusion.

    p.s. Would love some new friends who are doing this. Feel free to friend me!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Oh dear shoulder injury has really flared up today. Feeling a bit low to be honest because I need to work and can't afford injury :sad: Anyway trying to stay positive (despite just saying I'm low) been icing frequently, ultra sound this morning and will self massage and ultra sound again before bed. Its now my weeks break before starting stage 3 so praying with regular treatment during week it will improve. Just might have to sucumb to lifting twice a week and modifying arm exercises :ohwell:

    Hi all newbies, glad you've stopped lurking and said hello. x