Daily Chat Thread



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Edit: excuse weird format, using phone!

    Barefoot, I found the opposite, decreased period pain..

    Gill, hope u manage to fix it, that's depressing.

    I have 3 days skiing left, we're having a blast, really improving.
    I'm so glad of my improved muscles, cos I've certainly used them.
    Having less hip arthritis, possibly due to increased muscle there, but my
    Knees aren't happy- They'll get over it!

    It's sunny in austria and the snow won't be here much longer than us,
    It's beautiful.
    I've eaten and drank everything in sight, so hope I've burned millions of calories!
    Real world on tues, lifting soon after.
    Keep at it ladies xxx
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
    Oh dear shoulder injury has really flared up today. Feeling a bit low to be honest because I need to work and can't afford injury :sad:

    That's exactly how I feel about my knee. I only had one down day because of it but I am scared ****less to injure it again!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    Gill.....I have issues with my right shoulder and I find that it flares up when it wants! I blame it on work, but in reality, it just makes it worse when I workout or play with my boys. I hope you can solve the issues before you progress to Stage 3. Also, thanks for getting my food issues...I have been working really hard at recording all I eat. I so want to sneak food and just pretend it never went in...but really, to make progress with both NROLFW and my body shape, I need to eat to live, rather than live to eat.

    fitJoce....that makes sense...you have to be enjoying all you do, while listening to your body...sounds like you had fun!
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Hi all-
    Back from spring break, such as it is with the kiddos. Had one great workout and two okay ones. Amused to find I have become a gym snob where I used to be happy just to run on a treadmill at a hotel and now I'm annoyed if they don't have the right weight stuff. Funny to see how priorities can change. Didn't log my food this week and made some poor choices but glad to be home and looking forward to getting back on track with food/lifting/HIIT tomorrow. Alternated between feeling good in my bathing suit and feeling a lot less good. Mostly food related I think. Anyway, welcome to all the new members and glad to be back and checking in. I'm almost midway through Stage 5. Yikes/Woohoo.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm using kitchen chairs for a squat rack, but concerned about the chairs if I go much higher (it feels like a big 'if' at the moment). I don't have a separate room at home to use, and I don't want to turn our living room into a gym - it looks bad enough already with all the weights lying around. So the question is, do I buy a squat rack that will drive me made to look at? An alternative might be something like this, which if you can't see it is two independent stands which together make a squat rack; easier to tidy away?


    Does anyone have any knowledge/experience of these?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    MissMaggie sorry can't offer much help. I work out at home also, but in my garage. I have a tall freezer that I use, plus I'm 5ft 11 so its ok (at the moment!) I'm quite houseproud (mainly because clients visit regularly for treatments) so would hate to have to look at a squat rack (let alone have to dust it!!!!!!!).
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Well after a disappointing night of mindless eating (pity party for shoulder), I jumped on the treadmill and did 20 mins of HIIT, followed by 3 mile brisk walk with my westie in the pouring rain. Came back feeling great!! Decided whilst body was still warm to give my arm/trapezius and all underlying muscles in back a good going over with a tennis ball. Wow so many painful areas in there. Managed to release most trigger points, and now 5 hours later my shoulder is feeling so much better :happy: :happy: Only one client coming in today at 4.30 and guess what its for lol shoulder pain .... oh the irony!!!!!

    Happy Saturday folks. Its Mothers Day in the UK tomorrow, and my son wants to make me a cream tea (scone, double whipped cream and jam) gulp, :ohwell:
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    I have converted our basement into a gym....and hoping that I can convince the hubby of a need of a squat rack, otherwise I am limited to what I can pass over my head, or perhaps skinny under my bar lying down! lol, I don't think that will be a good solution, so my hubby has promised that he will help me with the workout A workouts.

    The thing is that when I first started the program in Nov. '11, I was wimpy with the weights in comparison, so I could do the over the head bit.

    Welcome back kc!!!!!! WTG on the good moments in your swimsuit!!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I have converted our basement into a gym....and hoping that I can convince the hubby of a need of a squat rack, otherwise I am limited to what I can pass over my head, or perhaps skinny under my bar lying down! lol, I don't think that will be a good solution, so my hubby has promised that he will help me with the workout A workouts.

    The thing is that when I first started the program in Nov. '11, I was wimpy with the weights in comparison, so I could do the over the head bit.

    Welcome back kc!!!!!! WTG on the good moments in your swimsuit!!!

    Ah yes, but as you get stronger it will get more and more difficult for your hubby to lift the barbell for ypu. Perhaps you could embarrass him into buying one? That's worked in my house, lol!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    I have converted our basement into a gym....and hoping that I can convince the hubby of a need of a squat rack, otherwise I am limited to what I can pass over my head, or perhaps skinny under my bar lying down! lol, I don't think that will be a good solution, so my hubby has promised that he will help me with the workout A workouts.

    The thing is that when I first started the program in Nov. '11, I was wimpy with the weights in comparison, so I could do the over the head bit.

    Welcome back kc!!!!!! WTG on the good moments in your swimsuit!!!

    Ah yes, but as you get stronger it will get more and more difficult for your hubby to lift the barbell for ypu. Perhaps you could embarrass him into buying one? That's worked in my house, lol!

    I had a great laugh with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that is an excellent ploy and I will be sure to use it. At first, he did not believe I would stick with NROLFW, so I had to sign the book out of the library twice, but I did coherce him into purchasing my own copy!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Eeek! A friend is visiting this weekend. Before I mentioned anything about lifting or working out at all, she said I was looking very 'muscly' (I thad been thinking my thighs were getting bigger, but wasn't sure if it was my imagination). I'm only on stage 1, so this was a bit suprising. Then later she told me about her colleague who had actually died from competitive body building - heart problems relating to the diet, she thought. Surely that is very, very rare??!! Altogether, not feeling as positive about all this as before my friend arrived!
  • oceanity
    oceanity Posts: 182 Member
    Eeek! A friend is visiting this weekend. Before I mentioned anything about lifting or working out at all, she said I was looking very 'muscly' (I thad been thinking my thighs were getting bigger, but wasn't sure if it was my imagination). I'm only on stage 1, so this was a bit suprising. Then later she told me about her colleague who had actually died from competitive body building - heart problems relating to the diet, she thought. Surely that is very, very rare??!! Altogether, not feeling as positive about all this as before my friend arrived!

    I would smack her down with those "muscley" thighs and realize that the "diet" of the competitive body builder perhaps had something to do with drug use, than actual food. I have measured my thighs and sadly have had some change in the bad way, but if I was to be running as much as I did last summer, I do believe that I could reduce the measurements.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Funny thing! :laugh: :laugh: I found my squat rack! I purchased a weight bench, a barbell, dumbells and weights for 30$ at a yard sale and have now discovered with just a couple adjustments the chest press configuration becomes a squat rack! Can hardly "weight" to try it out! Turns out to be a great investment! I am curious how much weight to expect to be able to lift so I will know how much I will need. Should I be watching for a deal? Would you all mind sharing whatyyou expect to max out at? (A guess is fine) Thanks!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Eeek! A friend is visiting this weekend. Before I mentioned anything about lifting or working out at all, she said I was looking very 'muscly' (I thad been thinking my thighs were getting bigger, but wasn't sure if it was my imagination). I'm only on stage 1, so this was a bit suprising. Then later she told me about her colleague who had actually died from competitive body building - heart problems relating to the diet, she thought. Surely that is very, very rare??!! Altogether, not feeling as positive about all this as before my friend arrived!

    I would smack her down with those "muscley" thighs and realize that the "diet" of the competitive body builder perhaps had something to do with drug use, than actual food. I have measured my thighs and sadly have had some change in the bad way, but if I was to be running as much as I did last summer, I do believe that I could reduce the measurements.

    Yes, I'm sure you're right. The word 'steroids' did pop into my mind. And she's probably just jealous of my new Amazonian look, huh?!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Eeek! A friend is visiting this weekend. Before I mentioned anything about lifting or working out at all, she said I was looking very 'muscly' (I thad been thinking my thighs were getting bigger, but wasn't sure if it was my imagination). I'm only on stage 1, so this was a bit suprising. Then later she told me about her colleague who had actually died from competitive body building - heart problems relating to the diet, she thought. Surely that is very, very rare??!! Altogether, not feeling as positive about all this as before my friend arrived!

    I would smack her down with those "muscley" thighs and realize that the "diet" of the competitive body builder perhaps had something to do with drug use, than actual food. I have measured my thighs and sadly have had some change in the bad way, but if I was to be running as much as I did last summer, I do believe that I could reduce the measurements.

    One more vote for a smack! I don't think you fall into the category and you shouldn't worry about it. I bet the one that passed away was using other things to improve her looks.
    Love your new profile pic!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Funny thing! :laugh: :laugh: I found my squat rack! I purchased a weight bench, a barbell, dumbells and weights for 30$ at a yard sale and have now discovered with just a couple adjustments the chest press configuration becomes a squat rack! Can hardly "weight" to try it out! Turns out to be a great investment! I am curious how much weight to expect to be able to lift so I will know how much I will need. Should I be watching for a deal? Would you all mind sharing whatyyou expect to max out at? (A guess is fine) Thanks!

    Great find! Right now my max on deadlifts is 205 for 1set of 2, but I don't see me going up from that anytime soon-been lifting since 2011, late September. Started the deads with 95. All my numbers on the rest of the lifts are lower, much lower than that.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Funny thing! :laugh: :laugh: I found my squat rack! I purchased a weight bench, a barbell, dumbells and weights for 30$ at a yard sale and have now discovered with just a couple adjustments the chest press configuration becomes a squat rack! Can hardly "weight" to try it out! Turns out to be a great investment! I am curious how much weight to expect to be able to lift so I will know how much I will need. Should I be watching for a deal? Would you all mind sharing whatyyou expect to max out at? (A guess is fine) Thanks!

    Hoosiermomma, I did that too, got a cheap weight bench and set the supports
    High enough to use as a squat rack!

    Funny thing was for the for the first couple of weeks I was backing up to it
    As I didn't realize you walk forward into a squat rack- so much easier!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    What kind of a "friend" comes out and says something about "muscle-y"?? Unless, she meant it in the way that I WOULD MEAN IT, which is that you've chiseled your body of body fat, such that your muscles are showing up under your skin. Which is EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!!

    Of course bodybuilders die. So do bus drivers. And, teachers. Heck, everyone. There is NOTHING in weight-training that is inherently dangerous and don't you DARE worry about this from a "health" perspective.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375

    Funny thing was for the for the first couple of weeks I was backing up to it
    As I didn't realize you walk forward into a squat rack- so much easier!

    Wow. I so did not realize that either, now I just feel silly! I seemed logical to back up to it so I wasn't sticking my backside out to the whole gym but you and every video about how to do a squat can't be wrong!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    What kind of a "friend" comes out and says something about "muscle-y"?? Unless, she meant it in the way that I WOULD MEAN IT, which is that you've chiseled your body of body fat, such that your muscles are showing up under your skin. Which is EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!!

    Of course bodybuilders die. So do bus drivers. And, teachers. Heck, everyone. There is NOTHING in weight-training that is inherently dangerous and don't you DARE worry about this from a "health" perspective.

    Message received and understood! Thank you. :smile: