Daily Chat Thread



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    PS - my first "challenge" will be NOT to late-night snack as I head into "mad men" premiere this evening....

    MAD MEN!!!!!!!! So jealous....
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Beeps sorry only really caught up with other blogs. You sound in a worse state that me. Ice and stretching is the way, be very careful with the weights though, sounds like a muscle pull but don't want to tear it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    For sure it's a muscle pull. For sure I don't want to tear it. I am being careful. But I am not ceasing any activities....just modifying if I feel "pain" doing something.

    I was exhausted, last night, and slept until about 5 am....when the throbbing started up. So, that's an improvement!

    Today is weight-training - yay!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Morning, everyone!

    The scale is still not moving, but I'm less and less worried about it because the changes in the mirror are so inspiring! My arms are slow to catch up, but my legs and stomach are really looking good.

    I've been eating clean the last week, too, so I feel good about that, but I sure would like to get a lot leaner and I'm trying to figure out how to drop the fat. I keep telling myself that this is a journey not a race, and I see from many of the photos on Bodybuilding.com how it took 1-3 years for some of those women to look the way they do. So, I'm trying to be patient!

    I'm also having a hard time not spending all my time at the gym on cardio since my oldest son got me into reading "The Hunger Games" and I figured out I could read while on the elliptical, LOL!!!
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    OMG - I loved the Hunger Games... I could not put it down... SOOOO good. Can't wait to see the movie!!!

    I moved from doing HIIT on the treadmill today to actually running in my gym - 1 min hard, 2 min easy. WOW - so much more work then on the treadmill... I am FEELING my workout today!! Did my last 2A today!! Yikes... the dreaded body weight matrix next week!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Good news for you, barefoot...opposite story for me. My stomach and legs/glutes are really NOT responding as well as I would have liked. And, I'll blame it on the nutrition-piece (not the work-out piece) - I accept responsibility and will be pushing myself harder, to eat cleaner, in April, May and June.

    As each week goes by, I find it easier and easier NOT to be focused on cardio. I only feel GUILTY when I see all my old friends at the gym still sweating on the machines. Then, again, it isn't like they are looking at my physique saying, "omg - you did THAT in 3 months??" It's more like, "I hope, in 6 months, someone can see a change..."

    And, I don't think I've been doing the lunge-jumps and squat-jumps like they are SUPPOSED to be done, in the body matrix. There are NO good pictures (in NROL4W) of this sequence. But, I just asked one of my mfp friends and she DOES put her back knee on the ground in her lunge jumps and she DOES go below parallel in her squat jumps....and she's in her last 8 weeks of training for a body-building fitness competition. So, she *knows*. Well, hell, I haven't been going that DEEP during the JUMP phase. Mostly because I'm sure I could NOT get through the body matrix if I did.

    And now that I know better, I'll have to try better. And, have no excuses. I don't have the body matrix, again, until Wednesday, but I think I'm not going to like it, at all, this week.

  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    Hello ladies! A new MFP friend recommended this group. I just got a copy of NROL4W two days ago. I'm still reading it and assessing how much I can incorporate into my life right now.

    Physically, I'm obese, so I need to tailor the plan to what I can realistically do now and add more in as I progress.

    Nutritionally, I have a family that will go all out rebellion on my *kitten* if I change their diet any more than I already have. They're being really good about the healthy foods and low-cal substitutions, etc. But any more and they'll start picketing in my kitchen, lol.

    So I'm maintaining the status quo (crappy *kitten* dieting and circuit weight training) until I finish reading enough to start making some changes. My goal is to worry less about how many calories I burn at the gym and focus on building the muscle I need to burn more the other 23 hours a day.

    A little about me: I'm 39, SAHM, hubby is a truck driver so I pretty much run things around here. I had a thyroidectomy a year ago after a tumor was found. Before that I gained 80 lbs in about a year or so due to a non-functioning thyroid. I'd hoped once I started on HRT the weight would come off on its own, but no such luck. I've always hovered around the 200 lb mark my entire life, even in HS. But now I'm 273 (after a 16 lb loss) and having to lose that weight the old fashioned way. It sucks, LOL.
    Anywho, nice to meet y'all. Feel free to add me if you like :) I don't have many lifter friends... most of my girlfriends are all cardiohaulics who subsist on the minimum 1,200 calories, so they don't really understand what I'm trying to do. Any extra support is always appreciated and returned :)
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am new to the group, and just completed my first workout of Stage 1!!! I am very excited to be doing this program. I had a GREAT workout - my heart really got pumping!! My HRM had me up in the 160's, especially during the prone jacknifes! love those!! :smile:

    Glad to be here!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Welcome aboard, nniles and Kristin!

    once I got the hang of the prone jack-knifes, I liked them too - too bad they don't appear, again, in the NROL4W series!

    nniles, can you prepare a meal for your family, but a separate (healthier) meal for yourself?? That's what I do now-a-days....well, that's what I do on the weekends. During the week, my nanny cooks - but she has strict instructions that, no matter what ELSE she is cooking, for me, it is baked fish filets and steamed vegetables. And, she complies. Nobody minds.
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    Sorry, guess I should have mentioned my name is Nancy. Thanks for the welcome!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I'll call you Nancy this time....but, in truth, these boards move SO fast that I rely on the "handles" to try and address people. It's CRAZY how many members have shown up in recent times.

    (I joined in fall and there was probably 200 members then....)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i have a feeling that i'm going to start stalling since i'm eating at a deficit. hopefully by the time that happens i'll be able to do a few chinups unassisted.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm doing a 250 deficit too, but it doesn't really work for me. It gives me too much room to eat bad. When I had fewer daily calories I had to be way more careful.

    Welcome Nancy and Kristin.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Started Stage 4 last night.

    The only thing that sucked for me is that when I upped my weights for doing the Step ups...my left hand got tired and had a hard time holding onto the dumbbell. I'll try again on Friday with the higher weight.

    Other than that,it went pretty good!

    Welcome to the new ladies!:smile:
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    Hi MFPs, I just started weightlifting last nite and was wondering how do I account for calories? :smile:
  • emyback68
    emyback68 Posts: 89
    Good morning ladies! I am back after about 1 month of return to cardio and no weights. I dislocated my shoulder on about my sixth workout in this program : I did not have the clip on tight enough on the barbell while doing extensions on the bench and the weight slipped on one side and pulled my arm back and right out of the socket. It is still a little sore, but feels strong enough to give this another go. Started over last Thursday. Plan is just to move a little more slowly, starting with lighter weights and only doing twice a week. Oh, and using even lighter weights on my injured side, especially for things like dumbbell shoulder presses! (Only used 5 pounds today!).

    And . . . I put away my scale yesterday! I really want to focus on changing the way my body looks rather than changing the number on the scale.

    So has anyone else tried to do this program while recovering from an injury like this? I am just trying to listen to my body and not overdo it (and not get too down on myself about getting injured . . . again. In December I got a stress fracture in my foot. Seems like one thing after another slowing me down!)

    Anyway, just glad to be back!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I've got an injury right now, emy, and I'm still forging ahead. Like you said, be mindful of any movement that "aggravates" the injury....but, for example, if it's your shoulder that is the problem, you should still be able to do lunges, squats, deadlifts, etc. - and any lower body items. So, keeping THOSE muscles working is GREAT!

    I have had lower-back injuries on-and-off for about 7 years - so I'm always VERY conscious about my back. And, with NROL4W, I simply am working on getting the form right, and lifting heavier as I get better with my form.

    It's a marathon - not a sprint. So, you'll do fine with this program. Remember, it is progress, not perfection, that is going to matter.

    Wouldn't hurt to consider paying a personal trainer to walk you through modifications to any of the exercises that would exacerbate your injury.

    Oh, and welcome back!
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi MFPs, I just started weightlifting last nite and was wondering how do I account for calories? :smile:

    Under "cardio" section there is a "weight lifting" one. But it's pretty unrealistic... 120 calories burned for 40 minutes of weight lifting?!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    So, I go to the "meet-and-greet" luncheon today, at work. As I normally work-out at lunch, I sacrificed my work-out to attend this meet-and-greet BECAUSE it was hyped (via e-mail from our President's Exec Assistant!) as a "corporate challenge fitness challenge".

    I arrive to be greeted by 3 x overly made-up plastic-looking women from a local spa. Holding cups with a "sample" of a shake (meal replacement).

    I then sit down with about 30 other women from my office and am treated to a 20-minute presentation on "Bodies by Vi" - some meal replacement program - AND, get this - a MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING SCHEME!!


    I was sooooooooooooooooooo pissed off, I cannot even tell you. At the end of the 20-minutes, I asked, very politely, but clearly, if the 'corporate fitness challenge' only applied to persons who were purchasing their products. And, the presenters said, "yes".

    Sooooooooooo, somehow it is "okay" for my employer to permit MLM scams to come into our office location and preach to stupid working women?? Moreover, instead of the 30-women saying, "hell, no, we can draw up our own fitness challenge to participate in - we don't need these damn meal-replacement schticks", nope, like lambs to the slaughter they lined up to PAY MONEY to these scammers.

    I walked out. I have a high enough position in the company I would have thought that would have demonstrated some kind of "leadership". But, nope. It didn't.

    So, now, I hate my employer for ALLOWING solicitations like this into my building. I HATE the Exec Assis who is NOW making $$ OFF HER CO-WORKERS by bringing in this b.s. product. And, I HATE my co-workers for being the fools that they are.

    Worst of all, I have NO "corporate fitness challenge" to participate in to help me with "accountability" (in real life). Dammit.
  • Restart4me
    Hello everyone!

    I had planned to start Stage 1 of this program yesterday but I just found out I'm going to be traveling for 8 of the next 14 days. So now I'll be starting (hopefully) the second week of April. I was so glad to find this group and to see all the discussions going on! I definitely think this will be a great resource for me once I get started.

    A little about me: I'm a 25 year old woman that's been obese/morbidly obese for most of my life. Since last June and I have lost about 50 lbs just by dieting. I'm hoping that by starting this now, when I'm still very obese, that I can get good habits and have good muscle strength as I get smaller. I've done weight lifting programs with trainers before but they were all usually pretty light weight. I'll be really interested to see how "heavy" weights work on me!