lwagg Member


  • Well, I made it to day 14. I did Sweat 1-2 today. Monday was the first day I was able to make it all the way thru Sweat EVER without stopping and this is the 3rd time I've done P90! I think my problem is I do the program then stop for about 6 months and start again. I always miss it and think about it every day, but since…
  • Hi all! I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I did manage to get thru Sculpt 1-2! I'm going to do Sweat today. Last week I had my hardest day the first Sweat workout after Sculpt - I was so sore! I actually made it thru the Sculpt this time but my stamina is so poor that I'm dreading those lunge jumps in Sweat.…
  • Welcome Andrea! I just began last week. Keep it up at the gym! Way to go Tammy! You kept going and didn't give up. You're an inspiration to me. I hope I can get thru AB Ripper 100 soon. I had a rest day yesterday so I'm not sore today and Sweat 1-2 was easier. I still can only get thru the first set of lunge jumps before I…
  • UGH! i just finished Sculpt 1-2 and didn't think I was going to make it. My legs are so sore I could hardly get out of bed. But by the end of the warm up I was stretched out and feeling better. I feel really good now. Tena, happy anniversary! Jenn, thanks for the info on the lemon juice, I didn't know that. And for the…
  • Another day done! Did Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 Jen: I know I'm new to this, but I can't get thru the jumping jacks and run lunges yet either. Do you get further now than you did when you began? I get winded so easily, and I cant' do the side hops - I skip. But it gives me something to improve on, right? Keep it up!…
  • Day 2 down! Just finished Sculpt 1-2. It's harder than I remember. Keep going Jenn, I'm following in your footsteps. My legs are really killing me after those lunges but it's all good. Tena, my goal is to get where you are. I'm 42 and have a grandson myself. I need all the energy I can get. See ya'll tomorrow Lana
  • Hi Tena & Jenn, I've been reading thru this thread and really feel motivated by you two. I've done P90 twice in the past 3 years but I take long breaks in between which destroys any results. I have P90X but haven't used it yet. I'm really not in shape to start it yet so I began P90 AGAIN yesterday. I have no excuses…
  • Hi! I just joined today. I'm beginning my diet and exercise today. You can learn more about me on my profile but mainly I just want to feel and look good again. I tend to yo-yo back and forth because I never stick with anything long enough to maintain it. I reach part of my goal and then quit for a while. I want to - just…
    in Hello all Comment by lwagg December 2008