Power 90...Who's With Me?



    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I got Power 90 a couple months ago and only used it once. I've had so many problems with my back. Plus it didn't help that the kids wanted to workout with me. very distracting. Now I'm almost done paying off my elliptical machine and I'm ready to start up again. I was going out with a bang this year, gearing up to work hard on Jan 1. Gotta go pull out the old Power 90 and give it a whirl.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    DO IT!

    I was going to wait till Jan 1 to start P90 also but I said why wait and started Dec 1. I have lost 8.8 so far was down to 10.2 damn christmas and not sure how many inches I will do those again on day 45 when I switch to P90 3-4.

    Will let you know how they go! Good luck!
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    I agree... give it a go!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Jenn! Tonight I did ARX with extra ab work on the slings and exercise ball. It was great! My abs were really burning! Then I did Back & Biceps and it was AWESOME! I definitely left it all on the floor! I was able to raise weights on a couple exercises and reps on a couple others. I just love the feeling after that workout! Tomorrow I have one of my favorites, 1 on 1 Plyo Legs! YEAH!!!!

    Jenn: You are doing so great! I am so very proud of you!!! Just keep it up and those couple pounds will fall off quick... I am so excited for you and your progress!

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well just finished Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100.

    Getting even better at them both Im almost 100% with the ab ripper which im proud of. Still not that flexable like the ppl on the video with the power yoga but I know sometime I will get there!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished 1 on 1 Plyo Legs and it was such an AWESOME workout! I really pushed it hard and burned 553 calories! It was amazing!!! My legs are really tingling.... Tomorrow is Chest/Shoulders/Triceps (which consists of alot of push-ups) and ARX with extra ab work! No partying for me! Just another great workout and likely in bed by 10:00 pm like last year! :bigsmile:

    Well, time to hit the shower and eat some dinner!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well just finished another round of Sculpt 1-2 and feel amazing today!

    The 10lb challenge I was in.....I have lost 11.4 this month! If it wasn't for my bf's bday and his work xmas party and christmas I can imagine what I would have lost. Well I will try and be good today not promising anything and tomorrow is the last family dinner then I have no problems until my bday which is feb 6.

    Have a happy new year everyone and be safe! :drinker:
  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Tena & Jenn,
    I've been reading thru this thread and really feel motivated by you two. I've done P90 twice in the past 3 years but I take long breaks in between which destroys any results. I have P90X but haven't used it yet. I'm really not in shape to start it yet so I began P90 AGAIN yesterday. I have no excuses because my husband lost 40 llbs on P90 and likes to eat healthy (I have support at home). I guess I just get lazy or burnt out and give up, then I feel guilty and constantly think about how I COULD look and feel and what I COULD do if I stuck with it. I hear that the message boards make all the difference and I've tried the BB boards but there are so many people on there I can't keep up with all of them. I'd love to join you guys and change things for good. This is a lifetime change, not just a 90 day one.
    Wish me luck!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! My New Year's Resolution is to continue on my trek toward fitness with P90X! I have had amazing results this last year and in the best shape I have ever been. I turned 47 last Sunday the 28th and feel more like 27!

    Yesterday evening I did Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and Ab Ripper X with extra ab work on the ab slings and exercise ball. I was total toast when I was done! I have been doing this alittle over a year and I am still having more muscle changes and results.

    Jenn: Way to go on your workout yesterday and EXCEEDING your goal! That is so AWESOME! I am so very proud of you! You are amazing! Keep it up.

    Lana: Welcome! We would be very happy to be with you on your journey to health and fitness. Just remember it is a lifetime journey and commitment! I started P90X in August 2007 and have never missed a workout! To succeed, you have to plan and commit to your workout every day! Jenn and I take Sundays as our Rest Day. Your body really needs one day a week to rest and relax. That is awesome that your hubby has had such great results. You will do great. Just commit and do it. I do the basic P90X Classic routine and incorporate some of Tony's other workouts to shake it up alittle. I put in some of the P90 Master Series, 10 min trainers, 1 on 1 workouts and P90X+. You never plateau with Tony! That is what I like about it!

    Well everyone I hope you have a great day and excellent workout. I am getting ready to eat some breakfast and in about an hour do the P90X Plyometrics. Starting the new year off with a very hard, tough and calorie burning workout! :happy:

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Tena: Happy Belated Birthday! Great job on your workouts, you are still my inspiration! I did have too much to drink and a little too much to eat last night so not feeling the greatest today so today will be my rest day and then I"ll make a week from sunday my next rest day.

    Lena: Welcome to the world of P90 and P90X! This thread is what keeps me going everyday and the scale going down also helps too! I have had P90 for almost 3 years and only did it for about a week and thats it and now I'm done 32 days and will switch to 3-4 on the 45th day.

    Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, I started the New Year off with a BANG!! I just finished my workout! I did P90X Plyometrics and it was the MOST AMAZING AND AWESOME workout EVER!! I pushed it hard and had my heartrate up to 175! I burned 640 calories! What an awesome way to start the New Year!!! I got on the Wii Fit cause you are supposed to check in every day for weigh in and it shows that I lost 2 lbs since Tuesday!!! WOOOOT!!! That just makes my day!!!

    Well, gotta finish my delicious Recovery Drink and hit the shower...

  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    Day 2 down! Just finished Sculpt 1-2. It's harder than I remember.
    Keep going Jenn, I'm following in your footsteps. My legs are really killing me after those lunges but it's all good.
    Tena, my goal is to get where you are. I'm 42 and have a grandson myself. I need all the energy I can get.
    See ya'll tomorrow
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Well, I am off work today but we have a man coming over to fix the fireplace so I plan to workout today about 3 or 4pm. Today I have Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X with extra ab work on the ab slings and ball. I love Legs & Back because that is the one in which I do 96 unassisted pull-ups! It is such a great feeling of accomplishment when I can do those!

    Jenn: Thank you for the Birthday Wish!

    Lana: Way to go on those workouts! You are doing AWESOME! Just keep it up! It is such a good feeling when you have that "good" muscle soreness! Then you know you really worked it hard. Yesterday, my booty hurt ALOT when I sat down! I loved it though cause I new I have worked it hard this week. Your goal sounds great! Great to know I am not the only Nana here. That is what my grandkids call me. They love it since I got into good shape because I play hard with them all the time and they tend to get tired BEFORE me! :laugh:

    Well, I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout today!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I am back on track today!

    I have already had 3 glasses of water with lemon juice to get rid of the extra salt in my body and did Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100. I don't know what happened today but it was an amazing workout! I was more flexable today but still having problems with the jumping jacks, and run lunges I can't do them the whole time and figuring out how I can...any suggestions?

    Well off to the bf's house and either going to buy The Fitness Coach for Wii or Jillian Michaels for the Wii Fit. Do you think it is bad to do Power 90 and Wii in the same day?
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my Legs & Back and ARX w/extra abs. I had another AWESOME workout! I am so happy with the way I am starting off the New Year. I had a really high calorie burn tonight! In my ARX with Ab work on the slings and ball, I burned 179 calories. In Legs & Back, I burned 645 calories! I pushed it really, really hard! It was an AMAZING workout!

    Jen: To answer you on the Wii Fit... I don't think it hurts anything to do both. Three time this week, I did my workout and then the Wii Fit after dinner. Hubby bought it for me for Christmas. He just had me order Jillians Wii yesterday and it is supposed to come in on Tuesday! I can't wait. Tomorrow I plan to do Jillian's Shred, all 3 segments again! That is a tough workout! I love Jillian! She is awesome! Way to go on your workout today! The run lunges and jumping jacks get easier and better with time and fitness... Just hang in there and before you know it, you will being doing them like a pro!

    What does putting lemon in your water do??? Just curious...

  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    Another day done! Did Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100

    Jen: I know I'm new to this, but I can't get thru the jumping jacks and run lunges yet either. Do you get further now than you did when you began? I get winded so easily, and I cant' do the side hops - I skip. But it gives me something to improve on, right? Keep it up!

    Tena: That's amazing you can do 96 pull ups! My grandson calls me Nana also (it's so close to Lana)

    I wanted to ask you both if you take any of the supplements? I'm taking the Total Health Women's Formula but it's so soon that I can't tell if there's a difference. If you take them, do you feel a difference?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Tena: When you add lemon or lemon juice to your water what it does is cleans you out so you pee more and it gets rid of all the extra salt in your body. If you ever have too much sodium one day and feel bloated have lemon water it helps!

    Lana: Well look at that we are on the same routine days! Yes everything gets easier as you are going but the jumping jacks and run lunges are my downfall and on sculpt they are the push ups!
    On Jan 14 which isn't that far I graduate to 3-4!

    Tena: I just bought The Fitness Coach today for Wii and you don't need the Wii Fit which I know you got for christmas. Let me know how the Jillian game is cuz that is one that I want too and my bday is next month so I might ask for that.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, I got up early this morning and went to Wal-Mart and got my grocery shopping done. I have everything unpacked! It was great! Wally was empty and the shelves were stocked. For once, they had everything I wanted and needed! I am just resting. I plan to eat lunch around 11 am and push play and do Jillians Shredder 1-2-3 around 1 pm. That way I can take a shower and be dressed when Mike gets home from work. He wants to go out for dinner tonight to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary. How could I say no???? If I say no, it just means he has to cook dinner...:happy:

    Jen: Thanks for the info on the lemon juice. I did not know that! Just be patient because I promise you that the push-ups, lunges and jumping jacks will get easier...:smile:

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I have some great news for today!

    I just got done Sculpt 1-2 and today I did more push ups then I have done before and when I do the dips I used to bend my knees and today I had my legs out straight!!!!! I could only do 12 outta the 15 but I was so happy with myself! Yes Tena I am getting there and it feels so great when you do more!
    I only have 1.4lbs to lose to get back to my xmas day weight. I can't believe I gained more weight from NYE and NYday then over xmas and boxing day......damn drinks!

    Lana: Sorry I was going to talk about supplements and totally forgot. I do take supplements right now. The only weight loss one that has ever worked for me and didnt make my heart race or give me the shakes is Firelean Ephedrine Free, it gets my body temp up while exercising. I only take 1 before I workout. I also take a multi-vitamin, omega3,6,9 and a calcium-magnesium supplement. Since I used to work at LA Weight Loss I take their multi and then another supplement that has st.johns wart and chromium in it. Once all my supplements are gone I am not sure if I will continue with them not sure if they actually help. When they are done I will prob go a month without and see if there was much difference. Hope I helped you have a great workout!

    Tena: Happy Anniversary!!!!!
  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    UGH! i just finished Sculpt 1-2 and didn't think I was going to make it. My legs are so sore I could hardly get out of bed. But by the end of the warm up I was stretched out and feeling better. I feel really good now.

    Tena, happy anniversary!
    Jenn, thanks for the info on the lemon juice, I didn't know that. And for the info on supplements, too. I think I'm going to keep taking what I have until I run out.

    Have a great day!