Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well tonight I did Ab Ripper with extra abs and P90X Shoulders & Arms. I had another AWESOME workout! My arms were total toast by the time I was done! It was an amazing feeling! That is such a great workout and makes me feel so very strong!!! Tomorrow I am doing Tony's 1 on 1 Fountain of Youth Yoga and a 10 min trainer Cardio workout. Can't wait!!!

    Jenn/Paula: You have to stay strong and stick with it! When you feel like that, push play and visualize me in your face telling you to get in there and give it your all, like Jillian Michaels does!!! You can do it and you will do it if you want results! If you are getting bored, it is ready to step it up alittle... Think about getting the next phase of P90 workouts... I have been doing P90X for a year and a half and I never get bored because you do so many different workouts. Now I just ordered Chalean X-treme to mix it up alittle because my coach said it is an excellent workout. It should be getting here Friday with my P90X Mocha bars... Can't wait for the bars. I love them. It is like cheating and eating a candy bar...YUMMY!! Now I do not plan to start Chalean for another 2 weeks because I have 2 more weeks left in Tony's Round 6. Then I will immediately start Chalean X-Treme. I am doing this so that I do not get tired or bored. I have never, ever stuck with a workout routine like I have with P90X. Stay committed to the daily workouts and nutrition. Look at the results you have already had and the results that you know are coming with this journey.... Please stick with it! I am here for all of you! It is so very important to your success in reaching your goals...

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I had a great nights sleep and made it to work safely. It was scary driving in a few spots but not too bad at all! It is supposed to hit 40 this afternoon so the drive home should be great!

    Well, I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Here's a question - which would be your preference in starting the beach body videos? Power 90, Turbo Jam?????

    I think I want to buy them but they all look good.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Morning all,

    Thanks for encouragement tena!

    Last night I had a threesome in bed! There was me, a few ibuprofen and a sleeping aid. FANTASTIC!! I was concerned about waking up still sore, but, not so. Got down to Sculpt 3+4 again this morning. LOVING IT!!!

    So I figure Tony has us do, oh, I don't know, about 100 lunges! No wonder my *kitten* and legs were so sore the last couple of days. He also has us do about 60 push ups. :ohwell:

    I must say though, I do wish he had worn underwear beneath his shorts for the Cardio 3+4 recording :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :laugh:

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Paula: Way to go on your workout this morning...You had me cracking up at work though! You are sooo funny!!!

    Chrissy: The preference on which workout to do is up to the individual. Tony is more no nonsense and Turbo Jam is more dancy. I have both... I like them both cause they are so different.. Let me know if you want to order one cause I can help you and track it for you...

  • huskeymom
    Paula - haha I havent seen that video yet but you sure have me interested now... I hope the mouse was in its house though. lol

    Sorry I missed posting yest, I dont know how to get notification of a reply on this thread. oh well.

    So tues I did the plyo 90x and I actually did the entire video with only stoppig an extra 10sec for one of the water breaks and completed everything as fast as they did. And the best part of all my legs are not killing me. They are tight but not sore. Yesterday I did shoulders and arms X all by myself again, and I almost didnt push play.... this is how bad I was. i had my pj on already at 8pm and really didnt want to do anything... luckily lost first episode was a rerun so I went downstiars and did the workout in my pjs. hehe silly me. but I am sure glad I still did it. I want to be able to say I really stuck with his program right to the tee.

    Not sure about the full yoga 90x tonight, but i will try my best to do 1.5hr of it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Paula: Way to go on your workout this morning...You had me cracking up at work though! You are sooo funny!!!

    Chrissy: The preference on which workout to do is up to the individual. Tony is more no nonsense and Turbo Jam is more dancy. I have both... I like them both cause they are so different.. Let me know if you want to order one cause I can help you and track it for you...


    Tena - is there anywhere to see samples of them? I kinda like both but I want the most results.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Paula: You are WAY too funny! I am so glad I didnt see that but great I better not be looking for it tomorrow!!! Awesome job on sculpt 3-4! I dread once we have to squate/lunge combos I want to cry!

    Chrissy: Im sure you are going to love either program you choose. It is like Tena said it all depends on which type of workout you are looking for. My personal opinion I would choose P90. The reason why is because one day is cardio and the next is weights so you are going to see and feel your progress with the videos. One of the things I love about P90 is when you are done you move up to P90 Master Series, P90X and now they have P90X+ so they have videos to keep transforming your body and like Tena says no plateaus!

    If you have anymore questions you know Im here girl!

    Well I just got done Sculpt 3-4 and feel like Gumby! I have still stuck with some moves with the 3lbs but most have moved back up to 5lbs. I am still doing wall push ups because I can do more!

    Only 30 more days of P90!!!!!!

    Have a great workout today everyone!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Jenn: Great job on your workout today! You are doing awesome! Keep it up.

    Chrissy: Well, my own experience.... I started Turbo Jam first and lost alittle weight. But, when I started P90X, the weight loss and muscle building was much MORE DRAMATIC! I wish I would have just started P90X first. I do not know of anywhere for samples unless you google their names.

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Chrissy: Since I don't work I did some research for you and yes P90 and Turbo Jam are on youtube.com so you will be able to see for youself and make the right decision for you!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Paula: You are WAY too funny! I am so glad I didnt see that but great I better not be looking for it tomorrow!!! Awesome job on sculpt 3-4! I dread once we have to squate/lunge combos I want to cry!

    Now you just KNOW the first place you'll be looking tomorrow!!! :devil:

  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    Home sick today with a head cold so hit the Sculpt 1,2. Don't think I have got that tired before. Its great feeling pushing through that feeling of wanting to quit early. First time ive felt that way.
    Still having a really tough time with the 7-7-7's I just can't do the in close push ups. I have always tried to do them but never been able to get more then one so I usually just move on to the next set of pushups. So today I figured might as well get something done and dropped my knees and did them female style. Still hard but able to get my seven in then do the next set of pushups normal style. Anyone have some ideas to help me get through these and get stronger at these particular pushups.

  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Home sick today with a head cold so hit the Sculpt 1,2. Don't think I have got that tired before. Its great feeling pushing through that feeling of wanting to quit early. First time ive felt that way.
    Still having a really tough time with the 7-7-7's I just can't do the in close push ups. I have always tried to do them but never been able to get more then one so I usually just move on to the next set of pushups. So today I figured might as well get something done and dropped my knees and did them female style. Still hard but able to get my seven in then do the next set of pushups normal style. Anyone have some ideas to help me get through these and get stronger at these particular pushups.

    I know it's been said before, but don't you just feel a lot better about a workout when you didn't want to do it in the first place? Way to stick with it! The Tri pushups are killer. How long have you been at P90?
  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    Yesterday was the first day of week 4.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Tonight I changed things up as I just was not in the mood for any Yoga although the 1 on 1 is good! I just wanted some cardio. So, first I did 10 min trainer Cardio and it was really good. Then I did 1 on 1 Cardio and that hit the spot! I burned ALOT of calories and it just felt AWESOME! What a great workout tonight!!! Tomorrow I have Legs & Back...

    Thury: There is nothing at all wrong with doing those push-ups on your knees. Those are super hard ones and I even struggle with them. Good job modifying. With doing them on your knees, you will build up the strength in your arms and one day you will do them on your toes... I am so proud of you for getting in there and working out! We all get that way sometimes, even Tony... In the workout I did tonight, 1 on 1 Cardio, he was super grouchy at work and kept saying he we not in the mood to workout. 3/4 of the way through, he was back to his normal nutty self and dancing around and said he was so glad he pushed play now...

    Well, gotta get to bed. I hope everyone has a great nights sleep and excellent workout tomorrow!

  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member

    What do you think of the 10 minute trainer videos?
    Are they worth buying, I was tempted to get them just to pop one or two in in the morning then get home and still do my power 90.
    Also thought it would work better for my girlfriend but she has a hard time with the hard impact stuff prefers to just walk on treadmill, tony kicked her butt and shes still mad at him. Just curious what you think of the ten minute trainer.
  • huskeymom
    Good morning.. see I am finally on top of things. hehe

    Yesterday I decided to do Legs and Back since I knew today I wouldnt be able to workout since we are going to see Howie tonight. I might try to do some cardio at lunch today and that just might consist of shoveling snow, go figure. I love legs and back, I felt so good after doing that. Man those wall squats and the tippie toe lunges.. wowy. I was shocked I kept up with the workout of all those squates and lunges and I still felt like I could do more after. I love how I am feeling, not totally out of breath now doing the workouts. I really did push myself on this one and just my butt feels a little sore and my calves.

    Tomorrow I think I might bring out the ultimate bootcamp tae bo since I didnt find Kenpo was enough for me and I know taebo really makes me burn. And then I am sure Jenn and I will do something fun on sunday to make up for my one day off today. hehe
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am chicken to start with P90X but I want to see results. Do you need any specific equipment or just the handweights.

    Jenn - I was happy to see that you use 3 and 5 pound weights - I have been on 3 lbs and was planning on getting 5# this weekend. Now I don't feel like such a whimp!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Mornin' all,

    Stayed in the scratcher this morning and made a deal with myself to go to the gym at lunch time and get a 30 minute run in and then do the 200 thingy ma gip abs thing.

    So, that's the plan.

    Tena: I do like your recommendation to go to the modified (I prefer that term than "female") push ups as at least that way you're working the chest and arms rather than just standing there waiting for the next workout. I say this 'cos I find those close push ups a byatch to do so, now, I'll do the wide and normal ones on my toes and drop to my knees when they get really difficult but at least keep working. I like it!!!

    Later all
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept super good last night and IT'S FRIDAY!!!!

    Thury: I do like the 10 min trainers and regularly just pop them in as you mentioned. I burn anywhere from 100 to 200 calories in those 10 min workouts! I do recommend them. They are a tough 10 minutes though. Did you ever get an email indicating they switched your coach to me??

    Jen: I have something for you to do... If you do not have weighted gloves, buy a pair and wear them during your Kenpo... It ups the calorie burn and makes the workout great! Jan on my other thread did it when I recommended it and almost doubled her calorie burn.. Just an idea... I wear mine all the time in KenpoX and Kenpo+. I even went and bought heavier ones. Need to buy even more heavier ones soon...

    Well, I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout! Have fun with Howie tonight!!!
