Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Sara: Since you do not have a beachbody coach let Tena be yours! I love her to death and she is one main reason I am still going! She is there for you for ANYTHING you need! There are days I will email her like 10 times and it does not bother her at all.....Tena is a god sent!

    Shaine: I am doing P90 and I love it! I still can't get through the whole videos and they make you sweat! It all depends on your fitness level really. I love how P90 has steps...You start with P90 then it is P90 Master Series, P90X and now they have P90X+. If you have any questions about P90 Im here!!!

    Paula: Way to go on your workouts! I wish I could move up in weight on Sculpt 3-4 but Im perfectly fine with my 5lbs!

    Some good news I hope I think I figured out what is making me have so many headaches.....the computer! Since I am not working I sit on the computer and talk on msn to all my friends. Today I am going to try and not be on it too long and see what happens.

    I did workout today and I feel amazing now! I am so surprised that I missed 1 workout and actually missed working out I love this life style change!

    I did P90 Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200. I can't wait for the day I can do the whole video without stopping!

    Well today I am going to clean the house and do laundry YAY don't be jealous! I am also waiting for Barb to call me to help me with my eating!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone! Just got back from lunch and I am starting to feel much better. I do not have that tightness in my chest anymore. I broke down and took a sinus pill and have been drinking ALOT of green tea.

    Jenn: I am SUPER proud of you and your workout today! You are doing AWESOME! I hope the computer is what is giving you the headaches. At least that would be something simple to fix. Thank you for your sweet words. As your coach, I feel I must be here whenever you need me. I do not mind the emails at all. I am here to help you succeed and reach your goals as I have.

    Paula: AWESOME job on your workouts! It is such a good feeling when you can raise the weights or reps. Shows how you are progressing and getting so much better. Keep it up!!!

    Well, I have to get back to work.... Have a wonderful afternoon everyone!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :smile: Hi all :smile:
    well its day one back from florida. i did my bob biggest loser dvd then my ab one so 45 min all together then i went to the gym later for the eliptical for 15 min. I was feeling so amazing after returning from florida and having eating decent and working out i thought for sure I would have lost weight! but i didn't! :mad: Im not going to let it get me down. Next week i know will be good!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my workout! First I did 10 min Trainer Core Cardio. It was AMAZING! I did the warm up and cool down so it was more than 10 min but that is ok. I burned 160 calories in that workout. Then I did 1 on 1 Yoga and I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that workout! I never thought I would love yoga. It felt sooooo good!! I burned 315 calories in that workout but I feel so refreshed now! Plus it was only 48 minutes long!!!

    Well, time to hit the shower and make some dinner...

  • huskeymom
    Yoga - Well I attempted that one for P90X and I only made it through 45 min of it until my head was screaming so badly that my vision was blurry.. so I quit. It did help my muslces feel so much better, it really stretched those sore parts and I could actually walk somewhat normal and go up the stairs without grabbing the railing and pulling myslef up them. hehe

    HOw are you feeling today Tena? I think I am starting to get my daughters cold, my throat is killing me and my chest is starting to get a heavy feeling... not a good thing.

    Andrea - Dont worry about the weight, I am right with you, I am up to 156 when I was 154. Very frustrating but I keep telling myself that I am building muscle and that is why I am heavier and maybe all the water retention from being sore doesnt help either.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Well I slept pretty good last night since I took that niquel (sp)?? I did have to sleep on the couch because I needed to prop myself up more and Mike was snoring in my face. Let me explain though, I have the most comfortable couch in the world. I just need any little excuse and I am on the couch. I sleep so good there! I feel better this morning. It is still there but I feel like it is going away slowly...

    Jen: I tell you what, I really do not like the P90X Yoga workout! It is waaaay tooo long! That is why I bought the 1 on 1 Yoga Fountain of Youth. It is awesome! It is 48 min long and he does alot of stretches in it. I am so glad I purchased that one. With that one, yoga is back in my weekly routine again! Thanks for asking how I am feeling... I am better but it is not gone yet.

    Tip: Do not obsess about the weight/scale. You need to go by the way your clothes fit, especially on P90X. On P90X with the heavy weightlifting, you build alot of muscle everywhere. Muscle burns fat but weighs more than fat. I am 5'9" and weigh 142. My body is happy and set at 142 and will not budge weight wise but I am wearing a size 5. So, you see what I mean????

    Well, I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!!!

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member

    I'm really enjoying the Cardio 3+4, so glad I moved up to it. Of course my cats have NO idea what's going on :indifferent:

    Got my 30 minute run in yesterday lunch time. The days I do the sculpt I like to get a bit of cardio in as well.

    Will do 2 more workouts (Sat & Sun) and then move to Sculpt 3+4 on Tuesday (Monday will be my rest day).

    I'm sorry to hear some of us are under the weather :sick:

    Hang in there and be good to yourselves! :flowerforyou:

    TGIF Paula :drinker:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :happy: Hi all! :happy:
    Today i snuck my friend in at my gym and we did 30 min on the elipitcal (350 cals) it goes by so fast when you are with someone. then she came over and we did my 20min ab dvd. i was supposed to do it every other day but she wanted to try it so now my abs are hurting! then i made us some egg whites with a weight watcher bagel. now im enjoying a swiss miss hot choc that i get in the usa, so good and only 25 cals. we are going to a fitness expo today and lunch at swiss chalet. should be fun to see all the vendor and new stuff coming out. tommorrow i was going to do a bootcamp at my gym but am helping my parents out at their store. so ill have to work out in the afternoon.
    have a great day

    andrea :drinker:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jenn: Where are you? I am starting to get worried...

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished Legs & Back workout! I had another AWESOME workout! I just love that workout because I feel so strong with all the pull-ups I do! I just feel renewed now! I needed that! I burned 559 calories in that workout! I decided to go ahead and do ARX w/extra abs tomorrow with Kenpo+. I talked to April and she was in full agreement for me not to go to Ashley's skating party tomorrow with this chest cold. We both don't want the kids to catch it...

    Well, gotta finish my Recovery Drink and hit the shower....

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I have a busy day today. I have to go to the bank this am and just a short trip to Wally to pick up a couple things. Did not sleep to well last night, alot of coughing...But at least it is breaking up. I realized that it is my sinus' that are acting up. I just have to baby them and watch them close. But this morning I feel pretty clear headed... Hopefully it lasts. I plan to do my workout around 1 or 2pm, then shower and get ready for Mike's Awards Banquet tonight. I am so proud of him as he is being recognized as the top recruiter for Spartan School of Aeronautics and gets a school ring with a diamond in it. This will be the first time that I have gotten dressed up in over 2 yrs. At work everyday, I wear blue jeans. No dressing up at all... I will take pictures to share with you all..

    Where is everyone???? Come on people... Are you working out????

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I'm here!

    Tena: Thank you for wondering why I have been. I had some appts yesterday morning then spent that day with my bf's mom! Then went to see Jen and her family last night....Ill get more peach wine Jen NOT!!

    Well just a little update for everyone I have not had a headache since wed! I had a little one yesterday but that was cuz I was wearing a hat. I also have not worked out since Thurs which I know is bad but Im trying to get my health back in order.

    I do plan to start working out again monday morning and when doing sculpt I am thinking about going back down to 3lbs instead of 5....haven't decided 100%

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my workout! Today I did P90X Kenpo Cardio+ and two 10 min ab workouts. I had an amazing workout and burned 689 calories all together. I feel AWESOME!!! Now I need to shower and get dressed up for Mike's awards banquet... Sorry such a short post!

    Glad to see you back Jenn! I was getting really worried...

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Pretty quiet here today! Where is everyone?? Well today is my Rest Day and I did just that. Couldn't have been a better day to rest since my monthly visitor came! Last night was AWESOME! I felt so amazing in my dress! I put in my pics if you want to see it cause I guess we can't post it here like we can on beachbody... I did really good... I did not eat much cause they had prime rib for dinner and it upsets my stomach. I just ate a salad, fresh steamed green beans and a plain baked potatoe. The only bad thing I did was drink a strawberry daquiri. I figure I never drink so what the heck! I was so proud of Mike cause he got 3 awards!

    Well, tomorrow I have Chest & Back and Ab Ripper with extra abs! Hope everyone has a wonderful nights sleep and excellent workout tomorrow!

  • Nlongenecker
    Hello, I would like to join this board. My hubby and I started Power 90 yesterday (Sunday). What a workout, it should pay off:)
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept super good last night! I sure needed that! We are all bracing for this ice storm to hit at noon today. It is 20 now with the wind chill in the teens. It is not supposed to get ANY warmer and then the sleet and freezing rain move in around noon and does not stop til 6pm tomorrow! I am very nervous about the drive home today and if I will even be able to get to work tomorrow!

    Tonight I have P90X Chest & Back and Ab Ripper with extra abs...Can't wait. I have my portable dvd player charged up in case we lose electricity so I do not miss a workout! Can you say dedication...

    Welcome Nlongenecker... Best of luck in your fitness journey. Before you know it, you will be doing P90X like me...:wink:

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :smile: hi all.
    what a great weekend! friday i did my workouts and played volleyball at night. sat i had to move some stuff out of my grandmothers house so i did not work out. but i went to see jeff foxsworthy at ceasars casino windsor and it was so funny. we had the buffet but i counted that as my cheat day. sunday i spent most of the day in bed with my hubby until i went to volunteer, unfortunatley there i gave in after and had wendys :cry: but i didn't eat too much sunday so im not going to beat myself up. this morning i started training for a 5km run (i used that paper u gave me jen!) so i have 3 months to become a runner lol. or something close to it!
    I might do my dvds later since i have some extra time today. bye all!

    Andrea :drinker:
  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for the thread I started power 90 on Jan. 8th. And started my weight loss attempt on the 5th. So far I am down to 244 from 258. I am really happy with that.

    I am really enjoying the Power 90 and am amazed at my progress already in the 3 weeks. The pushups are still a killer for me and still can't do them all but give it everything I can. the 7-7-7's are my nightmare every workout (the close ones are awful). but I have made progress and love seeing my own improvement.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Thury: Welcome to our thread! Congrats on changing your lifestyle it is awesome! I have been doing P90 since Dec 1 and even to me I can't believe that progress I've made already.

    Andrea: Im still so proud of you, you are doing great and just think about this summer you will be living in your bikini! Also I will be joing you!

    Well Everyone I am back!!!!!!

    I just finished Ab Ripper 200 and Sweat 3-4 and as usual Tony kicked my butt!

    Tena: Thank you so much for suggesting that I do Ab Ripper 200 before my Sweat 3-4 it did help a lot but still can't do all of them but it will come!

    I am also starting to do some eating things that a nutritionist told me to do so also starting that today as well. I just feel like a remotivated person and ready to kick some butt!

    Just also wanted to share with you that after my shower I was putting on my body lotion and I can actually touch the ground with my fingers!!! I was almost able to touch my toes but now I can go past them!!! I was so happy I know it is just a little thing but it is a huge thing in the process!

    Well good luck everyone with your workouts today! :flowerforyou:
  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you.

    I have a couple of questions, I see that is must be ok to move to the sweat 3,4 while staying at the sculpt, 1,2. I wasn't sure if I should move on one and not the other.

    Also I have been using the resistance bands, but have been looking at some dumbells. is there some pro/cons to one of these over the other. The only thing I have against the bands is that on some of the full movement lift you dont get much work out of the lower ends of the movements.

    Interested in what you guys have found with that.