Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Wow! Look at the posts that came while I was posting:

    First: Welcome Sara! What I said to TRL pertains to you too. It can be intense but as Tony says "Do your best and forget the rest!" Best of luck...

    Jen: I have done that before and mixed up my Mondays and Wednesdays. It is no big deal. In fact this weeks rotation it is set up to do C/S/T on Monday and Back & Biceps on Wednesday. I moved those 2 around because Back & Biceps, you do pull-ups. Then I do tons of pull-ups again on Fridays with Legs & Back. So I moved it to Monday so they are not so close together.

    I have alittle hint for you on what I do. I always do my ab workout before my weighted workout! You are more refreshed and will get the burn and feel it better. Try it! Alot of people do it that way.

    Sorry about your night! I have been there many times.. I have a chihuahua-Gidget, a Border Collie-Molly and two, 2 yr old German Shepherds-Tasha & Tory. We have learned that when they wake you up like that, you better get up or there will be some sort of mess....

    Well, gotta get back to work...

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Wow I am SO happy with everyone that has joined me on my journey with P90!!!!! I know some of you are doing P90X and some are doing totally different workouts but as long as you are doing something!

    TRL: Welcome to our group. Like Tena and Tony say do what you can but listen to your body and DON'T push yourself further then you can go!

    I am now on P90 3-4 and Tony kicks my butt!!!!! I can't do push ups hardly at all. I am so surprised how far I have become already with P90.

    Have fun with it and just do what you can!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Hey all!

    Back from Philly and back into Sculpt 1&2 this morning. Am considering moving to Cardio 3&4 tomorrow but sticking to Sculpt 1&2 for a week or two more.

    YES WE CAN!!!
  • huskeymom
    Ok I just died doing Plyometrics P90x... oh my lord was that a workout. I made it through it just had to skip the second set of two sets since I was runnign out of time for work to start but I did it. sort of. it wasnt the legs burning that was really slowing me down it was the heartrate and breathing... what a cardio workout.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Tonight I did my workout and it was AMAZING and AWESOME! I did P90X Plyometrics! I gave it my all and "left it all on the floor!" I burned 620 calories in that workout! It was GREAT!!!! I did not have a dry spot on me! I did not pause the dvd once! I am so proud of myself. I had my Recovery Drink, shower and then dinner and now I am watching Biggest Loser.

    Jen: Way to go on plyo! That is definitely a rough workout! It takes everything out of you! I did feel the burn in my legs cause squatted super lower and and kept up with Dominc most of the workout!

    Paula: Welcome back! We sure missed you!!!! Way to go on your workout today! It sounds like you have a great plan for moving it up...

    Well, back to BL.... Have a great night everyone!

  • fairborn420
    Hello everyone. I started P90 on January 1st. In two weeks I lost 9 pounds and 4 1/2 total inches. I still have a long way to go since my goal is 50 pounds in 90 days but I think I can do it. My starting weight was 284 pounds.

    According to my HRM, I burn about 800 calories from the cardio 1-2. That is from warm up to heart rate back to normal. About 550 in sculpt 1-2. That seems kind of high to me but maybe with my current weight it might be right. I do go all out. If I dont come close to getting sick I dont feel I did enough. Any veterans here have any input on that? Are those numbers way too high or could they be accurate considering my weight and level of intensity?
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! As usual I had a wonderful nights sleep and woke up full of energy and ready for the day! We have a warm from moving through and today it is supposed to be 60 and tomorrow 70. But Friday a cold front moves in, changing our temps to the 30's again! I just wish it would stay warm or cold and stop the up and down swings.

    Fairborn: Everyone burns calories at a different rate! I tend to burn high like you! We are really blessed to have such a high calorie burn. Way to go on losing 9 lbs in 2 wks. That is truly awesome and amazing! I am so proud of you! The way you are going, you will definitely reach your goal! Keep it up girl!

    Well, I have to get to work... I hope everyone has a wonderful day and excellent workout.

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Morning all,

    So, I did Cardio 3&4 today for the first time, now THAT'S a work out! So glad I moved up. Managed to keep up with pretty much everything except in the abs I just got to 16/17 reps in 3 of the 10 routines. VERY pleased with myself overall. I have no doubt my hips will be killing me later/tomorrow.

    Will look to up my reps to 12 on the Sculpt.

    Well done everyone, it's good to be back!
  • huskeymom
    Fairborn - Thats great you have lost that much weight, keep up the good work. I know you will reach your goal in no time. I lost 8-10lbs a month and lost a total of 70lbs in 9 months so there is hope.

    Tena- It is freezing here yet again, I will trade you spots!!! I get so frustrated talking to our salesman in floriday, he complains on how warm it is and we are dealing with negative F temps here. PLease take me away from this stuff.

    Paulamma - Great job on doing 3-4, so glad you were able to keep up and keep going through it. I havent seen that workout yet so I am sure it is a good workout compared to 1-2.

    I am so super sore today, man I thought since i didnt really feel any muslce tenseness or soreness yest night I would ok for today, ya right. i woke up and could hardly move my legs, and then sitting at my desk, it takes a while for me to actually get my *kitten* off this chair. please help me!!! lol

    I think I might take you up on the drink Tena, just have to see if my bro will allow me to ship it to his US address instead so there is no duties involved.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member

    I am SOO happy this thread is turning out like I hoped it would! It seems like everyday we get someone new and that is great!

    Today I tried to do P90 Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200 but again I have a headache today and it gets worse when I workout so I had to stop......again :explode: I just can't wait I have a doctors appt on tues and I want to know what they are from so I can get back to working out 6 days a week not 4 days a week.

    Well everyone have a great workout today and push yourself a little hard for me since I can't!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my workout! I did C/S/T and as usual it was a killer! My whole upper body was burning!!! It was a great feeling! Then I did a 21 minute ab workout! It was great because my abs were screaming but I just kept pushing it hard!

    Tomorrow I am doing 1 on 1 Yoga and 10 min Core Cardio!

    Well Recovery Drink is done and I need to hit the shower..

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Just check the stat on my order, it says like 5-7 weeks!!!!! OMG did anyone else have to wait that long?!?!?!?!?:grumble: :noway:
  • fairborn420
    Tena. Thanks for the encouragement. But I have to correct one thing.

    "Fairborn: Everyone burns calories at a different rate! I tend to burn high like you! We are really blessed to have such a high calorie burn. Way to go on losing 9 lbs in 2 wks. That is truly awesome and amazing! I am so proud of you! The way you are going, you will definitely reach your goal! Keep it up girl! "

    lol.. Im a man. I just realized though looking through this thread that i might be the only man here so I can see how you would assume im a woman. No ofense taken.
  • huskeymom
    Tena - Great workout!!! How long will it take for me not to hurt as much doing these workouts? My legs are burning still from plyo and now my arms are so weak from the back and chest workout. Were you able to do all those pushups on p90x at first, I really have a hard time with the diamond and the dive bombers... I think I did 5 only.

    Fairborn - hehe sorry I assumed the same thing. We are glad we have a man on the thread now to give some variety. My hubby started p90x on monday and it is actually nice that we are able to do something like this together.

    Sara_rojo- which program did you order again?

    Well last night hubby and I did chest and back together.. man those pushups are ridiculous. We dont have a chin up bar yet so we used the bands hung from the ceiling and I didnt find that callenging enough, even sitting on the floor and shortening the bands up... dh said he will make some chin up bars this weekend. I really suck at pushups though, I hope someday I can say I did 20 of each one of them, but the only ones that I could actually do 10-20 of were teh normal pushups and the wide pushups. Put I know it takes time and to keep trying and trying and eventually I will succeed.

    OH after a really good workout where your whole body hurts, has any of you gained weight in the am? I gained 2lbs today but I am hoping it is from water retention or muslce build since I had a hard time getting my wedding rings on.
  • Shaine
    Shaine Posts: 32
    Wow, reading all of your results, is pretty amazing. I have a friend doing this program, and in the time he's done it, I've noticed a difference. Pretty awesome!
    So much so he has me asking about it now.
    We have a extern in our office who is doing the P90X, and each day she is aching in a different area. I might just have to borrow these discs to check it out.
    I only want to lose 20-25 lbs, and tone up.I certainly hope that in the end, I can say this worked for me too!
    Currently I go to the gym 3x a week, and do 30-45 mins of cardio, where I try to exceed my goal the week before. When I first started I was lucky if I could walk a mile in 30 minutes, now I am up to steady running 2+ miles in less then 30 minutes. The other day I did 3.6 miles total. And then I also do weight strength training. The gym has a program called "Fitlinxx", and it sets up a workout system for you, but I've begun to hit the point where I need to change it up now. I've begun venturing onto the weight room floor, and using their machines, instead of the fitlinxx machines, as they tend to make me feel the resistance more. My body aches today from my work out yesterday. Especially my abs. And I think I might go get some laps in today as well. I like running again, after so many years of not doing it. It is great therapy for my injured knee. And helps out my lungs!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept well thanks to Niquel! My chest still feels really heavy this morning. I am fighting this chest cold with all I have. I do not have time to be sick! At least it is sunny today and supposed to reach 70. That cold front hits tomorrow and it is supposed to stay in the 30's with freezing rain Monday and Tuesday.

    Sara: Something must be wrong because it does not take that long to get an order. Did you order through beachbody website? Do you have a coach? If I was your coach, I could check on it. I am a coach there and have numbers and people I can call.

    Fairborn: I am so sorry for calling you a girl.... I am embarrassed.... I have been alittle under the weather and my concentration is off alittle bit!

    Jen: No I could not do them at first very well. I got alittle better each time. With the different workouts and muscle confusion, I still get sore but not like I did when I first started. Now I love the soreness because it shows I really worked out hard. What workout out there can you still get muscle soreness after 1 1/2 yrs???? Not many that I know of... On the weight gain issue. I do not step on the scale. I stopped that when I started P90X. I do once in awhile but it is always the same, 142. I am 5'9". My body is happy at that weight. And since I am wearing size 5, I am happy with it too! But, I judged by my clothes getting loose and they just started dropping off. The scale depressed me.

    Shaine: Based on what you do, which is alot, P90X is perfect for you. P90X is not for a person beginning to work out. The program is set up daily 6 days a week and there is no plateau as there is alot of muscle confusion. I suggest you try it! I love it P90X and swear on it!!!

    Well, gotta get to work. I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept well thanks to Niquel! My chest still feels really heavy this morning. I am fighting this chest cold with all I have. I do not have time to be sick! At least it is sunny today and supposed to reach 70. That cold front hits tomorrow and it is supposed to stay in the 30's with freezing rain Monday and Tuesday.

    Sara: Something must be wrong because it does not take that long to get an order. Did you order through beachbody website? Do you have a coach? If I was your coach, I could check on it. I am a coach there and have numbers and people I can call.

    Fairborn: I am so sorry for calling you a girl.... I am embarrassed.... I have been alittle under the weather and my concentration is off alittle bit!

    Jen: No I could not do them at first very well. I got alittle better each time. With the different workouts and muscle confusion, I still get sore but not like I did when I first started. Now I love the soreness because it shows I really worked out hard. What workout out there can you still get muscle soreness after 1 1/2 yrs???? Not many that I know of... On the weight gain issue. I do not step on the scale. I stopped that when I started P90X. I do once in awhile but it is always the same, 142. I am 5'9". My body is happy at that weight. And since I am wearing size 5, I am happy with it too! But, I judged by my clothes getting loose and they just started dropping off. The scale depressed me.

    Shaine: Based on what you do, which is alot, P90X is perfect for you. P90X is not for a person beginning to work out. The program is set up daily 6 days a week and there is no plateau as there is alot of muscle confusion. I suggest you try it! I love it P90X and swear on it!!!

    Well, gotta get to work. I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!


    I don't have a coach, I ordered it though the website on their infomercial
  • Shaine
    Shaine Posts: 32
    Shaine: Based on what you do, which is alot, P90X is perfect for you. P90X is not for a person beginning to work out. The program is set up daily 6 days a week and there is no plateau as there is alot of muscle confusion. I suggest you try it! I love it P90X and swear on it!!!

    Thanks. I will ask the extern about it. I really don't have the $$ to go buy it myself right now, but maybe she will let me borrow the discs.
    I have been reading on both, and it does state to me that the P90 is for "beginners".
    I've seen my extern come in saying that she's very sore from it, but she should have started the P90, as she hasn't worked out in years.

    All I know is my work out yesterday at the gym, my abs are screaming at me. But that is a good thing!
    My legs have gotten use to the running, as I tend to push the limit when I start running. I watch the time run down, and see where I am at, and push myself to get that 2.5, 2.75, 3.0, etc....

    Thanks for the input! I'll definately look into it! I checked out your photos, and I can only hope to get that much definition myself!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Sara: Since you ordered from the infomercial, the only thing you can do is call them. It is horrible calling them cause alot of time, they do not speak good English. If you go onto the beachbody website and just sign up for free to join the website and ask them to assign me as your coach (tenaarnett), then I can track your order and contact coach relations and get answers... That is up to you...

    I will tell you that I treasure my P90X and will NEVER lend it out to anyone. In fact, last summer when we had a tornado come through, I grabbed my P90X and took them in the closet with my dogs of course...

    P90X is not for beginners. But it is awesome because I still get soreness and notice new muscles all the time forming... There is no plateau...

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Mornin all!

    Sculpt 1+2 this morning. Moved it to 12 reps. It's still challenging! Oh, and I'll get a 30 minute run in at lunch time.

    Am going to increase my weights and move to Sculpt 3+4 next week to kick everything up a notch!

    Enjoy your day.