Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • Tena - I just requested you as a coach on beachbody, I just joined and have no clue what I am doing on that site... when I have some undivided time at work, I will figure out the site. I am going to start P90X on Monday and see how I do. So any help would be wonders... oh and thanks for the advice on the diet, I was goign to do the Lean, so you think I should do the Classic then?

    Sara - I would think you can start any program as long as you know when to stop if you are having difficulties and if you keep at it, you will be able to fly through any program easily. OH and I think we have all hard people in our lives that talk that way cause they are jealous that you are motivated and taking action, I had some people in my life like that and now they are really jealous on how I look and they are still sitting on their couch eating chips and bonbons and complain how fat they are... well get off the couch and do something about it. Good for you for taking the first steps. I am a much happier and healthier person from losing 70lbs.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Sorry I messed up on posting.

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jen: It is up to you. I did lose about 15 lbs on the Lean version. But on the Classic version, I continued to lose weight but started developing great muscle tone with the weighted workouts. I just made huge progress with the Classic version but it is really up to you. Everyone is different. Be prepared to be sore. What keeps me going is the P90X Recovery Drink after the workouts. It tastes like a creamsicle. Sometimes hubby says I workout just for the Recovery Drink. If you are interested let me know.. I can even mail you a packet to try... Thank you for requesting me as you coach.. You do not know how much that means to me.

  • Tena- well I am not a big fan on creamsicles... but what does it do, just help take the soreness away? I am on a herbal suppliment so that should help too. I want to be sore, that is the only way i feel like I have worked out. its kind of like that saying, no pain no gain... right? So how long have you been doing P90X then to lose all the fat? and how long did it take you to see a difference?
  • Well I stared P90 today, It was not that hard exept for the push ups, i'm going to buy heavier weights to challenge myself a little.
    I have a question thought. i got a DVD that is called the FAT BURNER EXPRESS, but is not on the guide at all.......:huh: I don't know what days to do it, is a 35minute long work out and I want to add it but I don't know when I'm suppose to do it. Does anyone have any idea about this?
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Ok the Recovery drink, this is what it says and believe me it is amazing... This is what it says:

    Refuel, re-energize, and reduce muscle soreness with this after-workout shake. Four parts carbs to one part protein ensures speedy muscle repair after intense workouts!*
    Recover faster and see better results!
    This great-tasting shake is specially designed to provide the precise nutrients you need to recover quickly after intense workouts. P90X Results and Recovery Formula offers a unique mix of:
    Simple and complex carbohydrates for optimum glycogen replenishment*
    A high Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) blend to provide the critical building blocks for rapid muscle resynthesis*
    Vitamins, including antioxidants, to help reduce muscle soreness and assist in repair and growth*
    Studies show that with proper nutrition during the first hour following a workout you can increase your body's ability to recover more than 100%. The key component to maximizing this "window of opportunity" is a formulation of approximately 4 parts carbohydrates to 1 part protein.

    P90X Results and Recovery Formula is a state-of-the-art, great tasting, body-shaping cocktail that's guaranteed to take your workouts to the next level.
    I hope that helps explain it some. It is truely amazing and really works. When I do not drink it, there is a big difference on how I feel.

    I started doing P90X on 8/20/07. By the 30 days, I was already seeing results and definition forming. By 90 days the results were amazing. Now they just keep getting better and better with more muscles forming and more definition in my abs. It is neverending, the results. I hope that helps some.

  • Adrian - Great that you started today. I to have to really add on alot of weights to get more of a workout on the 1-2. I think the express burner can be maybe supstituted for one of the cardio days... or add it to a sculpt day in teh am and then do sculpt in the night time.

    Hey I figured out that I can add more pics to my profile, so you can at least see my progress for weightloss... the actual main profile pic was taken in Sept and i have lost 10lbs since then, just havent taken a new one yet.

    Tena - I would love to try it and see what it does for me but I live in canada and I dont know if you can send it here or it would be too much $ to do so... but it is up to you.
    So when you do the full P90X round, do you start from the beginning again or just do the routine for the last section of the program?
  • So I had to take the BEFORE pictures today!! it was horrible, I think is the hardest thing I've ever done. To know that one is a little over weight is one thing but tu actually see it with your own eyes is really hard. I really hope this works.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Adriana: I know EXACTLY how you feel! When I first starting losing weight back in Sept 05 I was 230lbs and I got pics taken of me in just a sports bra and shorts and I get nausous just looking at them now!

    I know Im only 36lbs less then those pics but the progress and how my body looks now is SOO much better!

    I did get my bf to take "before" pics on my first day of P90 but I have tank and pants on. Tonight will be measurements and "middle" pics because today is day 45 and only 45 more days to go!

    I do have P90 Master Series but I dont have the room in my basement to do that so I have to put that on hold so I am going to start Hip Hop Abs when Im finished P90.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I need to take pictures soon - 2 more pounds and I am halfway to my goal....
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Sara: If it is P90X, be ready for the ride of your life. I started at 178 on P90X and was not in the best shape. As Tony says "Do your best and forget the rest". Be prepared to be super sore the first week. Heck I am super sore from the workouts I have done the last 2 days! There is no plateau and it took me a long time to be able to do the entire workout without pausing. I still have to pause once in awhile! Are you on beachbody? It is free to use the website and you can log into WOWY with chances of winning daily prizes. If you join beachbody, I would love to assist you in your journey as I am a coach there. Let me know if I can help you in anyway or if you have more questions. One thing that I do regret.... I started my first Round doing the Lean Version. I did lose weight but when I did the Classic Version, the weight just melted off me. So, I do recommend the Classic Version...


    I'm not what is it?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Chrissy: Awesome job on being 2lbs away from your half way goal! I can't wait to see your pics!

    I know you are doing Biggest Loser videos but if it helps post on here everyday after your workouts!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Well, I just found out that beachbody is only allowed to ship the Activit vitamins, regular strength to Canada. Per law they are not allowed to ship anything else other than workouts. Sorry... I think that is terrible!

    Jenn: Do you have the Hip Hop Abs workouts???? Remember that I can help you with that. Just click on my profile and shop for products in there.

    Chrissy: Way to go on being so close to your goal! You should be SUPER PROUD of yourself! I have the BL workouts and they are alot of fun to do. Did I say fun....

    Sara: If it is Tony's, it can be P90, P90 Master Series, P90X, P90X+, 10 min trainers or 1 on 1 workouts. He has alot of workouts out there...

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Tena: Yes I already do have Hip Hop Abs and I"ve only done it for about 4 days then stopped. Now I going to do the ENTIRE 4 week workout schedule!

    Ill be back on tonight to post how many inches i've lost and if I can see the changes in my pictures!
  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    Well, I made it to day 14. I did Sweat 1-2 today. Monday was the first day I was able to make it all the way thru Sweat EVER without stopping and this is the 3rd time I've done P90! I think my problem is I do the program then stop for about 6 months and start again. I always miss it and think about it every day, but since I have P90X now it gives me something to shoot for after these 3 months.
    I only lost 1 pound this week because we went out Friday night and I had a margarita :drinker: and of course chips and salsa. I was so mad at myself. :explode: All that work and I blew it! Doing really well this week though. It's easier now cause I felt so bad physically and mentally after my cheat. It wasn't worth it!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Lana: Awesome job with making it to day 14! Trust me I've never done a workout routine so long in my life! Today was day 45 for me so only 45 more for P90.

    Just so you know there is P90 Master Series that comes after P90 now.

    Well I went my first Zumba class tonight and it will be my last! It just was not for me. We did go on the threadmill for 11mins and I can PROUDLY say I RAN 4.5 of those minutes at a 5.0!!!!!
    I kept pushing myself if a 430lb kid can run for 30 seconds I know I can and I did!

    Tonight my bf did my measurements and I am down 5.47"! It would have been more if my damn thighs and calves didnt go up! My most inches lost was at my belly button with 2.25!! That means good bye tummy!

    My thighs are weird they are always about an inch to an inch and a half different. Anyone else like that?

    Well tomorrow is my first Sculpt 3-4!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Gang! Sorry such a late post! I did my P90X Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper with extra abs. The entire workout took 86 minutes and man did I burn alot of calories! It felt AWESOME as my shoulders and arms were burning, not to mention my abs! Then the evening just flew by before I knew what happened.... It is past my bedtime so I will try to catch up with you all tomorrow!

    Have a great nights sleep everyone!

  • Hi thanks for the support is good to know that others went through the same that i'm going through rignt now! Especially because I see that most of you are succeeding, it makes me want to be one of you.....
    SO I just finish my day 2, it was harder than I thought! I woke up and was hurting all over, but I still did it and I'm very proud of myself for doing it. I am in a mission and I'm not resting until I accomplish it.
    I've fallow this sites diet very closely and plan to keep it up.

    That Power Yoga is harder than it sounds, and thos abb routines God I could barely finish them lol
    See you later and Good LUCK accomplishing your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Still waiting for mine to get here! I'm super exctied to start after seeing all of you loving it!!!:happy:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept super good last night but sure did not want to get out of that warm bed this morning. With the wind chill, it is below zero and we have blowing snow. We are not supposed to get any accumulation though. It is a pretty snow...

    Sorry I did not get back on the thread last night. By the time I finished my workout at 7:30, then shower and dinner, the evening just flew by and next thing I knew, it was time for bed!

    I will try to catch up now:

    Just an update, I talked to a girl from Canada last night and she does order and get the Recovery Drink from beachbody. If you want it, just try it. It is best to order off the beachbody website. Just pull up my profile, tenaarnett and click shop for products. Then I have access to track it for you.

    Adriana: Way to go on your workouts! I know that when you are sore, it is hard to push play. I was super sore yesterday but after my workout, the soreness was not so bad. You did great! Keep it up and the results will be coming soon.

    Lana: Way to go on making it to 14! Keep it up and you too will be amazed at the results. What a great feeling when you can make it through the entire workout! Then, you know you are getting stronger!

    Jenn: I am sorry you did not like the Zumba class. That would not be for me either! So don't feel bad! Way to go on your run though! You are doing AMAZING!!

    Well, I have to get to work... I will post more later.

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