Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Ok so day 1 of my lay off and i managed to stay on plan. I still got up at 5:40 this morning and went to do my cardio at the gym. Then I came home and did for the first time ever my 30 day shred dvd. I really liked it. I really prefer to work out at the gym because I find I go harder with people watching plus I cant get distrated..only workout. but im going to continue with the 30 day shred as well as my cardio at the gym. I find its hard in the evenings because I dont' have a lot to do now so I think about eating bad!
    I must not think!! lol.

    Holy Krap Andrea, so sorry about your recent goings on!

    Well done with the work out schedule!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Wow! Alot of new people!

    Well tonight I did Tony's 1 on 1 Road Warrior and it was AWESOME. He has weights, legs and booty! He is also alittle nuts/funny in it! I burned over 400 calories and it felt great! Tomorrow I do P90X+ Intervals. That is a really tough workout!

    Paula (I guess that is your name??): I am doing P90X, P90X+, 1 on 1 , 10 min trainers, you name it and if Tony made it, I do it. On your question, you know your body better than anyone. It sounds like you are really rocking it and if it seems easy, move on now, don't wait! Do you have the P90 Master Series? You may want to consider moving on to P90X soon! You are doing great! Keep it up!

    Andrea: Way to go on your workouts! I love the 30 day shredd too sometimes. Which session do you do? I did all 3 Saturday and burned 791 calories. It was AWESOME!

    So now I am confused... Is there 2 people named Jen??? :embarassed:

    Jenn: Way to go on your workout! I told you the push-ups will get better. Not easy, just better...

    Jen: Way to go on starting P90! You are on the right step to health and fitness. Just remember it is not a fad, it is a lifetime journey we are all on. You have to make sure you eat healthy and workout and the results will come fast, like with Jenn...

    Well, gotta get to bed. Have a great nights sleep everyone and excellent workout tomorrow.

  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    This is my second week on Power90. I've been very active for the last couple of years (running, weights, Tae Kwon Do). I was using 25lb dumb bells. Here's the deal. I use 15lb dumb bells for Power90 and do full push ups. The only thing I feel challenging is the 100 Ab Ripper. Is it way too early to move on to Phase III IV? Alternatively, I was thinking of moving up the weights to 20 lbs, 15 reps (just like on the tape), doing this for the a couple of weeks and THEN moving on to the next phase.
    I would suggest that, if you feel like you're ready to tackle the 3-4 workouts, then go ahead and make the move. Plan on more time spent for both the sculpt and sweat workouts, and the ab ripper 200 doubles the reps (no new ab exercises there). I hope you like pushups and squats because Tony has a couple of sets in 3-4 where he does those exercises to muscle failure (as many as you can crank out until your body says, "No more left boss!"). You'll also be doing some forearm weight work and longer sets of lunge/squats. Just stick with it and push through; if you've conquered the 1-2 workouts, don't be discouraged by the stepping up in the 3-4 workouts.

    Who knows... After a while, you might feel like you're ready to tackle the "X"..!!!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :smile: Morning all. well i went to the gym at 6 and did my 30min on elipitcal. then i came home and tried my jackie workout video (just the 20 min ab part) ! boy was it hard. Ive never done such a great ab workout before! and i was doing beginning modified easy version!! :laugh:
    Anyway today Im going to this job fair thing with Jenn today so hopefully we can find something before money runs low. Wish us luck!!!

    Andrea :heart:
  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I did manage to get thru Sculpt 1-2! I'm going to do Sweat today. Last week I had my hardest day the first Sweat workout after Sculpt - I was so sore!
    I actually made it thru the Sculpt this time but my stamina is so poor that I'm dreading those lunge jumps in Sweat.

    Jenn: There is no Tammy. I don't even know a Tammy. I guess I shouldn't try to do three things at once, but then, don't we all? Great job on the fast food. We eat on the run a lot but I'd love to make a fast food ban in our house. I have an 11-yr old son who I notice is putting on weight the past 6 months and I don't want to see him end up like the rest of America. Keep up the workouts!

    Andrea: I'll be praying for you as you look for a job. Keep doing the right things and don't forget to take care of yourself and the rest will come. Keep pushing Play!

    Tena: You're such an inspiration. I want to get to where you are. My husband loves to mountain bike and I like it too but I have a hard time keeping up with him. I'm hoping that this road to fitness will lead me down a lot of trails someday. How did you like DietTribe? I thought it was pretty real. I can relate to the emotion that comes out when you begin to see what you've let yourself become.
    Did you watch Biggest Loser last night? I love to watch the transformations - no drugs, surgery or fad diets - just hard work and consistency. Thanks & Keep it Up!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Morning all, thanks for the input!

    I did Sculpt I & II this morning and decided to be realistic before moving on. I'm keeping the weights at 15lbs, and upping the reps. Today I did 12 reps and could already feel the difference! I also paid very close attention to his instructions (like on the bicep curls, letting your arm straighten out FULLY at the end) and also felt the difference.

    So, I'll keep on this for the next couple of weeks, the goal being to move to the full 15 reps at 15 lbs, paying close attention to form and then move on to III & IV. That'll give me two months at the next level.

    What I'll add is more cardio, so at lunch time today I'll go to the gym and run for 30 mins.

    Paula :smile:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Andrea: Awesome job with still getting up early with your morning workouts! I really need to get back into that habit as well. I did it for the first week after I got laid off but now just do it whenever.

    I just got done doing 30mins of MY Fitness Coach and now eating lunch (subway chicken sub) and then let it digest and then it is onton P90 Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100.

    Tena: What kind of HRM do you have? I asked Brian for one for my bday.

    I'll be back later to post after P90
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jenn: Mike (hubby) bought me a new one for Christmas that is awesome. It is a Nike Imara for Women. I love it as it does the heart-rate, calories burned and shuts off after you are done to conserve battery energy. He got it at Academy Sports. It is regularly $99 and he got it on sale for $69.00. I have the Polar F-6 too (which is more expensive) but I like the Nike one better. Plus it is made just for women...

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Tena: From reading tons of posts on here it seems Polar is the best and the Polar F-6 is PINK, my fav colour lol.

    One thing I hate about living in Canada is trying to find a HRM is like impossible! The american sites have them but when you do the Canadian one they dont!

    Keep your fingers crossed I get one!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I am now finished my second workout for the day!

    I did learn something with my 2 workouts today. I learned that I'm not ready to do 2 cardio sessions in 1 day and to not do my P90 second.

    My workout schedule is now going to be:

    Mon, Wed, Fri - P90 Sweat and Ab Ripper
    Tues, Thurs, Sat - P90 Sculpt and 30mins of My Fitness Coach doing cardio
    Sun- REST!!!!!

    I may also walk on the threadmill at my bf's or go for a walk with his dog.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :tongue: Ok so a billion people are trying for the same job as me, since there are no jobs here in windsor. I am so bored in the afternoon all I do is eat (diet stuff but large amounts lol) i really need to find something to occupy my time. I wish it was summer i would just lay by the pool and read.. Working out is not a solution, i know some people will suggest that. But im a morning workout person.. not after 10am lol. SOO if anyone has any other suggestions to keep me busy (other than workout) let me know!

    Talk to everyone tommorrow after the workout! :drinker:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey all! p90 is awesome, i did it last year and lost 30lbs,and 3 jean sizes. starting p90x on sunday cant wait to push play!!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Awesome, congrats on your success!!

    Well this is the place to post after your workouts and stay motivated!

    Good Luck with P90X!:flowerforyou:
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    :tongue: Ok so a billion people are trying for the same job as me, since there are no jobs here in windsor. I am so bored in the afternoon all I do is eat (diet stuff but large amounts lol) i really need to find something to occupy my time. I wish it was summer i would just lay by the pool and read.. Working out is not a solution, i know some people will suggest that. But im a morning workout person.. not after 10am lol. SOO if anyone has any other suggestions to keep me busy (other than workout) let me know!

    Talk to everyone tommorrow after the workout! :drinker:


  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I already volunteer at a suicide hotline.
    Update! I went to the prescreening and took this computer test and got a call tonight and have an offical interview tommorrow!! whoo hoo!!
    Hope everyone got their workouts in!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Tonight I did my P90X+ Intervals workout and it was AWESOME! As usual, it kicked my booty!!! That is one tough workout! It makes P90X Plyometrics look easy... I changed my workout up alittle and tomorrow I am doing P90 Plyo Legs and 10 min trainer abs. That should be a good workout! I got my Jillian Wii yesterday and played with it alittle last night. After dinner tonight I did 30 minutes on it and burned 349 calories! It is pretty good. I learned to press A to go right into the next workout and that way your heartrate goes up. Tonight she ran alot, climbed monkey bars, jumped on log rolls, boxed and kicked and jumped through tires. She would run and then do one of the others and then run and then another etc. It was pretty good. I need another shower!

    Andrea: AWESOME NEWS! I wish you the best on your interview tomorrow! I will keep you in my prayers.

    Tracy: Welcome! You are going to love P90X! I started P90X and within 6 months, went from a size 14 to a size 5. Congrats but be prepared to be sore. Don't let the soreness stop you though. Keep pressing play...

    Jenn: Way to go on your workouts today! You are still doing great! Keep it up.

    Sorry so short but it is getting late and I have to get my water, lunch and snacks ready for work tomorrow... Have a great evening and excellent nights sleep everyone!


  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well tonight was kinda rough for me. Brian made a great healthy dinner but after dinner I was starving!

    I had 20 swedish berries and 4 chocolate covered almonds :cry: I did add them into my calories and I was still under for the day by like a 100 but went over on my carbs. Good thing I got 2 work outs in today. I know why I was so hungry. I went with my Mom today and bought a fuse drink and that was 210 calories so I missed eating them!

    Tomorrow is a new day and I think TOM is coming to visit his visits arent the greatest.

    Off to bed I go!
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member

    Went to the gym yesterday at lunch time and did 25 minutes on a new fangled thingy! Not up and down like an elliptical, but out to the side, kinda, like in-line skating. TOUGH. Then this morning did the cardio I&II.

    A good day to all.

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I just finished Sculpt 1-2. It was a great workout! I am getting a little better at those damn push ups but I know one thing when I do them my heart rate goes up and I sweat more thats forsure!

    Tonight I will be doing 30mins of My Fitness Coach Cardio.

    Today I was up 0.4 from yesterday with my eating candy last night but today Im feeling and doing great!

    I have just fell in love! I would have a smoothie with 4oz of skim milk, 1 tbsp all natural pb and banana in it and someone had made a post about that and someone suggested taking out the banana and using chocolate soy milk and it being like a pb cup!

    So I just had one with: 4oz skim milk, 1 tbsp all natural pb, 1 package of swiss miss diet hot chocolate powder and ice and blended it in my magic bullet and WOW its amazing! For anyone that loves chocolate and pb this is a MUST try!

    Have a great work out everyone! :drinker: :drinker:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    ohh i remember sculpt 1-2 and 3-4, yes those push ups are crazy! but i made it through it and you will too, keep pushing play!! that smoothie sounds yummy!
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