Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Ladies I just wanted to correct myself. When I said I only have 1.4lbs to get back to my xmas day weight I was wrong, I will be back to my NYE weight!

    Lana: What supplements are you taking? And I hear you when you are so sore it feels like working out is a chore but keep going and you will feel so much better! What helps me out tons is I tape over the time on my dvd player and on my tv so I have no idea how much I"ve done or have to do.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, I finished my Jillian Shredder 1-2-3. It was the best ever!!! I burned 791 calories!

    I already had my shower because Mike is starving... Oh well, he will just have to wait till I redo my make-up, blow dry my hair and straighten it! hahaha :tongue:

    I think tomorrow I might do that short Jillian Cardio Kickbox just for the fun of it... Even though it is my rest day...

    Well, gotta go get ready. We are going to a new restaurant that opened in Bixby called The Santa Fe Steak House. I hope they have chicken!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Well today is usually my rest day but due to the fact I didn't work out on Thurs and made that my rest day for this week today was Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100.

    I got up feeling nauseous and didn't want to work out but pushed myself. Once I started warming up and then getting into the power yoga I was feeling worse and light headed so I stopped. I am kinda upset that I didnt work out today but at the same time if Im getting sick I dont want to push myself and make myself worse.

    A lot of ppl around me are sick so keep your fingers crossed that Im not going to get it! I have mono about 5-6yrs ago so I get sick very easy, it doesnt help that one person that is sick is my bf.

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, at 1:00pm I did Jillian's Cardio Kickbox. It is only 28 minutes and I only burned 229 calories. Immediately after that, I got on the Wii Fit. First I did the daily check in and balance check. I am now officially down to age 45! That is 2 yrs younger than I really am!! WOOOOTTT!!! Then played on it for 95 minutes and burned 572 calories! It is awesome to have a calorie burn like that by just playing! I am done now and worn out! I plan to hit the shower and chill for the rest of the afternoon and evening! This was supposed to be my Rest Day but I decided to do that short workout and then play on the Wii. Tuesday is when Jillian's Wii is supposed to be delivered. This week is Recovery Week and the end of Phase 2 of Round 6. This morning I was busy typing up my essay portion for the Beachbody grand prize. That was hard. I hope it is good!

    Jenn: I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But, way to go listening to your body! That is what you have to do. It is best to just rest today! Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Im Jens friend Andrea.. just new to this site. I don't do power 90 but was going ever morning to the gym at 6am until I had a family death AND xmas which has caused me to gain 4lbs back. So today
    was my first day back at the gym again, as well as back to the good eating. :smile:

    Hope I can do as well as all of you ! :drinker:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Andrea: Congrats on going back to the gym this morning! You WILL do as good as us dont you worry!

    Well Ladies I am feeling so much better today and just got done my Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 and today was the first day I did all 100 ab workouts!!! Im so happy sat I did 12 outta 15 dips my my legs straight and not bent and today all 100 ab workouts Im on a roll!!!!!

    Next wednesday I move up to 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200.

    I also want to share something great........tomorrow will be 3 weeks that I haven't eaten fast food!!!!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    How do you all add the ticker to your post???

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Tena: You go to tools and make a ticker. I think it just adds it for you.

    Well wow I just did my new My Fitness Coach for the Wii and omg she kicked my *kitten*!!!!
    I can't believe that I am admitting this but I was more sweaty from that 30min cardio session as I am doing the Power 90!

    If you have a Wii I strongly suggest investing in it!

    So today I did P90 Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100 and 30mins of My Fitness Coach! I don't have a HRM yet so I go by the calories burned off here and I burned 792 calories today!!!
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    Girl, you are totally rockin' this out!!!! Proud of you! :flowerforyou:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    I don't have a HRM yet so I go by the calories burned off here and I burned 792 calories today!!!
    Jenn... If I may suggest, you might want to have a look on eBay for a HRM. You can get some really decent prices on them. Mine's a model that monitors the index finger rather than using a chest strap. Bowflex sells it for $100; found it new on eBay for $38... Sweet..!!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    i am going to be getting power90 soon!!!:happy: ....im just wondering how much weight have you all lost since you started it??
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well I finished my workout! I am in Recovery Week so tonight I did P90X CardioX and Ab Ripper X w/extra abs. It was AWESOME! I love doing Cardio X. I had a great calorie burn and feel awesome! Tomorrow I have 1 on 1 Road Warrior! That is such a good overall workout!

    Well, time to hit the shower! I will be back later. I have to watch Diet Tribe at 9pm CT on Lifetime!

  • lwagg
    lwagg Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome Andrea! I just began last week. Keep it up at the gym!

    Way to go Tammy! You kept going and didn't give up. You're an inspiration to me. I hope I can get thru AB Ripper 100 soon. I had a rest day yesterday so I'm not sore today and Sweat 1-2 was easier. I still can only get thru the first set of lunge jumps before I konk out, but that's a little better than last week.
    You asked about supplements. I'm taking Beachbody's Total Health Women's Formula. What is Fitness Coach for Wii? My son has the system. Is it part of Wii Fit?

    Nicole: I just started last week and haven't weighed in yet, but my husband did Power90 last year and lost 40 lbs. I like it because it's progressive. You get a chance to build strength and stamina before moving to the next level.

    Tena: I got my ticker from www.tickerfactory.com

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Nicole: I have been doing Power 90 since Dec 1 and have lost 11.8lbs.

    Last month was hard with my bf's bday, his xmas party, xmas and new years. I lost 11.4 last month so this month my goal is to lose more then that!

    Lana: Who is Tammy?
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Ok, now I am back to catch up...

    Andrea: Welcome to our group! Sounds like you have a great plan with working out at the gym. I love working out at home. I used to go to a gym and had an idiot stalking me! That is why I quit that. Now at home, I do not have to worry about weirdos. I have my 2 german shepherds sleeping next to me while I workout and feel super safe.

    Nicole: P90 is a great place to start. The programs by Tony Horton are excellent because they are progressive. Once you master P90, you move onto P90 Master Series and then P90X and P90X+ and so on. There is no plateauing with these programs. He sets out your daily routine and you just follow it. Add clean eating and you are on the road to succeeding. I definitely recommend it as I am a true example of how you can change your body. Look at my pictures and you will see what I am talking about. It works....

    Lana: You are really doing awesome! Keep it up! You will see that you will get better each time! I am so proud of you.

    And my Jenn: What can I say??? I am so SUPER PROUD of you! Look at how much you have accomplished in such a short period of time. Just remember, this is not a fad diet, it is a lifestyle change and a lifetime journey that we are all taking together. Together, we will ALL SUCCEED AND REACH OUR GOALS!!!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Wow Tena thank you SOOO much for the comments about me. Honestly I know I am doing the work but YOU are the one that is keeping me motivated! I have had some accomplishments and its only been 36 days!

    How old are your shepherds? My bf has a huskey/sheperd mix, Bear is 41/2. Once he gets a house soon he wants to get a king sheperd. I told him thats not a dog that is a pony!

    I also had a gym membership and hardly ever used it. I love working out at home espeically since it is winter. You don't have to get dressed, out in the cold, clean off your car, and the best part.. your clothes don't have to match lol
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well another day done!

    Just finished Sculpt 1-2 and I REALLY hate those damn push ups! I am getting better at them but still wish I could take them out lol.

    Its official, today is the day that I have NOT eaten fast food in 3 weeks!

    Have a great workout everyone!

    PS-Andrea where is your post young lady I know you were at the gym at 6am!!!!
  • Hi everyone,

    by pressure from my dear friend Jenn, she has convinced me to start P90 and to post on here... I love her anyways. hehe

    I just did sweat 1-2 with ab ripper, really I feel like maybe a did a long walk/jog yest, I really want to feel the burn (you know what I mean)

    Ok a little history on me... Jan 2008 i weighed in at 220lbs, my dad ended up having double bypass surgery and that is when i decided i am going to make a healthier me...So I started dieting and doing pilatis once a week. Then by spring time in May 2008 i weighed 185lbs and then started to jog during my lunch hour at work. At first I could only do a 2km jog and then by the end of the summer I was doing 10km in an hour time. October 08 I finally acheived my goal of 150lbs. So a total of 70lb weightloss and feeling great still. Yes with the holiday junk food/drinking I did gain 3lbs but I really dont care, just want to tone up the flabby belly and thighs so P90 and advanced pilatis class is going to be my solution (hopefully)

    Tonight is P90 sculpt 1-2!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Ok so day 1 of my lay off and i managed to stay on plan. I still got up at 5:40 this morning and went to do my cardio at the gym. Then I came home and did for the first time ever my 30 day shred dvd. I really liked it. I really prefer to work out at the gym because I find I go harder with people watching plus I cant get distrated..only workout. but im going to continue with the 30 day shred as well as my cardio at the gym. I find its hard in the evenings because I dont' have a lot to do now so I think about eating bad!
    I must not think!! lol.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Hi there,

    This is my second week on Power90. I've been very active for the last couple of years (running, weights, Tae Kwon Do). I was using 25lb dumb bells. Here's the deal. I use 15lb dumb bells for Power90 and do full push ups. The only thing I feel challenging is the 100 Ab Ripper. Is it way too early to move on to Phase III IV? Alternatively, I was thinking of moving up the weights to 20 lbs, 15 reps (just like on the tape), doing this for the a couple of weeks and THEN moving on to the next phase.

    Comments, suggestions?

    (This topic is VERY encouraging BTW.)

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