Hey, frequent flyer here. Tried and gave up so many times. Not very much of will power I guess :) Name is Sanem. A Turkish mama of 2 little monkeys. Added lots of weight with each baby. When I saw numbers 123 on the scale (which equals to 272 lbs), I said "I guess I better do something about this". Started once more. 1…
Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
I wish I explained myself better. I eat too little during the day and I go crazy on dinner time which i stated as here comes fast food. Wanting a baby is big motivation but trying so many times and losing my motivation when my weight lose stops or slows down to 0,1 kg per two weeks, yes I do feel that I need support from…
star gate
Very late night. Or shall I say early morning. I wake up from my sleep craving for chocolate. :/ I need to learn how to control that.
Definitely curvy. Well I'm much more than crvy right now :))) I want to be curvy. I remember myself beıng skinny. That was a very long time ago, but I hated myself then. Bulky muscles, legs which look like a soccer players legs. Not womanly at all.
Hello everyone, Would love to be in a group like this. This is Sanem. From istanbul, Turkey. I'm 21 with 12 years of experience ;) I'm aiming to lose around 80 pouns. I know it won't be easy as I'm working quite hard and not have time to do exercises really. Still I'll do my best. We are all here because we decided to…
apple cobbler
Thanks to everyone for your lovely support and ideas. Yes, walking without a purpose is boring but even when I have a purpose as soon as I start walking with a tiny bit faster I get unbearable muscle pains especially my ankles and calves. so either I have to slow down or completely stop. Where I live is not really the best…
top secret
recipe book
cupcake recipe
bin liner
chatter box
Istanbul, Turkey here. i feel so lonely :)))
Thank you Superdave24. I'm already loving it. I became a member about 2 years ago actually. However, as a useless couch potato about keeping anything up, I lost my motivation again and now I'm starting all over again. This time I'll do it. Sorry about your injury I hope you are all well now. Thank you for you warm…
wow that truly is inspiring. and in quite a short time. way to go!
i drink 4 glasses of my lovely lovely turkish tea everyday. can't help it. with 2 sugars also :/ oops...
Thank you so much. There are lots of very very inspiring people here. I love reading success stories. Hopefully one day I will have one of those.