Hello everyone... Newbie here...

Starting... Once Again...
Just like most people who are trying to lose weigt, I started and ended diets over and over and over again. well, unfortunately i never got to lose weigt as all my diets had very short life spans. ehm... 2-7 days!?!?

well there was one time i did quite long (well my longest). that was when i went to acupuncture thingy. of course it wasnt the acupuncture which make you lose weight. they give you a diet schedule. i stopped going there when they made me eat only watermelon for a whole one week for all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) one week before my watermelon week, it was lettuce week. all you can eatr salad. made of lettuce and tomatoes only. no lemon or oil. that was probably the worst 2 weeks of my life.

i actually did quite well when i was working in a company which not only let us have breakfast but also there was a lady who was preparing a lovely breakfast table for us. my breakfasts were always one slice of toasted bread, small piece of cheese and lots of tomatoes and cucumber. but still it helped me a lot. cos i wasnt starving myself and only having one meal for the whole day.

and now... here we go again... this time im quite enthusiastic. well maybe not being able to find anything nice to wear is a reason. but most of all. one sentence made me make my decision. my uncle. he always told me to lose weight. well not only him, all my family. even when i was size 12.now looking back. it makes me so angry. well, anyways. he said "find a good dietician. i'll pay for it" i never felt so small in my life. it was almost like. "you are not capable of doing anything by yourself so i will help you to get yourself together" well maybe he made me a favor by making me so angry.

first day is not that promising i know. but i will do my best.


  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    It is promising that you are here!
    You can do this! It is one day at a time, and if you fall off the wagon, you get back on again. It is hard, but you can do it! One day or meal wont mess everything up, it is always a work in progress :)
    Good luck to you!!
  • Tawshan
    Tawshan Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you so much. There are lots of very very inspiring people here. I love reading success stories. Hopefully one day I will have one of those.
    I am brand new to this site. I heard about it for the first time this morning. I want to make a change and this seems like a great way to do it! I am looking for friends as I don't currently have any on this site. Looking for friends to hold me accountable!
  • Superdave24
    Superdave24 Posts: 158 Member
    Tawshan, you will love this site. People here are awesome and supportive. Most of them understand what your going through and you can make some lifetime friends here. Good luck with your goals. If I can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to ask
    I'm back from a long stint away myself. I had a shoulder injury that took 5 months to heal. After given the ok to start my workout regimine i was so busy at work i didn't make the time until now. I have some weight to lose but mostly want to rebuild some muscle tissue and get into good shape. David
  • Tawshan
    Tawshan Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you Superdave24. I'm already loving it. I became a member about 2 years ago actually. However, as a useless couch potato about keeping anything up, I lost my motivation again and now I'm starting all over again. This time I'll do it.
    Sorry about your injury I hope you are all well now. Thank you for you warm welcoming message.