Lefeh99 Member


  • 71golfzuno...what is your heart monitor that you are talking about? Is that something you wear on your arm or something when working out? I take it that tells you calories burned? Are you able to change calories on here to log or do you go by that (does that make sense?)
  • Thanks!! I was wondering too though, Do each of us burn a different amount of calories per excerise? Someone mentioned a number of calories burned for the circuit and 20 mins but when I typed it in, I had a different amount!!?? Does it differ because of our body make up?
  • Okay, that must be it then!! I'll take whatever calories I can!! (when I excerise that is!) I was working hard today, cleaning bathtubs, mopping floors, etc! I was quite warm and opened windows even (only 50 outside today).
  • I eat close to all my calories. I try to do some sort of excerise everyday, doesn't always happen though. We are approaching cold weather in Indiana and my husband doesn't like me to walk alone after dark (I would be alone). I will miss that greatly. I try to get my outside walk in as much as possible as I love it. I'm…
  • VeroJuly, interesting about the eggs. I was going to fix myself scrambled eggs for breakfast this mornign but didn't because I thought the eggs were high in calories. What type of eggs are you using?? Thanks for the website suggestion!! I can't wait to check it out!
  • That was discussed with my husband and I tonight! We are used to having either a bottle of beer or glass a wine with dinner each night. I have "given it up" but he's having a harder time. Before we started all this calorie counting stuff we did switch to MGD 64 or even the 55 one (can't remember who makes that). Glass of…
  • Thank you~ I was thinking 8 oz also but then I started second guessing myself. I was drinking a large glass and counting it as 2 cups of water then I rethought about it!
    in water Comment by Lefeh99 October 2011
  • really anxious to see the other picture!!!
  • I searched the internet and found one simliar to what I ate. Since I didn't make it I don't know if all the things this reciepe listed is in there but I posted in there and man where those bars good!! I ate two today!! Did my walking and still 360+ calories left for the day!!