my calorie intake

I weighed myself this morning and changed my weight on here. I just logged my cleaning from this morning (logged lunch earlier) and I just noticed that my calorie in take increased, a lot!! Scares me. Why did that increase? I thought if anything, since I lost weight that my calorie in take would decrease!?!

Now I'm very confused. On my main page it tells me my goal calories are 1600 (around there) but when I got to my food page it tells me my goal is 2100!?!? I'm so confused!! What do I follow?? I want the less!!


  • did you log your exercises? if so, they count that and it raises the limits for you daily goals.

    just look at your home page, you'll see your daily summary: "goal", "food", "-exercise" and "net".

    when you add exercises, it adds those calories burned to your daily goal because MFP works off net calories.

    (did that clarify? sorry, it's not the easiest to explain)
  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    If you log your exercise your calorie intake increases :) More calories you burn, the more calories that are added onto your calorie intake!
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    How many calories does it day you burned from exercise, that is probably where this increase is coming from

    1600 + x(the number of calroioes you burned cleaning)= 2100 or something close to that.

    p.s. how long are you cleaning for that you burn that many calories?
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    It added the calories you burned cleaning.
    I personally think mfp overestimates calories burned during exercise, especially cooking and cleaning. I'll still log it in sometimes when I can't go to the gym, just so that I remind myself that I was still active and don't have to beat myself up for not exercising, but I take their cleaning and cooking calorie estimates with a grain of salt. (Sea salt. I'm watching my sodium as well! :laugh: )
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If you logged cardio exercise - then your total daily calories increased because of the calories you burned during the exercise. However, your NET calories will still remain at the lower number.

    If MFP sets your goal at 1600 - 500 calories burned while working out = 1100 NET calories (this is the total number you will have consumed after you worked out) + 500 calories eaten = 1600 NET. However, MFP will tell you that your total calories is 2100 which it is, since you DID consume 2100 calories BUT you also burned off 500. So, it is really only 1600.

    Confused yet?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    'Weighing in' does not change your calorie goals - if you want to update to see if MFP will change your calorie goals, you need to actually go to 'goals' and have it update your profile. It doesn't do it automatically from you weighing in. It will automatically *prompt* you to update your goals about every 10 lbs I think.

    Also, whenever you log exercise, it adds those calories onto your calorie goal for the day. If, for example, you have a 1500 calorie goal each day before exercise, if you then burn 200 calories cleaning the house or whatever, MFP ups your goal for that day to 1700 to account for the energy used during exercise. Some people eat all of their 'exercise calories' back, some eat none, some eat somewhere in the middle. But MFP is automatically going to tell you that you've worked and earned the right to eat more calories that day b/c of your exercise. :-)

    ETA: I also log my cleaning time (if it's more than 30 minutes, otherwise I don't bother logging it) but I assume that MFP is over-estimating unless I was *really* working hard and used my HRM for a more accurate estimate - so I usually do not eat back 'all' of my cleaning exercise calories b/c I worry that MFP estimates higher than what I might have actually burned.
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    It added the calories you burned cleaning.
    I personally think mfp overestimates calories burned during exercise, especially cooking and cleaning. I'll still log it in sometimes when I can't go to the gym, just so that I remind myself that I was still active and don't have to beat myself up for not exercising, but I take their cleaning and cooking calorie estimates with a grain of salt. (Sea salt. I'm watching my sodium as well! :laugh: )

    I hate to break the news to ya, nomatter what salt you choose, the amount of sodium chloride stays the same :)
  • Lefeh99
    Lefeh99 Posts: 19 Member
    Okay, that must be it then!! I'll take whatever calories I can!! (when I excerise that is!)

    I was working hard today, cleaning bathtubs, mopping floors, etc! I was quite warm and opened windows even (only 50 outside today).