squiguk Member


  • Thanks for all the replies, I'll book an appointment. Eating this way isn't a new diet for me or anything, I've always eaten these tyes of foods its just that recently the raw foods seem to be giving me grief. Thanks again!
  • There is nothing 'EW' about you at all, you look amazing, happy and healthy! Maybe your family didn't think you would reach your goal and are a little jealous so they have to turn it into something negative? Whatever the reason for their comments, they cannot force you to gain weight and as long as you are happy just…
  • Chicken, chickpea, spinach and tomato curry... Dice up some chicken breast and cook through, lightly fry some onions, add a can of chopped tomatoes, chickpeas, your spices (curry powder.garam masala, chilli, etc) and then add loads of spinach which wilts away. Simmer for 20 mins then serve with a dollop of greek yoghurt…
  • I've done Insanity and if done properly, it literally is insane! I'd be genuinely concerned for you to try it on only 650 calories a day, I'm sure it would make you dizzy/sick and it definitely wouldn't give you muscle definition (if you did complete the programme). In my opinion, wanting to lose weight for a specific…
  • Don't worry about it! It happened to me a couple of weeks ago, after a weekend of going out (although I wasn't overeating/drinking, I ate more than I normally would in a restaurant and went out for drinks the night before) - the scales said I'd gain around 4kg!!. I really freaked out but it was just the volume of food over…
  • Yeah, you get 5 small meals a day so for example: Breakfast = Egg white omelette Morning snack = 100g chicken and cucumber Lunch = chicken salad Afternoon snack = 100g turkey and green beans Dinner = Salmon and green beans Like I said, it does work as its so healthy but you can't have anything sweet like fruit and that's…
  • I have 2 of the books - Clean and Lean with the 14 Day Kickstart and the Recipes book. I'm on Day 10 of the 14 day kickstart and it is horrible. I've done it before and I can say it works but it's not for me. I think it's mostly because I don't actually like chicken and green veg and thats most of the plan. I've felt…
  • Congratulations, fantastic achievement! Both the weight loss and fitness as well as the smoking and drinking! Well done! x
  • Well done on sharing your story, it's the first step to getting help. I really feel for you and when you feel so alone it can make things so much harder. But you're not alone. This forum offers a lot of support to those who need it so make it a part of your life. Briefly, my advice would be: -Get your weights and…
  • Whenever I make oat bars I just blend together raisins, walnuts and porridge oats. Makes them stick together if you do it in a food processor. I use the recipes from the Chocolate Covered Katie website which is a dessert blog but healthy versions!
  • Did something happen to trigger your binge this time? Is there something you can look at to avoid certain situations, etc? I often lose a bit of weight and then think 'now I can eat whatever I want' so I'll eat loads and then feel so annoyed with myself which makes me want to eat more. It's an easy cycle to fall into but…
  • Unfortunately you don't have enough time to make a significant difference to your appearance/weight (as you have probably gathered!). Try to focus on feeling confident, drink loads of water and eat lots of fresh fruit, veg and protein so at least you won't feel bloated or uncomfortable. Just focus on healthy eating and…
  • If you have been good all week it won't be too bad to have a curry but maybe go for tandoori chicken which doesn't have the sauce with it. Or the vegetarian options such as the spinach/chickpea ones, or choose tomato-based sauces with chicken instead of lamb or beef. What always gets me is that I have rice and naan bread!…
  • Hi, I've been having knee pain this week too, I searched for it and the NHS advice is basically unless you have torn something like your cruciate ligament (which I'm sure you would know about if you had!) then rest is the key. My pain feels like my kneecap is out of line when I bend it rather than muscle pain. Here is the…
  • To those who have said they love running, how long roughly would you say it took to start enjoying it? I've only ever had 'runner's high' once and would love to start enjoying it again! Do you enjoy it more the fitter you get or is the number of runs per week important? I'm doing a variety of exercise at the moment…
  • Peppermint tea, avoid carbs for the day and Spanx!
  • I wish mine would shrink! I've always been a 32GG and no matter whether I lose or gain they stay the same...I think personally I need to get ridiculously thin for them to start shrinking which is never gonna happen...
  • Don't be scared to eat! The worst thing you can do is starve yourself as then its more likely you will binge later and feel worse about it. It's hard when you're on a tight budget but the frozen veg thing is a really good idea to bulk out meals. For snacks you could try: -eggs are cheap and fill you up -carrot sticks and…
  • If you go to your induction they won't let you do what you did yesterday. They will teach you to use the machines and tell you how many reps/minutes etc you should be doing to work towards your goal. It is intimidating walking into a gym that you think is full of fit people but try to remember that a lot of them will be in…
  • lots to think about, thank you for all the responses. i do agree i am being irrational but i am a bit surprised at how many people think it is ok to talk about a woman's weight to her face! i just always thought of that as one of those things you just didn't do which i'm obviously wrong about...unless you all have…
  • Thank you for your post, I agree with everything you have said. I think that I'm just upset at the fact that I feel like i have completely changed my lifestyle and apart from the snacking, I am trying and for him to just point out that I have gained weight makes me feel like he doesn't acknowledge all the hard work I've…
  • Many thanks for all the replies, I will definitely check out that other thread. I did think that maybe I need to eat more - the clean and lean plan was good as it was 5 small meals a day and no carbs and I didn't feel too bad. But now I'm just filling up on the wrong food because I'm too tired and craving sweet things to…
  • Hi All, did the first workout last night, had to take a few rests near the end and struggled with the push ups. Does anyone know if you can move your rest days around?? Basically I have limited space and the workouts are making the whole house shake! So I don't really want to get up at 5am and wake everyone up...but if I…
  • Hi All, I am in the same boat (not been recording my food for a while!) but want to do Insanity. I did the fitness test last night and I'm hoping I can carry on as the reviews have been so good. I will try and post my progress on here (I will also be keeping a manual diary of each workout). Good luck to everyone doing it!