Tips for energy, please help!!

Hi all,

Does anyone have any good tips to increase energy levels? I'm exhausted all the time and find it so hard to stay focussed on diet and fitness.

To give a brief overview of my lifestyle, i exercise at home in the morning before work about 5 times a week using the Insanity dvd and I eat healthy meals. I recently lost 7lbs following the clean and lean eating plan but since I have stopped it, I literally cannot stop eating crap (in between meals).

It's like I'm tired and hungry all the time and I know one way to increase energy levels is to just get moving but I find it really hard to do. I come home and I just pig out and watch tv all night while in my head i think 'I've done my exercise today so I can do what I want!'

I know what I need to do really but does anyone have any tips on how?? such as foods that will either give me energy or suppress my appetite??

Oh, I also had blood tests at the doctors to rule out diabetes, underactive thyroid and anemia - all were negative so there's no medical reason for my exhaustion.



  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Caffeine. I hate coffee, but a can of diet energy drink will give me an automatic boost and keep me going. Or caffeine pills!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how many cals do you currently net per day?
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    how many hours of sleep do you get? and do you get enough filling calories esp with how much you are burning with insanity
    i am also tired all the time, but mine is from screwed up sleep patterns from working night shift:(
    good luck!!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    The most common cause of lack of energy while dieting is not eating enough calories. A smaller deficit for slower, but steadier, weight loss is better, as this makes the whole thing easier and more sustainable, as you have high energy and a big enough calorie allowance to have treat foods in moderation, and you still lose weight. It's slower, but it's a lot more sustainable in the long term. Does it matter if you take longer to get there, if you are going to find it so much easier to keep the fat off for good? You can calculate how many calories you can eat and still lose weight, from a thread called "in place of a road map" - I totally recommend searching on that, it's worked for so many people here, and it's basically the same method I used (now maintaining my goal weight with ease and working on lowering my body fat percentage a little more). I think the latest one is version three.

    If you already know that you're eating enough calories, then it could be lack of iron. You can get your blood iron levels checked by a doctor and get supplements if necessary, plus eat more iron rich foods (red meat, green veggies) - iron is absorbed more easily when consumed with vitamin C. Other nutritional deficiencies could result in feeling tired all the time, but IMO it's important to ensure that you're eating enough calories first, then if you are and you still feel tired, get a blood test done.

    ETA: sorry missed it when I first read your post that you'd already been checked for anaemia
  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member

    if i eat to much bread (doesnt matter if its whole weat or something else) i am hungry all the time and really tired.
    If i take sugary stuff i get tired and hungry
    and depending on my hormones i'm more hungry sometimes.

    and if you dont eat enough you'll get tired and exhausted... so perhaps with more excercise you should eat more
    of the good stuff.... but hey i just lost 1 lbs, so for me losing weight is difficult (looks like i am set stone or somthing)

    so good luck and add me if you like
  • squiguk
    squiguk Posts: 29 Member
    Many thanks for all the replies, I will definitely check out that other thread.

    I did think that maybe I need to eat more - the clean and lean plan was good as it was 5 small meals a day and no carbs and I didn't feel too bad. But now I'm just filling up on the wrong food because I'm too tired and craving sweet things to be bothered to prepare healthy snacks.

    I think I need to do actual meal plans so I take enough food with me to work so I'm not tempted by the vending machine. If I can find the energy to do that it might help!

    Has anyone ever gone cold turkey from sugar and carbs?? Having said that I'm planning to go back to running soon so that will be a good excuse to carb up!
  • LaurenLouG
    LaurenLouG Posts: 65 Member
    How nutrient dense are your foods? Are you getting a nice, filling, wholesome breakfast? Are you eating enough protein?

    Boiled eggs, tuna, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese are great little hits of protein.

    Are you drinking enough water? Try drinking a big glass of water before you eat, the body can confuse thirst for hunger.

    I find coconut water a really great source of energy, plus it's full of potassium - try it!
  • Melli_81
    Melli_81 Posts: 13
    Did you think about doing your workout in the evening?
    So you would have power throughout the day, without the need for more snacks. And after your workout it would be not that long until bed time. :-)
    That's what works for me. :-)