

  • Thanks so much for the information! Looks like you answered the question for two of us! I appreciate your time and congratulations on being so close to your goal! Best of luck!
  • Good for you and best of luck. You can do it! :smile:
  • Please feel free to add me as a friend! I'm fairly new to the site and it would be great for me to have supporters as well!
  • The Jam; All Mod Cons - I love them, the album rocks... tied with Paul Simon, Graceland - It's musically perfect, and it ROCKS
  • Thank you for all of the info. This sounds like what I'm looking for as far as getting started. (I'm going to check Ebay for sure!) Please let me know your progress! Good luck!
  • Not really, but I don't want to spend more than $100.
  • I'm not really into anything in particular, which is the problem...! I like yoga, and anything low-impact aerobic (knee injury). I want to get into a routine of light weights and cardio I can do at home. I'm just not sure where to start making a plan. I always get stuck here...
  • My favorite hangover food is an egg and cheese sandwich.* *I try avoiding a hangover altogether if I overindulge. Here's how: I take two aspirin and have two large glasses of water right before bed. If I get up during the night I have more water. In the morning, more aspirin and a can or two of Coke if I'm still not…
  • Thanks everyone! Some great ideas for snacks. I especially like the oatmeal/banana/peanut butter recipe. Made me hungry. :o( I kid, I kid... seriously thanks and I hope I can pass on some new ideas too!
  • I have MANY, but the one currently driving me crazy is when people just "pop-in". I can not express how much I can't stand this. Am I crazy or is it rude to just show up at someone's house without warning? Grrr.
    in pet peeve... Comment by gigibon May 2010