

  • Just so long as you stay above 1200. I sometimes have a good 200 or even 300 calories left just because I'm not hungry, but that still puts me above the "Starvation Zone" Also, I think if it's just a day below 1200 it won't slow your metabolism down, so if your not feeling well I don't think you should try to force…
  • When you eat, make it high fiber, high protein with complex carbs. Simple carbs such as white rice are broken down really quickly, so they just make you hungry again, and protein and fiber helps fill you up and keep you full. Simply switching to whole wheat, whole grain products, and brown rice can do wonders.
  • Food: Eggs Exercise: Wii Fit, since exercising at home makes me feel less self conscious.
  • Your body uses calories to warm it's self up, so if your not eating many calories, you will feel colder. That's why people eat more when it's cold and less when it's hot.
  • I love Trader Joes! I like their roasted seaweed snacks, their yogurt and granola packs, their granola bars, their new Indian meals. It's also great that all their dairy products are rBST free, though we usually buy straight up Organic milk. Last I was there, I tried some of their French Vanilla ice cream, which was…
  • When you loose weight, you loose weight everywhere equally, not just where you want to. That might be part of it.
  • I gotta try this one of these days! Awesome!
  • Everyone in my family gets bad stretch marks. It's just the way our skin is (too many elastic fibers or something). All I can say is that they fade. Slowly, but they do.
  • When I used that calculator, it said my BMR is 1513, but when I check MFP it says my BMR is 1,424, and the calories per day it gave me to loose a pound a week is closer to 1,400. Which should I go with?
  • Don't think of it as cheating. Instead, think of it as eating a high calorie meal. I ate a higher calorie meal this week because I slept in and ended up skipping breakfast, and my lunch was light. It's ok to go over calories every so often, just so long as it's not a constant thing, but I feel better if I eat lighter the…
  • Wasn't oatmeal Scottish? Or has my Scottish family been lying to me this entire time? Also, the Irish helped to popularize the potato. And they make amazing cheddar cheese. A nice treat if you can spare the calories. :)
  • Protein is what keeps you full, so it is important. I used to hardly ever eat meats, but now that I eat them a little more often, I feel tired less often and I eat less junk food. Also, protein doesn't have to come from meat. There's also soy (Only eat soy that has been fermented! Non fermented soy, I've found out, is bad…
  • I like dipping slices of bell peppers or cucumbers in mine. That or I spread it on an arnold sandwich thin.
  • If your going to go vegan, just be forewarned that you'll have to get your essential amino acids other ways, so you have to make a huge effort to look for the nutritional information on all of your foods to make sure you get all the nutrients you would normally get from meat. Also, a well rounded vegan diet can be fairly…
  • Instead of buying coke, try buying a high quality soda as a special treat. Some areas have local sodas that are really good, if hard to find.
  • I want to go to Europe, but I'm worried everyone will look at me and think "Fat American". Plus, I'm kinda sick of finding cute clothes in second hand stores and such and finding that they don't fit.
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