KAM1500 Member


  • Thank you for the responses. I eat every 2-3 hours. I have breakfast around 5:30am before I leave the house for work and then eat about 8:30ish at the office. Today I had the oatmeal as my morning snack. It all depends on how my morning is going if I eat it first thing or as a snack. I will try adding some additional…
  • I had this problem about a year and a half ago. The doctor told me that I need to change my shoes more often. Now I buy tennis shoes about every 6 months. It is actually kind of sad because my workout shoes look new, but start to bother me and need to be replaced. I typically wash them and donate them for kids or to be…
  • I too am a Group Fitness Instructor. When I was attending Spinning classes at the local YMCA, the Fitness Director approached me about becoming an instructor. That is where I started. I now have 2 Spin Certifications, General Group Fitness Certification and a TurboKick (the version of TurboJam that you teach at a gym)…
  • I am so sorry. I had the same problem when I was 19. I lived literally on bread and water for almost an entire month until I had mine removed. I was so afraid to eat. One good thing was I lost weight (but it came back as soon as I got it out and could eat again). I still have issues with certain foods making me sick, but…
  • I personally would love to workout in the mornings, but with my work schedule and long commute, it doesn't always happen. My biggest problem is that once I start to workout I want to workout, so my workout times vary (anywhere from 30 minutes to 75 minutes). I typically workout when I get home from work (which is nice…
  • HRM = Heart Rate Monitor I have CE and with the HRM I see I am burning more calories than MFP was giving me. I had an inexpensive Polar one years ago that worked really well. I now have the F11 (for about the last 2 years) and absolutely love it. I have seen ones at Target and Walmart that you could get to just start out…
  • I am in and very excited. I love this place!!
  • I never thought about it, but love the idea. I just checked and I would need to be 6'6" to have a healthy BMI. I don't think I am going to get any taller, so I will just stick with all the wonderful people here and lose the weight. Thanks for the fun topic.