KellyAnneH Member


  • I just started today. How are you doing?
  • It may be that they noticed, but felt uncomfortable mentioning it. Lots of people avoid "noticing" that someone is looking thinner or healthier because they don't want to face their own need to do the same things. OR - they may not be saying anything to you but talking among themselves about how fabulous you're looking. :o)
  • My main one is a voice singing,"Can you hear me ringing? It's your cell phone and I love you, 'cause you're wonderful." For calls from the house phone (only used when I can't find the darned phone) "I'm over here! Under this stuff! Come and get me! I'm over here!" For occasional days when I feel extra silly I have the Lazy…
  • I track calories, protein, fibre and fat. I ignore sugar, since the only sugars I eat are packaged with protein and/or fibre, and they are what keep me from being hungry ALL the time.
  • As long as you stay within your calorie allotment you will lose - it's about calories in, calories out. That said, the QUALITY of what you put in your mouth and how sustainable your diet is are what will make all the difference in how you feel and whether the weight STAYS off. Since you know you can't sustain a diet…
  • 2 poached eggs (140) 1 slice lightly buttered toast (100) [read packages carefully - my bread is 70 cal per slice) 1 sliced orange (60) grilled chicken breast (110) 2 cups steamed broccoli (108) 100 grams red grapes (69) 1/2 of a large (round) whole wheat with flax meal waffle (150) [we make big batches, then toast them…
  • I'm a lot heavier than you and older, but, in my experience at your age the skin will shrink - just slowly. You'll give it the best chance of doing so if you make sure you eat a really healthy diet (lots of fresh veg, good protein, healthy fats) exercise and drink plenty of water. If it doesn't totally go away, think about…
  • This is very encouraging, thank you! We recently bought a treadmill and 2 weeks ago I started walking on it. In that time I've gone from barely managing 30 minutes at 2mph to really enjoying 60 minutes that include a warm up, 40 minutes at 2.5-2.8 and a cool down. I'm amazed at how quickly this middle-aged body is getting…
  • I make a stack of whole wheat and flax waffles on Sunday afternoon and we toast and top them with yogurt each morning. 350 calories that'll hold us for hours. (and coffee. Can't forget coffee!)
  • My Keurig and my new Breville Hot Wok. Love them both!
  • Yummy bump
  • Most people try to do their exercise all at once and that's fine, but it doesn't HAVE. To be done that way. Go up and down the stairs extra times, walk the long way to class, give your little one a piggyback ride, walk in place while you do your school reading. It's all about finding the "wanna."* * as in "I wanna do it"
  • We grind our own wheat, which makes everything better. :-) On the weekend I make a big batch of whole wheat waffles with added flax. On weekdays it's really quick to toast a waffle and top it with yogurt. Yumm!
  • Other than the Folgers with fake creamer (I'm a coffee snob) your diary is SO much better than a lot I've seen. If you're hungry I'd watch fibre, and I'd make sure you're getting some protein at every meal, but otherwise just give it TIME. You didn't gain the weight in 4 days - don't expect a loss every day. Try weighing…
  • I mix 2 tablespoons of flax meal into a singe-serve container of Greek yogurt. 200 calories, 19 grams of protein and 9 of fibre. It's the protein/fibre combo that is magical - keeps me full for a couple of hours - and it tastes good!
  • My freezer is my friend when it comes to treats. I did eat more yummiest than I really should have, but when I realised what I was doing I tucked it all into the freezer. I won't eat it frozen (too much expensive dental work) so I won't scarf it all down at once. If I have space in my calories for the day and have…
  • I'm beginning to think I'm weird. I'm almost 5'3" and aiming for 200#. My family Dr told me he'd like to see me down to 220# - Bariatric Dr said I'd be doing incredibly well to get to 250# but my GP and I want to prove him wrong. :-)
  • You'll give your skin its best chance of shrinking by eating WELL as well as staying within your calories and macronutrients. Fruit, veg, whole grains, quality protein and plenty of water. You can lose weight by just cutting calories, but you'll lose, feel great and look a heck of a lot better if you focus on improving…
  • I eat very little sugar and limit my grains to 2-4 servings a day and pretty much only eat whole grains at that, but don't think I could eliminate them entirely unless I had a serious health issue that required it. What about just switching to whole grains only? That would get rid of most of your trigger foods. (I could…
  • I faced the great equalizer this morning and am up 6.5# from last Monday. I'm not worried about it, since it should be pretty much all gone by next Monday. The last of my stocking treats are in the freezer and I'm kicking myself back on track with a couple of low ish carb days that'll get rid of the (mostly water) poundage…
  • I would be your friend, but: I am white - pasty, pasty white. My gramma was a Scot. I am 5'3 (almost) and have WAY more then 9.2lbs to lose. I am a Christian. I was born in September, I've heard of Silmarillion...
  • I have a pretty much set breakfast, but love oatmeal porridge as an easy lazy supper on a cold day. I use a moderate amount of Demerara sugar and log it. As one of the dietitians in the program I was in said, "If that's the worst thing in your day - relax and enjoy it!"
  • I'm TinkPink on Ravelry. :-)
  • I'm busily knitting cowls for the women/girls and neck-warmers for the men/boys on my list. Each takes a day and a single skein of Shetland Chunky to knit. I'm in Edmonton Alberta, so they'll get lots of use.
  • Honestly? None at all. Juice is yummy, but you're much better off eating the actual fruit. I just finished a program here called Weight Wise and one of the first things they tell us is don't drink your calories. One study they told us about found that people could drink as much as 700 calories in the form of juice and pop…
  • If calories in are less than calories out you will lose weight - no matter what time of day you eat them. Eating a LOT just before bed will give most people indigestion, but it's the numbers that matter for weight loss. I take pain meds at bedtime that need to be taken with food (major nausea otherwise) but as long as I…
  • You say you want clear suggestions, so here you are, in no special order. Pick one or two, practice them for a few weeks, then choose another, k? Breakfast - every day. Try for 3 food groups, like whole grains, dairy, fruit. (yogurt/fruit/granola, toast/eggs/fruit, cereal/milk/fruit) Switch to whole grains. They fill you…
  • I read back through your last couple of weeks and see a pattern of next to no breakfast, little fibre (keeps you feeling full) lots of fat, sugar and "fake food." I suggest you get your Dr to refer you to a dietitian for some help in planning a healthy diet (you're in Canada - it'll be free) and take a printout of a couple…
  • Hmmm... Stay fat, in pain, unable to put on my own socks or get around easily but possibly look a bit younger OR lose weight, reduce pain, be able to swim, bike, dance and generally have a much better life but risk looking a bit older. Which to choose, which to choose? You really need to ask?? Kelly-Anne (who thinks anyone…
  • Whole wheat waffles topped with yogurt and fruit are the perfect breakfast/lunch/supper meal at our house. :-) Kelly-Anne