Busy and cant find time to excerise

Hey my name is Tasheania and Im new to FITNESS PAL and I am very busy, I am a mom of two kids and I work 8-10 hours a day and Im starting school again, My husband is starting to and when he's in school i have to have the kid and vice versa and it seems like there isnt enough time in the day to fit a work out, and I NEED to lose these lbs before i lose my life or someting.....some one please give me some ideas on what to do!!!! Thanks in advance


  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    I have your schedule and I have time. I find it's best to have your own equipment. For instance I have my own exercise bike so I can get on that whenever I feel like it. That's not an option? There are always things you can do at home or at work on breaks. Run in place! Pushups! Situps! etc etc. You don't need necessarily need equipment. You can do it!!!!!
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    I have got to find the DESIRE to get up and exercise....
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    try Jillian michael's 30 day shred DVD. you can do it at home and it's only 20 mins!
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    Also... get a pedometer and keep it on your hip at all times. You don't have to run in place constantly for one 30 minute session, for example. Do 5 minutes here and there, whenever you can! At the end of the day try to reach 10,000 steps! I make it a goal to do 5 minutes of running in place for every bathroom break I take. Also, them moments when your preparing meals and your just standing there... run in place!
  • KellyAnneH
    KellyAnneH Posts: 38 Member
    Most people try to do their exercise all at once and that's fine, but it doesn't HAVE. To be done that way. Go up and down the stairs extra times, walk the long way to class, give your little one a piggyback ride, walk in place while you do your school reading. It's all about finding the "wanna."*

    * as in "I wanna do it"
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I had your schedule for a long time.... and I was able to exercise. It meant a twenty or thirty minute routine, and losing watching a TV show or a bit of sleep. You can do it, you just have to choose to do it.
    Personally, I got up early in the am, and did my workout while everyone else was asleep... I got up at 5:00 am and did it. Then I showered real quick, ate breakfast, and was at work by 7:00am.
  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    if you have comcast, do a couple of those 15 minute workouts a day. while the kids are doing their homework or taking baths just turn one on and move your body. I've been there too, kids, working full time, going to school plus kids in cheer, football, lego league etc and I'm on my own. I still found that if I had the willpower to do it, i could get in some type of movement somewhere.

    Or, take an iPod to work and walk on your lunch break. You can make it happen!!! :-)
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    How old are the kids? Can you take them to a local park, or on a walk, so you're getting your exercise and encouraging them to keep fit?
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Try and find some ways to workout at home or ways to incorporate the kids into working out. At home I use fitness DVDs, free weights, a stationary bike, treadmill, etc. I also have two kids and I can do these activities while they are in the house with me. Things they do with me that burn calories include taking a bike ride, going for a walk, dancing, swimming, playing in the park, etc.
    I find if you have the desire you can and will find time to do it. Remember YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Go for a nice brisk walk on your lunch break, or get up an hour early and go for a walk or run or if you could join a gym that has a kids club that's great, if kids are young get a double stroller
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I understand your dilemma...I am a single mom, work full-time, and am a full-time student. I find getting my daughter involved and exercising together works very well. I used to be like you and not think I had time, but I have learned that is just an excuse not to do it.

    Mary Ann
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Gotta get creative, girl. Where there's a will, there's a way. I finished up a degree not long ago while working full-time with 2 school age kids with all their activities (band, choir, football, basketball, etc etc) & worked it out, but it only works with proper planning. The planning part is challenging at first, but crucial to making it work. I'd plan out my meals the night before so I could make anything ahead I needed to & know I would meet my calorie goals the following day. Here's an example of what a typical school day would look like for me:

    6 am: get up, get kids up, get ready for work, pack my food for the day & load it up into my backpack with my laptop & books
    8 am: get kids out the door to bus, walk 1/2 mile to park & ride. Husband is retired & was willing to drive me to work any time I wanted, but I wanted the extra activity so I'd walk & take the bus to work. Once I got downtown I'd get off at the first stop & walk the remaining 1/2 mile to the office.
    3 pm: leave office early to walk 2.5 mi to campus. It took less than an hour & if I got there early enough I could sit & eat something I packed or go up & down the 5 flights of stairs in the building until class started. I arranged my schedule so I could leave an hour early on class days & work an hour late on the in-between days.
    4 pm: class, would eat my dinner during break
    7 pm: husband would pick me up, but I'd tell him to meet me across campus so I could walk an extra mile after class
    8 pm: get home, hang out with my kids a bit before bed, study for a couple hours
    11 pm: bed.

    If one of my kids had an activity in the evening my husband would take them, but say my son had football on a day I wasn't in class. I'd take him to the park to practice then go for a 5k run around the neighborhood & be back before practice was over.

    Mary Ann's right about excuses...everyone has excuses not to exercise. There are people way busier than you out there making this a priority. And think about how much more effective you'll be at all the other stuff in your life as a fit & healthy person.
  • arizonaladybug
    arizonaladybug Posts: 91 Member
    Try to Buy the Wii possibly you can play it with your kids and Wii fit. Im gonna try that. Also all the other suggestions are awsome.make the kids excercise with you. I have a 8 month old duaghter and work full time and my husband works nights and we live on a dirt road with tons of dogs but I try and go to the park with the stroller and do a few laps and then at least walk on my lunch break going to the gym takes too much time.
  • mommamindi
    I am a mom to a 6 year old, 4 year old, 16 month old and 6 week old. I homeschool my oldest daughter as well. I am in school taking 14 credit hours, an internship, working, and fitting in time to exercise. I do 5 minutes at a time whenever I can do it. And while I am writing this I am peddling away on my stationary bike....you do what you gotta do. GOOD LUCK!
  • jmaffett
    Use your lunch break and walk for 20 minutes (or more).
    Take the stairs at the office.
    Stand up when you're on the phone.

    Little changes like that will add up!
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Even 5 or 10 minutes a day is better than nothing. 5 minutes of step-ups or rope jumping can burn a surprising number of calories, and is something you can easily do while watching the kids (or with them, if they are old enough).
  • determinedsocialworker
    I think the first step is to engage everyone in the process.. not sure how old your child is, but get him/her involved if possible with working out, eating healthy, and make sure your husband is on the same page as you regarding your health. Second, and probably the most important (in my opinion), is make YOURSELF the priority... all of the things you've listed are real and are important, but YOU are the most important and if you don't get healthy, it is going to make all of those things.. school, work, activities... a lot less important because you may not be able to do them. It may mean less sleep or less time for other things, but like people said, spend some time planning your meals, and get active somehow. 30 Day Shred is a good way to do it if you are short on time... it's in your house, it's 20 or so mins and it will get you started... Lots of luck to you. :)
  • _CiaoParis
    Walk during you lunch break.
    Buy some workout DVDs? They are 15-30 minutes and I'm sure you'll have time for that.
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    If you want to do it - you'll find the time. Make it a priority as much as your job and kids, because YOUR health IS number 1 priority.
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I second the Pedometer suggestion. Yesterday I tried an app that I've had on my phone for a while and in the course of my 8 hour shift at work I walked 2.7 miles. Granted I have a job that has me on my feet but I was shocked at how much I was walking in the course of a day. And as far as exercise goes to get you started even if you do a few pushups and situps or what ever during commercials it really makes a difference. When I first started I could do 1 pushup now I can do 15 my daily workouts are usually around 30 minutes using bodyweight exercises and dumbbells and I find that if I get up a little early and do it first thing I am more apt to do it instead of waiting until I'm off work when I 'm tired. If all you can do is a few pushups or what ever it isn't required that you do them all at once. I have friends that do pushups and instead of doing 100 at once they will do sets of 10 or 12 through out the day so by the end of the day they have done 100. That's the beauty of bodyweight exercises all you need is a couple of minutes a few times a day and enough space to do the motion. I've seen people do exercises in cubicles on their break. Sure some people may look at you funny but it's even funnier when a couple of weeks later those same people are doing the same thing or walking on their break. I know this is a bit long winded but I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you don't have to have an hour or so block and a gym to get a good workout. The small things that you do throughout the day will have a cummulative effect.
